22. Monster Within

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In Netherworld

There was deep forest at midnight. Moonlight was shining trough trees and fireflyes were flying around, when red seal appeared in middle of it and two people walked out.

Sabrina was looking around. „Is this?"

„Yeah, Netherworld. Altho I never saw this place before." Izuku said, captivated by beauty around him.

„So, how can we find my father?" Sabrina said.

„Oh that. He will find us. I have no means to find him." Izuku said nonchalantly.

„That means we can only wait." Sabrina said and sighed.

„I guess so." Izuku said and sit on ground and looked at stars. „It's strange, but I feel like stars are only thing I actually miss from this realm."

They were sitting there for severeal minutes in silence.

Sabrina looked at Izuku, but noticed something. „Izuku, look at your left hand."

Izuku looked at it and saw it turned totally black. That was moment when he knew it was comming.

„Sabrina, it's comming. Get away and hide somewhere."

Sabrina looked hesitantl, but simply nodded and started to make distance between them.

Suddnely, agonizing pain overcame Izuku, however this time much stronger. Izuku was barely keeping it together, until he gave in and started screaming. Pain continued to grow for few minutes, until he finally blacked out.

In Izuku's mind

Izuku was floating in black void.

„Ugh, this place again. I wonder what I am even supposed to do if Satan isn't around anymore."

„Maybe I could entertain you then."

Izuku heard voice, but it was strange. He looked around and saw something that confused him. It was him, but in his champion armor. However his armor was darker, almost black.

„So, who are you." Izuku asked.

„Isn't it obvious. I am you."

„What do you mean by that?"

„Come on, we are smarter than that. I am your pain, anger and desire that you locked up."

„How can you be my desire?"

„You have desires. Many of them. You want revenge agains those who wronged you. You want to destroy everything that matters to them, am I wrong?"

„Yes you are wrong. I don't care about things like revenge. I don't care about anything anymore."

„Oh really? Let's take a peek into future. Show me you really don't care."

Champion said as he waved his hand. In blink of an eye, they were both standing on lava plains back in Hell.

„What is this supposed to mean?" Izuku said calmly.

Champion thought. „Time for little lie." „This is future like I said. Future that will come true if you don't let me out."

Champion said and pointed somewhere. Izuku looked there and lying body behind boulder. He couldn't see who's body it was, so he came closer and what he saw made chill go down his spine. It was Sabrina, or rather what remained of her. Her left arm was ripped off, she had hole in her stomach and left side of her face was burned, exposing her skull.

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