35. Awakening

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Izuku opened his eyes, awakening in dark void as always.

„This again? Come on." Izuku thought.

As Izuku tried to walk, something held him back, not letting him go. As he was stopped, bright red flames appeared everywhere around him, swirling everywhere around. Izuku however didn't feel threatened by those flames, for there was something about them that was calming him.

„Beautiful, isn't it?" Already known voice said to Izuku.

Flames suddenly grew bigger, creating somewhat of wall, blocking Izuku's view. In a second, those flames disappeared and shown new scenery.

It was straight path, lined with trees. Those trees had what looked like cherry blossoms, but they were made of red and pink flames. Path itself was perfectly paved with mix of light and dark grey stones.

Right in front of him, he stood there. Satan himself, wearing black coat.

Izuku wanted to go after him moment he saw him, but he couldn't move, nor speak.

Satan looked at him with sincere smile, no anger or ill intention behind it.

„When I was a child, only abit younger than you, I loved to dream. My imagination was only place where I could escape from this irrational, soul-tearing hatered that I was born with. But this place, this was my safe-zone, a place where I could do anything and lose nothing. I could burn this whole scenery down and get it back right in the next second."

„Somewhere down the line, an idea got into my head. „Why not bring these dreams into reality?" I know, it sounds too good right. But I still believed that I could do it, tho I would need much more power. That's when my conquest for power begun. From small monsters to god. I was so close and yet so far."

„You might be wondering why am I telling you all this. It's becouse I want you to understand why I did what I did." Satan got closer to frozen Izuku. „I said it before and I will say it again, I didn't want to end things the way they did."

„I understand that you will never forgive me, I get it, that is only fair. But I want you to know, sometimes we have to make difficult decisions where we can choose either ourselves or everyone else."

„But I want you to know, I never lost faith in you. Even when we fought, more above anything else, I wanted to see you grow. Even when I pierced your heart, I hoped for your return, becouse even if it didn't look that way, I always loved you."

„You were the son I never had. Inteligent, strong, fearless, unchainable and many other things. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of the man you became. So before this all ends, let me be honest with you."

„Even if you won't believe me, I am and always will be proud of you. You will always be my son and no matter what will get in your way, I know you will push trough it."

Tears started to roll down Izuku's cheeks as he was pulled into bear hug by Satan.

Satan slowly let go of him as his body started glowing.

„Well, our time is running out my boy. So let me give you one last piece of wisdom. No pretty words or gesture can erase that pain that's inside of your chest. If you want to be free, you have to face your past."

Satan said as his body started to disappear.

„Also, make sure to hug Sabrina once you wake up, I am pretty sure you weren't sleeping just for few hours by now. Goodbye my boy." Satan said laughting as he vanished.

Back to reality

Izuku slowly opened his eyes. Everything was blurry for a moment before his eyes adjusted to it and sat up.

He looked around to see that he was right now in bedroom. Very well looking one at that, but that was last of his concerns right now. Izuku noticed slight pressure on his leg. He looked and saw her. It was Sabrina, sleeping and slightly drooling on his leg.

Izuku chuckled and gently put her from his leg. He then looked at himself and realized he was almost naked. He noticed some clothes lying on the table next to his bed and decided to try them on.

 He noticed some clothes lying on the table next to his bed and decided to try them on

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As he expected, they fitted perfectly.

He then crouched to Sabrina and lightly shook her few times. Soft yawn escaped Sabrina's lips as she rubbed her eyes.

„Good morning sleepyhead." Izuku said.

Sabrina's eyes widened when she recognized his voice and quickly looked at him.

„Izu?" She said, her voice clearly shocked.

„Yeah, I am awake now." He said.

Tears slowly started falling on the ground from Sabrina as she quickly jumped on Izuku and tightly hugged him, while also tripping him on floor.

„Izu, you're back." Sabrina kept repeating between sobs.

It took her 10 minutes until she calmed down.

„Please tell me this isn't a dream." She said.

„Don't worry, it really isn't. I really am awake." Izuku reassured her.

Sabrinal stood up from Izuku.

„Come on, we have to tell my parents you are awake." Sabrina said.

Door into the room suddenly opened, revealing Lucifer and Ariana.

„MOM, DAD, IZUKU IS AWAKE." Sabrina shouted in joy.

Both of them smiled at their daughter's enthusiasm as they looked at Izuku.

„We are glad you are back kid." Lucifer said.

„Yes, we were worried you might never wake up again." Ariana said.

„Wait, how long was I out?" Izuku asked.

„Almost 2 months." Lucifer said nonchalantly.

„HUH?" That was all Izuku could say about these news.

Sabrina and her parents laughed at Izuku's absolutely confused face.

„Allright, I deserve it. I admit." Izuku said.

„Good, now since you are already dressed up, what do you say about showing yourself to your people, my king." Lucifer said, trying not to laught.

„Wait, how should I do that to begin with?" Izuku said.

„Just leave everything to me. This is the day when new Dark King has arised. I hope you are up for this kid."

Izuku smirked. „Bring it on."


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