Chapter 38

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"Katsumi!" Sora, Shu and Fubuki yelled in unison. Sora was the first to the injured blader's side. Her gold eyes widened when she saw what had happened.

Katsumi had her hands over her eyes, but the gash across the bridge of her nose wasn't covered by her hands. The wound very clearly showed that the girl's life had been changed forever.

Sora took her trench coat off and tore the right sleeve off of it. "Move your hands Katsumi." She said calmly. The blond moved her hands away from her eyes and Sora quickly wrapped the torn sleeve around Katsumi's head and tied it in the back. "That should help keep the wound protected until we can get you to a doctor." Sora said.

"Phi." Fubuki growled, glaring at the white haired blader. Sora heard Phi chuckle to her right and turned to face him. "The traitor got what she deserved although, I wasn't expecting her to come through the door first." Phi said. He was expecting me to come through the door first. Judging by where the wound is on Katsumi's face and her height, she just saved my life. Sora thought.

"You're gonna pay for that!" Fubuki yelled, running at the mismatched blader. He stopped short when he heard the sound of a hammer of a gun being pulled back. "I don't think he will." Ashtem's voice said. 

Souh stepped out of the shadow of the corner behind Phi with Ashtem close behind, holding a gun to the back of his head and the other aimed at Fubuki. "Not unless you want you and your friend to die." The masked man finished.

"Ashtem, you're taking this way too far!" Norman exclaimed. "I will not lose to meddling teenagers when I'm so close to my goal!" Ashtem yelled. He's gone mad. Sora thought. "You're outnumbered Ashtem. Drop the guns." Sable said. Ashtem let out a humorous laugh. "I think you missed a few minor details Silver Eye." He said.

Right as he finished speaking, several large doors that were along the walls of the room opened, revealing all of the missing bladers. All of them had their eyes trained on the group.

"I believe you are outnumbered." Phi said. "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." Sora said. "Let's test that theory then." Ashtem said.

As if on cue, Ashtem's army charged towards the group. Sora quickly grabbed Katsumi's left arm and led her to the back of the group. She then let go and turned to head for the control room when her right arm was grabbed. She turned her head to see Katsumi had grabbed her arm.

"Come back this time." The blonde said. "I will." Sora said before turning to leave. She felt the blonde tung at her arm again and turned to face her. "Promise me you'll come back this time." Katsumi said. Sora put her hands on Katsumi's shoulders. "I promise." She said.

Katsumi let go of Sora's arm and nodded. Sora's expression became somewhat saddened by the injured blader's plea. I hope I didn't just make a promise I can't keep. She thought.

She forced her expression to a neutral one and turned away from Katsumi. The sound of the bladers fighting echoed loudly in her ears. Gotta get to the control room and fast, I don't know how long we can last. She thought.

She looked up and saw a beam she could get on so she could get past the fight. She looked forward and ran towards the wall. She took three steps up the wall before pushing off of it and launching herself up towards the beam, twisting around to face it as she did. She barely caught the beam with her fingertips and winced in pain as her stitches were once again put under strain.

She pulled herself up and began making her way over the fight and to the middle door. With the door below her and the fight behind her, she dropped down from the beam and landed on the ground with her right knee on the floor, her left foot on the floor and her right arm streatched out to the side.

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