Chapter 4

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Sora watched as Aiger winced in pain after he launched. Not good, for Aiger anyway. She thought as she watched the beys fly around the stadium barely missing each other. They collided over and over again.

"Z Breaker!" Aiger yelled. "Dragon Scream!" Lui yelled. The two powerful moves collided and both beys were sent toward their owners, before bursting simultaneously in mid-air.

Aiger went to pick up the pieces to his bey but froze. His shoulder must have locked up. Sora thought. "Call a timeout!" A familiar voice yelled to Aiger. It was Ranjiro, who was soon joined by Naru and Hae-jin. "I can handle this!" Aiger yelled in defiance as he still struggled to pick up his bey.

"Ref I call a timeout!" Lui said before walking over to Aiger. "There's no use in crushing a crippled opponent." Lui said before kneeling down and picking up the pieces to Achilles and putting them together. He stood up and faced Aiger who had a look of surprise on his face. "Go get your arm fixed and come back." Lui said giving the maroon haired kid his bey. Aiger turned and walked off stage while Lui went back to his side of the stadium and waited.

Sora suddenly felt as if something bad was about to happen, she wasn't sure what it was but she couldn't shake the feeling. She continued to watch the TV and eventually Aiger came back.

The beys were launched once more and they collided within seconds. Achilles sent Luinor into the air. Big mistake kid. Sora thought.

"Time to make some wicked rainfall, Dragon Scream!" Lui yelled. Luinor fell at a high speed towards Achillies. "Z Whip!" Aiger yelled. The beys collided and Luinor burst within seconds. Lui and Sora's eyes were wide with shock. No way, he actually beat Lui? How? Sora thought.

Lui began to laugh before giving Aiger a gold level chip as a sign of his respect. "You did the impossible kid, consider this as a token of my respect." Lui said before turning to leave.

As Lui disappeared from sight the feeling Sora had gotten earlier worsened as if warning her something was about to happen to her friend. "Something's wrong." Sora said. "What do you mean?" Shu asked. "Something bad is about to happen, to Lui." Sora said.

~Lui POV~

Lui walked down the halls after losing his match with Aiger, unaware of the white haired figure following him. I wonder how Sora and Free are doing. Maybe it's time to pay them a visit. Lui thought as he walked down the hall.

He turned a corner to come face to face with Phi, he stopped in his tracks and glared at the white haired blader. "What do you want?" Lui asked, clearly annoyed by the white haired blader's presence. When Phi didn't answer, Lui walked right past him and continued down the hall.

Weird, usually he would say something. Like, 'I'm gonna destroy your bey.' or something like that. Lui thought. A gunshot sounded and he felt pain erupt from his chest. He coughed before collapsing to the ground, struggling to breath.

Phi stood above the blue haired blader. "You know, this is exactly what Gingka looked like before he died." He said. Lui looked up at him, shock on his face. "Yes, I killed Gingka Hagane. You and Free are next." Phi said coldly before leaving Lui on the ground as he fought for his life.

~Sora POV~

Sora paced the room, she was attempting to call Lui on his phone. "Come on, pick up, pick up." Sora said as the phone rang. It went to voicemail, Sora hung up and dialed Valt's number.

The phone rang for a moment before someone answered. "Hey Sora! How are you?" Valt said. "Valt are you still in Japan?" Sora asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. "Yeah, in fact I'm still at the stadium. I'm surprised that Aiger beat Lui." Valt said.

"Valt I need you to go find Lui. He isn't answering his phone, that isn't normal for him." Sora said, completely disregarding the Valtreyk blader's coment. "You think something's happened?" Valt asked. "Yes, now please find him." Sora said, panic making it's way into her voice. "Alright, I'm headed down the halls." Valt said.

His footsteps could be heard. Sora heard a cough come from the phone. "You heard that right?" Valt asked. "Yes, now hurry!" Sora said. Footsteps pounded ouve the phone as Valt began to run towards the source of the cough. He suddenly stopped, a gasp so shock coming from his mouth.

"I need some help over here!" Valt yelled. "Valt! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Sora asked, now panicking. "Lui has been shot." Valt said. Sora's eyes widened when she heard those words, her breathing hitched. She fell to her knees and tears began to fall from her eyes, her breathing was shallow. "No, please no!" Sora yelled.

Shu came running through the door, a look of alarm on his face. "Sora, what's wrong?" Shu asked. Sora didn't answer him. "Hold on Lui, help's on the way." Valt said. Lui's heavy breathing could be heard over the phone. "Lui please hold on." Sora pleaded.

"Sora, what's going on?" Shu asked again. Sora slowly turned her head to face Shu. "Lui has been shot." Sora said, she was scared for her friend. Shu's eyes widened in shock before he sat down next to the gold eyed blader.

"Sora I'm gonna have to let you go, the medics are here." Valt said. "Ok just tell me how he's doing ok?" Sora said. "I will. Bye." Valt said. "Bye." Sora said before Valt hung up the phone. She immediately engulfed Shu in a hug and let the tears fall freely.

"If you want, you can go to Japan and see him." Shu said. "I can't, there's nothing I can do." Sora said. The two sat on the floor and hugged each other for a few hours before Sora finally calmed down and let Shu go. She wiped the tears away before her phone began to ring again, it was Valt.

"Is he ok?" Sora asked after answering the phone. "He'll be ok in a few days, he was lucky. The doc said that the bullet barely missed his heart." Valt said. "Is he awake?" Sora asked. "Yeah, you wanna talk to him?" Valt asked. "Yes." Sora replied. Valt handed his phone to Lui.

"Hello?" Lui asked, his voice sounding a bit drugged. "Lui are you ok?" Sora asked. "Yeah I'm ok. How are you?" Lui asked. "I'm doing fine. I'm glad that you are ok. Who did this to you?" Sora asked. "That new blader called Phi. But I have something to tell you. Remember when you thought I killed your father?" Lui asked. "Yeah, but we found evidence that you didn't." Sora replied. "Well, I know who killed your father." Lui said. "Who?" Sora asked. "Phi. He told me after he had shot me that this was exactly what Gingka looked like before he died. He said he killed Gingka, he also said Free and I were next." Lui said.

Sora growled in anger, her scar glowed a gold color for a brief moment and fury filled her golden eyes. "After you're released Lui I want you to come to America. Ok?" Sora said. "I was planning on visiting you anyway." Lui replied. "Alright, I'll see you soon." Sora said. "Bye." Lui said before handing the phone back to Valt.

"Valt, you planning on visiting Spain anytime soon?" Sora asked. "Yeah." Valt answered. "Ok, I want you and Free to be careful and keep an eye out for Phi." Sora said. "We will." Valt said. "I've got to go, I'll talk to you later." Sora said. "Ok bye." Valt said. "Bye." Sora said before hanging up the phone.

She stood up and walked out of the room with Shu following, she walked into the training room where Fubuki and Katsumi were training. Sora walked to a treadmill and turned it up to as high she could run. Shu got onto another one and did the same.

Sora's mind raced, she was trying to think of how Phi could have known her father and knew that the information he gave to Lui was important to him. The TV came on and announced the Battleship cruise. He's going to be there more than likely, which means I better train harder. Sora thought.

Hanami's voice caught Sora's attention. "Sora Hagane, if you're watching this you have a message from Phi. Phi's face appeared on the screen, Sora growled in anger and her scar began to glow. "Sora Hagane, I'm pretty sure by now you've heard about your friend so I'll save my breath telling you about it. Just know that you brought this upon them." Phi said before his face disappeared from the screen.

"Woah, I don't know what that was about but it sounds serious." Hanami said. Sora stared out the window and ignored the TV. She thought back to what Lui said. However he knows, he just made the biggest mistake of his life by coming after my friends and family. Just know Phi, I am coming. For. You. Sora thought.

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