Chapter 5

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~Unknown POV~

A tall person with pale skin, razor-sharp teeth, and long lavender-white hair with bangs covering his right eye was talking on the phone. His left eye was green while his right was red. He wore a black collar with silver studs, and a black gloved, bodysuit with dark-yellow lines on the torso, arm sleeves, and legs. The lines on the torso are an acute angle and mirrored, with the angle points on the hip section, the arm sleeves has two lines, one on the inner arm section and the second on the outer, and the legs are on both the outer and inner thigh sections that join below the knee, splits off at the foot and form a square-like line on the boots. The suit also sports violet plating on the arm sleeves, a violet full-connected pauldron, two violet rings around each upper arm and each shin, and a violet belt with a silver buckle, which has a purple base, and a white robe with violet borders. The robe is segmented into four flaps: the front one has purple markings on it, the left and right flaps have a silver plating with purple markings, and the last one is pure white. The suit also sports white hexagons with chartreuse borders: three on the pauldron, two on each forearm, and one on the left and right robe flap.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice holding a bit of hostility. "I need you to capture Sora Hagane before the battleship cruse. And if you can, capture Shu Kurenai as well." A voice said.

"That doesn't give me much time. What's in it for me?" The white and lavender haired blader asked. "Getting the championship title." The voice answered. "I'm in." The white and lavender haired blader said before hanging up the phone.

"Evel." The white and lavender haired blader called. A tall man with pale skin, dark eyes with purple rings, dark circles under his eyes, and azure hair with three bangs standing out on each temple, the ends appear cape-like, and five dark-sapphire stripes starting at the back of his head and goes to the front of his scalp. He wore a white lab coat and trousers, a midnight-blue shirt with a yellow stripe and bolo tie, a long black and light-blue belt tied twice around his waist, white gloves, and white shoes.

"Yes Hearts?" Evel asked. "Give me all the information you have on Sora Hagane and Shu Kurenai." Hearts replied. Evel quickly pulled out what looked to be a tablet, he began to quickly tap random buttons until coming to a stop.

"Sora Hagane. Number on blader in the world, the spin empress in Japan, one of the Big Five, she is also Gingka Hagane's daughter and the niece of Ryuga. She was made a orphan when she was eleven, she lost her uncle and more of her family members a few months later. She is the current team captain of the Raging Bulls but she mainly helps train the kids who join. Her bey is Cho-z Draco, it uses the metal seven and the tip absorb. It can spin in both directions, and has rubber on the layer, it also has Cho-z wings." Evel said.

"And Shu Kurenai?" Hearts asked. Evel tapped more buttons. "Shu Kurenai. Second best blader in the world, one of the Supreme Four and the Big Five. He is the current owner of the Raging Bulls. He and Sora are in a relationship. His bey is Cho-z Spryzen. It uses the metal zero the frame wall and the tip zeta dash. It can spin in both directions. Its tip can change into three different modes which are Attack, Defence, and Stamina. It also has Cho-z wings." Evel said before looking at Hearts who at the moment had a neutral expression on his face.

"Did you say that Shu Kurenai and Sora Hagane are in a relationship?" Hearts asked. "Yes." Evel replied. "Perfect, I know exactly how to catch them both." Hearts said, a wide grin appearing of his face.

~Sora POV~

Sora watched as her bey rocketed around the stadium, she picked it up and put it in her bey holder. She walked to the elevator which took her to the bottom floor where Shu, Fubuki and Katsumi were waiting. "I'll be back before you know it." Sora said before kissing Shu on the lips. Katsumi and Fubuki quickly looked away. "Ew!" The twin chorused.

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