Chapter 6

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~Shu POV~

Shu paced the empty training room, worry evident on his face. Sora was missing and Katsumi was too scared to leave her room. Why didn't I go with her?! I could have prevented this from happening! He thought. He let out a sigh as he attempted to calm himself. Blaming yourself won't do anything. He thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar blue flame haired blader walking into the room. "Where's Sora?" Lui asked. "I don't know." Shu answered as he turned to face the purple eyed blader.

"What do you mean you don't know? What's going on Kurenai?" Lui asked. "Sora went missing this morning." Shu answered. "How?!" Lui asked. "I would say ask Katsumi, she was there. But she's too scared to even come out of her room. Whatever happened, it wasn't good." Shu explained.

Fubuki walked into the room with Katsumi following close behind. "I was able to convince her to come out. She's pretty shaken up." Fubuki said. Lui turned and faced the twins and walked towards them, Fubuki stood protectively in front of his sister who let out a whimper.

"I just want to know what happened to Sora." Lui said. "Some guy with white and lavender hair has her. I don't know who he was." Katsumi said quickly. Lui looked shocked for a moment.

"Do you know who it is Lui?" Shu asked. "It's Hearts. But why would he want to capture Sora?" Lui said. "Maybe we could find something if we went to where she disappeared." Katsumi said, stepping out from behind her brother.

~Small Timeskip~

Shu, Lui, Katsumi and Fubuki searched the clearing for any evidence as to why Hearts would have taken Sora. So far they had just found a empty dart. "There's got to be something." Shu said.

A gray haired man with lilac eyes appeared out of nowhere, making the group jump in surprise and face him. "Who are you?" Lui asked. "I am Count Night. I'm afraid that you won't find anything on your friend's disappearance." The gray haired man replied. "How do you know about her disappearance?" Katsumi asked. "I'm afraid I can't tell you. I've already said too much." Count Night said before disappearing into the shadows.

"He definitely knows more than he's telling us." Fubuki said. "Something tells me he had something to do with it." Shu said. The group continued to search the area for anything linked to their friends disappearance.

Shu walked towards a building and opened the door. He stood face to face with Hearts. "Where's Sora?" Shu asked. "Oh don't worry, you'll be joining her soon." Heart replied with an evil smirk on his face.

Shu's eyes widened, he turned and ran from the white and lavender haired man. He felt something prick the back of his neck. His vision blurred and he fell to the ground. He attempted to get back up but he blacked out.

~Lui POV~

Lui heard footsteps racing towards the group followed by a sound of someone hitting the ground. He ran towards the sound to see Shu passed out on the ground. "Fubuki, Katsumi, get over here!" Lui yelled before running towards Shu. There was a dart in the back of his neck.

Fubuki and Katsumi were soon at Lui's side, they lifted Shu to his feet and Fubuki put Shu's right arm over his shoulders while Katsumi put his left arm over her shoulders. "Let's get him out of here." Lui said. The twins dragged Shu towards the car with Lui following behind them.

Hearts appeared in front of them, blocking their path to the car. Lui stepped in front of them and growled at Hearts. "Hand him over and we won't have any trouble." Hearts said. "Sorry but that's not happening." Lui said. "I'll just take him by force then." Hearts said before charging toward the twins. Lui tackled Hearts and they began to fight.

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