Chapter 29

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Sora awoke to the sound of birds singing outside the window. She sat up and stretched before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and standing up. No nightmares had plagued her sleep for the first time in a while, bar the short naps she had taken in the day after her return from the Dead Gran. She looked around her room, the light from the sunrise illuminated the light brown walls, white dressers and bedframe, and oak wood planks that had been stained a dark color made up the floor. She walked to the dresser and opened the top drawer, in it was a box that was big enough to hold two beys. She closed the dresser and walked to the dark brown door before opening it and walking to the living room. No need to open that box. She thought. When she walked into the living room she saw Lui sleeping on one of the couches, Free asleep on another couch, Shu laid back in one of the chairs, and Valt sprawled out on the floor next to another couch as if he had fallen off. Sora smiled before walking to the door and opening it, making sure she didn't disturb the sleeping bladers. She walked outside, the calm atmosphere almost made her forget why she was here. Two days left after today. Two days until I go against Phi. Two days... until I find out what life has in store for me. Sora thought. She saw Hyoma walking out of his house and waved at him. "Morning Hyoma." She said. "Good morning to you too Sora. You sleep good?" Hyoma said. "Better than I have been." Sora replied. "If you and your friends are hungry I've got breakfast ready." Hyoma said. "I better go wake them up then." Sora said. She walked back into the house to see her friends still asleep. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed two old frying pans and walked into the living room and stood in the middle. On a mental count of three, she started banging them together, startling the sleeping bladers. Shu and Free jolted awake, Lui jumped up off the couch and landed on the floor, and Valt screamed and quickly jumped to his feet. The four bladers looked around and spotted Sora with the two pans in her hands. "You! I'm gonna get you for that!" Lui growled. Sora dropped the pans and took off running outside with the four bladers hot on her tail. She ran towards Hyoma's house as fast as she could. "OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR!" Sora yelled as she got closer to Hyoma's house. Hyoma opened the door, his eyes widening when he saw what was going on. He jumped back from the door, letting it open all the way before the five bladers ran inside. Sora used one of the chairs to jump up and grab a rafter before kicking the chair over and pulling herself up and laying on the rafter. The four bladers gathered below her and glared up at her. Sora stuck her tongue out at them as she was out of their reach. "Just you wait, I'm gonna get you back for that." Lui growled. "I figured you guys would want breakfast." Sora said. "You could've been nicer about waking us up." Free said. "But it was funner that way, plus I got you guys up." Sora said. "I will get you back." Lui said. "Come on, breakfast is gonna get cold." Hyoma said. Sora dropped down from the rafter, lightly landing on her feet. The five bladers walked over to the table and saw five plates that had steamed rice and grilled fish and five bowls of miso soup next to the plates. "Haven't had this in a while." Sora said as the group sat down at the table. "I figured this would give you more energy for your training later." Hyoma said. Sora picked up a piece of the grilled fish with her chopsticks and took a bite, smiling at how good it was. Free tilted his head to the side, looking at the chopsticks he held in his right hand. He looked lost as he was trying to figure out how to use them. "Um... I forgot how to use these." He said after a few minutes. "I'll show you." Sora said after swallowing her third bite of fish. "First, you hold the first chopstick like a pencil, about one-third of the way from the top. Next, you place the second chopstick against your ring finger, holding it with the base of the thumb. It should be pointing the same way as the first chopstick. Then, you move the first chopstick with your thumb, index, and middle fingers." She explained. Free followed her instructions and picked up a piece of fish before eating it. His eyes widened a little at the taste and he continued eating the fish. Valt was currently shoveling the food in his mouth while the rest were taking their time. "Are Zyro, Shinobu, Ren, Sakyo, and Takanosuke going to join us?" Sora asked. "They've already eaten. They're probably in the old arena right now." Hyoma said. "Oh, ok." Sora said. After they finished the group walked outside and into the old arena. Currently Zyro and Sakyo were battling in the Zero-G stadium. The stadium tilted wildly as the beys clashed. "Hey guys! They'll be done in a few minutes." Ren yelled from the other side of the arena. Right as she said that, a bey was sent flying out of the stadium where it hit the ground and Zyro dropped to his knees. "How?!" The black and orange haired blader said. "You should know I'm not the same as all those years ago, Zyro." Sakyo replied. "One more time!" Zyro said as he got to his feet. "Maybe after you're done training Sora." Sakyo said, now looking back at the white and gold haired blader. "Sorry to ruin your fun." Sora said. "No worries. We battle all the time." Zyro said. The platforms lowered, allowing the two bladers off and Zyro picked up his bey from the ground. Everyone left the arena, Sora, Zyro, Shu, Lui, Valt, and Free heading to the forest, Ren, Shinobu, and Takanosuke heading to the plains to set up a stadium, and Sakyo headed to another part of the forest to train.

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