Chapter 39

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The two bladers fought in fierce hatred, close to the canyon. Sora used her speed and smaller size to her advantage as she dodged Phi's attacks and countered with her own.

Phi threw a right hook at her head, she ducked before countering with a punch to his stomach. The mismatched blader stumbled back with a grunt of pain, holding his hands over his stomach.

"It's over Phi. Everyone is free of you and Ashtem's control." Sora said. "I'm not even close to finished! I'm not stopping until I put you six feet under!" Phi yelled. He pulled out a knife and charged at the gold eyed blader, swinging the knife at her. Sora jumped back, dodging the blade.

Phi swung at her again, only for her to grab his wrist and stop the knife from coming at her. "What do you think is gonna happen after you kill me? As we speak, the bladers are destroying Ashtem's lab and all of his equipment. You can't control them anymore." Sora said. "I'll still be the top blader and I will rule with an iron fist. I will put down those who dare to defy me." Phi replied.

Sora jumped up and kicked Phi in the chest with both feet, letting go of his wrist and backflipping away from him. She then stood up and glared at the mismatched blader. "A rule of tyranny will spark a rebellion. We are not meant to be tyrant rulers, we are supposed to protect Beyblade and our fellow bladers from wannabe kings like you and madmen like Theodore." She said.

Phi charged at the gold eyed blader once more and swung his knife at her, only for her to duck under the knife before quickly standing straight and uppercutting him in the jaw. The mismatched blader was knocked down onto his back but he didn't waste any time jumping to his feet. His eyes widened when he realized Sora was nowhere to be seen.

Lightning flashed overhead as the white and gold haired blader came out of nowhere and jabbed Phi in the side before disappearing again. Phi looked around, infuriated and confused as to how he couldn't see his opponent coming.

Sora struck the white haired blader again, this time in his chest, knocking him off his feet before disappearing once more. She watched from her spot in the shadows as Phi jumped to his feet and scanned the area around him, glaring at everything.

Draco isn't the only one who knows how to hide in plain sight. Sora thought. She attacked again, striking Phi in the stomach before disappearing. The mismatched blader jumped to his feet once more, looking absolutely furious.

The thunder began roaring more regularly as the lightning flashed wildly overhead. The storm was about to hit and both bladers knew that the fight had to end soon. Now or never. Sora thought.

Lightning flashed behind Phi as a bolt went into the canyon, followed by a short cry of pain coming from the jungle in front of him. Phi turned his attention to the shout to see Sora had jumped from a tree to attack once more.

The lightning had temporarily blinded the gold eyed blader and made her squeeze her eyes shut. The two collided but Phi was ready this time. Sora let out a short pained breath as Phi's knife impaled her right side.

Both bladers had been knocked to the ground by the force of the impact. Phi used their momentum to kick the white and gold haired blader off of him and towards the canyon's edge.

Sora landed by the edge and opened her eyes just in time to see herself fall over the edge. She quickly reached out her hands and grasped the edge, letting out a cry of pain as the stitches on her chest came close to ripping and the new wound on the right side of her stomach was also put under strain.

She looked down, seeing a fire quickly beginning to spread from the tree the lightning had struck. The smoke was beginning to rise up towards the two bladers as the vegetation burned below.

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