Chapter 1

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Sora ran through the woods in the shadow of night. She was breathing heavily and bleeding from her shoulder and side. I can't let him catch me. She thought.

Blood stained her gold and white colored shirt, her black pants had dirt caked at the bottom. She had taken two gunshot wounds to her right side, one just below her ribs and the other  had narrowly missed her stomach.

She looked over her shoulder to see nothing behind her, she tripped over a tree root and rolled to the edge of a cliff. Sora winced in pain as she struggled to get to her feet. Someone suddenly grabbed the gold eyed blader by the throat and held her in the air. She grabbed the person's wrist and tried to get free of their grasp. Their hold tightened on Sora's throat, cutting off her air.

She looked the person in the eyes, their right eye was a dark blue and their left was blood red. "You won't get away with this." Sora managed to choke out. "Good. Because I want you to remember this." Her attacker said.

Sora felt another sharp pain tear through her left side, she looked down to see a bloody knife just below her ribs. The person held Sora over the edge and pulled the knife out of her side, earning a chocked cry of pain from the girl. They then let her go, causing her to plummet from the cliff.

Sora closed her eyes and felt herself fall several feet before she felt the painfull sting of the water making contact with her back before engulfing her entirely. Her eyes snapped open and all she saw was water. She swam to the surface, ignoring the pain.

When she breached the surface she took in a huge breath of air before she began to swim down the river, looking for the shore. The wieght of the water and the blood loss she was experiencing quickly began to drain her energy. She fought to stay above water, sometimes accidently swallowing it.

The sun began to rise sometime later and Sora finally spotted a small bank with a cave close by. She swam towards it and dragged herself onto the pebble covered ground. She lay there, trying to catch her breath.

She glanced at her wounds, none of them were minor. They were bleeding heavily, it was a wonder she hadn't lost consciousness by now. She let herself relax as she laid her head back on the ground, wincing as pain flared up from her wounds. I probably shouldn't have looked. Who was that guy? Sora thought.

She heard footsteps headed in her direction and her vision suddenly began to blur. A blue colored blur was running towards her. When it got closer it appeared to be a boy with spiky gray hair and turquoise eyes wearing a worn-out honolulu-blue gi with rips and the sleeves torn off at the shoulders, a jet-black belt, jet-black shoes and white wraps on the forearms and ankles.

"Hey! I'm going to get you some help ok?" the boy said. Sora nodded in response. "Xander, I need some help over here!" The boy shouted. Xander? Sora thought. Exaustion suddenly washed over her and she began to close her eyes. "Hey, I need you to keep your eyes open." The boy said, making Sora's eyes shoot open. "What's your name?" The boy asked. "S-Sora Hagane." Sora replied. "You're the number one blader in the world!" The boy said in awe.

Sora heard more footsteps and looked up to see Xander running towards them. "Sora?" The red haired blader questioned. "The one and only." Sora replied weakly. Xander gently lifted her up off the ground. "Hold on, just keep your eyes open ok?" Xander said. "Sure." Sora said.

They ran out of the ravine and out of the woods. Bespite her efforts to keep them open, Sora's eyes began to close once more. "You need to stay awake Sora." Xander said. The wounded blader let out a groan as she forced her eyes to stay open. They arrived at some kind of castle or something, Sora really couldn't tell because of her blurry vision.

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