Chapter 21

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"Listen up my little misfits, it's time to begin! Right now we have Hearts vs Aiger Akabane! You don't want to miss this match so strap in and keep your hands on the remote! Just so you know Aiger, the pride of being the former champ won't get you anywhere! You're going to suffer another pathetic defeat!" Damian said. "No matter what, I'll make sure to crush you!" Aiger growled, his purple eyes burning with hatred. Hearts lifted up his left hand toward Aiger, his hand was curled up in a fist. Aiger narrowed his eyes at Hearts just before the white and lavender haired blader quickly spread out his hand. "Burst into smithereens! Achilles is sure to make great fireworks!" Hearts said. "There it is! Hearts has predicted a burst victory!" Damian said. "Who do you think you are?" Aiger asked, his voice filled with fury. "They are doing this to get him riled up so he'll lose his cool. Little do they know that they are actually talking to Ashtem right now." Sora said. "Don't let him get to you!" Fubuki yelled as he stood up. "You gotta keep your cool! Come on man!" Ranjiro yelled. Aiger mumbled something to himself before he and Hearts got into their launching positions. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" The two yelled in unison. Achilles spun around in the stadium in attack mode. Hades and Achillies collided in the center of the stadium and Achilles was sent backwards. Aiger winced in pain and his eyes seemed to flicker from purple to turquoise before turning back to purple. "You guys saw that right?" Sora asked. "There's something in his bey that allows Ashtem to control him. He's changed the device." Shu said. Hades spun around in the center of the stadium, Achillies kept attacking it and was knocked back each time. Everytime the two beys collided, Aiger's eyes would flicker from purple to turquoise before turning back and the maroon haired blader would wince in pain. "It all comes down to a battle of will! I didn't expect this to start at the climax!" Damian said. "How's that?" Aiger yelled. "I see your skills have matured a little. Good for you. But is that all you've got? Now come at me!" Hearts yelled. The beys kept colliding but this time they were hitting harder than before. Aiger's eyes kept flickering from purple to turquoise every time the beys collided. "The device is in Achilles' layer. Due to the metal in Hades layer, the bey weighs more than a normal one. Achilles' layer is under a lot of stress from taking all of those heavy attacks. I have a feeling that Achilles' layer is coming close to cracking, or worse." Sora said. "If Achilles breaks then Aiger should be free. Right?" Valt asked. "Yes. But, I don't think Achilles is going to break just yet." Sora said. "I'm going to destroy you!" Aiger yelled, causing the white and gold haired blader to snap her attention back to him. "Dread Impulse!" Hearts yelled. The two beys collided and Achilles was sent out of the stadium. Aiger fell to his knees, panting. "A ring out finish. One point awarded to Hearts." A robotic voice said. "How are you hanging in there half pint? Are you having fun yet?" Hearts asked. "Huh?!" Aiger said as he looked up at the white and lavender haired blader, a mix of pain, fear, and anger on his face. "This is just the beginning!" Hearts said. Aiger grabbed Achillies from the floor and slowly stood up before glaring at Hearts. "Just you wait, I'll crush you. You hear me?! This will be the end for you!" Aiger growled. Sora's eyes widened at the look on Aiger's face. It reminded her of Shu when he had gone up against Valt the first time during the International Bladers cup two years ago. "If this keeps up we're in trouble." Valt said. "That's enough already Aiger!" Ranjiro yelled as he quickly stood up, causing the four bladers next to him to turn and look at him. "Keep this up and you're the one that's gonna be crushed!" He continued. Aiger turned around to face the blond, his expression filled with anger. "Who asked you? Just stay out of this Cap'n!" Aiger yelled. "Say what?!" Ranjiro said. Aiger turned back to face the stadium and glared at Hearts. The kid is going to lose. Sora thought. Aiger and Hearts got into thier launching positions once more. Aiger's hair turned a bright but evil crimson color and it broke free from his hair band. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" The two yelled in unison. Achilles and Hades spun around in, both spinning around the center. "Won't Aiger ever learn that resistance is futile? Stick around if you want to witness another pathetic defeat!" Damian said. "Lets go!" Aiger yelled. Achilles hit Hades but was knocked back into the center. "It's time! Dread Gravity!" Hearts yelled. Hades began to spin rapidly around the center, knocking Achillies back every time it tried to escape. Hearts knows he has the advantage. He's just showing off! Sora thought bitterly. Hades kept getting closer and closer to the center, trapping Achilles. "This is wrong. This is all wrong! Aiger!" Valt yelled. The two beys collided in the center and Achilles burst. Aiger fell backwards and laid on the ground, staring at the ceiling, his eyes had returned to thier normal turquoise color. "Would you look at that, a burst! Can't say Hearts didn't warn you. He is notorious for bursting bubbles!" Damian said. "That was awesome! This is the best day of my life! It can't get any better than this!" Hearts cheered. Aiger got to his feet and picked up the pieces to his bey. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Aiger yelled before running off stage and out of the arena. Sora stood up and opened her mouth to say something but Valt beat her to it. "Hey Hearts!" Valt yelled. Hearts looked away from where Aiger had disappeared and up at Valt. "Is that what blading means to you?" Valt asked. "What was that? You're gonna have to speak up. Something to say, Valt Aoi?" Hearts taunted. "I'll show you true power. With Draco!" Sora yelled as she glared at Hearts. "You hear that? That's some big talk from the former world champion, Sora Hagane and her friend Valt Aoi. They must not know their place!" Damian said. "Oh shut it clown boy!" Sora snapped as she turned her head to glare at the commentator's box. After a moment of silence, Sora turned her head back to Hearts. "Go Sora, we're counting on you." Shu said. "Oh don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for me to play with you." Hearts said before he walked out of the arena. Ranjiro ran out of the arena to find Aiger. Sora, Valt, Shu, and Fubuki walked out of the arena and to the room where they had first run into Aiger. "I'm going to go find Ranjiro and Aiger." Fubuki said before running out of the room. "So Sora, why did Hearts kidnap you?" Shu asked. "Phi asked him to. Apparently he had plans for the Battleship cruise that he didn't want me interfering with. He's also after Free, Lui, and possibly you two as well." Sora said. "Why?" Valt asked. "Because he wants revenge on me for something I did when I was little. He wants me to feel despair until I can't take it anymore. He wants to completely destroy me by destroying everyone and everything I care about." Sora said. "What did you do?" Shu asked. "When we were little, Free and Lui had just moved away. Phi, Hearts, and I were just talking in the woods and they told me that they were moving away the next day. I kinda snapped at them and turned my back on them. I was just a stupid little kid back then! But Phi hates me because I did that. I guess to him, I became like the kids that made fun of him back in Koma Village. I regret snapping at them but Phi won't forgive me. He's working with Ashtem. He's already murdered Gingka, Kyoya, Ryuga, and Kenta." Sora said. "Sora, I-" Valt stopped himself from speaking and engulfed the white and gold haired blader in a hug. Sora looked shocked for a moment before she returned the hug. "I'm just so scared of losing you guys." Sora said. "We'll stick by your side Sora, just like we always have." Valt said. "Thanks." Sora said. The two bladers let go of each other, both of them smiling. "Hello all you boys and girls! It's good to be back!" Hanami's voice echoed from the speakers. "Hanami? I wonder what's going on?" Sora said. "I come to you today with some big news you're not going to believe! In a series of shocking events, the challenger for the next title match has been confirmed. After her mysterious disappearance, Sora Hagane has returned and will be the next challenger to go up against Hearts! The match will be taking place in the Dead Gran, at the dark citadel! So tune in and don't miss a second of the action!" Hanami said. "So, how bad is Aiger?" Valt asked. "He's misguided. He thinks that Ashtem is trying to make him stronger." Shu said. "He's very stubborn and won't listen to anything we say." Sora said. "So what's your plan?" Valt asked. "I'm gonna show both Hearts and Aiger what real blading is." Sora said before turning and walking down the hallway to the arena with Shu and Valt following behind her. They reached the fork and Sora turned right while Shu and Valt went left. The gold eyed blader kept walking until she reached the entrance to the arena. She stayed in the dark hallway, waiting for her name to be announced. "Welcome thousand ghouls. It's time to get hyped!" Damian began. Oh no... please not him. Sora thought. "For this title match, it's you underground commentator, Mister Dami-" Damian was cut off. "No, the Damian show has been cancelled! Hello everyone, it's your official announcer, Senior Hamami. I'm here to give you the play by play that you deserve!" Senior Hamami said. Oh thank you... I'm gonna thank him and Chris later. Sora thought as she let out a sigh of relief. "With that out of the way, let get this thing started!" Senior Hamami said. Sora heard the loud cheers of the crowd. Their cheers reminded her of Kurt's followers. Must be Hearts' fans. Sora thought. "Hearts vs Sora Hagane! A match between current and former champions! Will Hearts be able to successfully defend his title this time? Or will Sora claw her way back to the top spot? The entire world is watching this title match, and we are bring it to you from the Dead Gran. Hearts home turf! Let's get this started by bringing out our challenger! With her pride on the line, she's known for being able to take anyone on! She's the daughter of Gingka Hagane. It's Sora Hagane!" Senior Hamami said. Sora walked out of the dark hallway and into the arena, ignoring the boos of the crowd as she walked towards the stadium. She stopped in front of the stadium and stared at the other entrance to the arena. "Now to bring out the champion! He's a complete enigma. Huh?" Senior Hamami said, his voice conveying his confusion as the light turned out. "Haha! Will you be able to give me the fun I desire? Huh Miss former chumpion?" Hearts voice echoed throughout the arena. The white and lavender haired blader jumped out of a hole in the floor and a wall of flames briefly erupted from behind him. "What an explosive entrance! It's Hearts and his bey Dead Hades!" Senior Hamami said. Hearts landed on the ground in front of the stadium, stood up straight and faced Sora. "I hope you're ready Hearts. Because I'm gonna take my title back and teach you a lesson." Sora said calmly. "Oh, Cho-Z Draco has come to play. Too bad this will be it's last battle ever!" Hearts said. "We'll see about that." Sora replied.

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