Chapter 16

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~Sora POV~

"He beat you? How?" Hearts asked. Sora opened her eyes and looked up to see both Phi and Hearts. "That's none of your concern." Phi replied, his voice cold. He must have noticed Sora was awake because the next thing the gold eyed blader knew was that Phi was walking towards her. "So, how did you like the destruction of Valt's bey? Astonishing wasn't it?" Phi asked. Sora growled in anger as she thought back to Valtryek shattering. "That wasn't right. Aiger shouldn't have done that." Sora replied. "Well I thought it was beautiful. Even though Aiger himself wasn't the one who did it." Phi said, his voice was a taunting one. "I noticed. I know what's going on Phi. You and Ashtem are working together." Sora growled. "Ah, so you have noticed? You're more observant than I remember Sora. Perhaps you have changed a small bit. But no matter, by the time you get out of here it will be too late for you to stop me." Phi said. Sora kept silent as she looked at the floor, mentally laughing at Phi's overconfidence. "I'm done torturing you for now. I have other things to attend to." Phi said before walking out of the room. Hearts stood there for a moment before deciding to speak. "I have that match with Aiger today. You're looking at the soon to be champion." He said, trying to lighten the mood. Sora looked up at the white and lavender haired blader. "You know I'll be coming for that title Hearts, so watch out." She said. "Is that a challenge?" Hearts asked. "Yep. And I know I'll win." Sora replied. "I better go, I have a title to win." Hearts said before turning and leaving the room. My plan is now in motion. Sora thought as she smiled to herself.

~Fubuki POV~

Fubuki was still stressed about his twin sister's sudden disappearance. He looked at the broken pieces of Alter Forneus on Katsumi's desk for a moment before turning and leaving her room. He walked out of their house and down the street towards the Grand Arena. Aiger was making his debut as the new champion at the Grand Arena today. Something about the maroon haired blader's win didn't sit right with Fubuki. Something was off about Aiger and Fubuki intended to find out what. He entered the Grand Arena and walk down the hallways until he reached the small room where the district tournament for Begoma was held. There was a humongous crowd of people surrounding the front of the table Aiger was sitting at. Fubuki walked to the front of the crowd and stood by Ranjiro. "So, still no sign of her?" Ranjiro whispered. Fubuki shook his head and sighed. "No. I can't find anything." Fubuki replied. "Why don't you ask for Shu's help?" Ranjiro asked. "He's already trying to find Sora. I don't need him stressing himself out trying to find Katsumi too. I just wish I could find some kind of clue as to where she went." Fubuki whispered. "Katsumi is strong Fubuki. She probably giving whoever took her a lot of trouble." Ranjiro said. "I know, it's just... I can't let anything happen to her. I don't know what I'd do if something did." Fubuki said. Their conversation was interrupted when a white and lavender haired man jumped over the crowd and landed in front of the table Aiger was sitting at. "So, you're the one who defeated my brother?" The man asked. "Yeah, and who are you?" Aiger asked. "I am Hearts. And you must be the so-called new champ." The man replied. "You got that right. What do you want?" Aiger asked. "I've come to show how much of a fraud you really are." Hearts said. "What did you say?" Aiger growled. "I'm here to challenge you for that title you stole." Hearts said. Aiger jumped over the table and tried to run over to Hearts before he was stopped by Ranjiro. "Hey, cool it!" Ranjiro said. "I won that title fair and square!" Aiger yelled. "Did you really? Last time I checked Sora wasn't the one who lost. Valt Aoi was. I know she didn't appreciate you breaking her friend's bey." Hearts said. Wait, he mentioned how Sora felt when Valtreyk burst. He knows where she is. Fubuki thought. "Sora was the one who told Valt to take over her title matches if she went missing! Therefore I won the title fair and square! It isn't my fault Valtryek was too weak to take on Achilles!" Aiger said. "Keep telling yourself that. It won't matter after I win the first round with a burst finish, giving me two points. Then I'll win the second round with two points, therefore giving me four points." Hearts said. "We'll see about that!" Aiger yelled. Fubuki felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He turned, left the room, and walked down the hallway before looking at the phone to see it was a text from none other than Valt Aoi. It said, Meet me outside of the Grand Arena. Fubuki was confused as to why Valt wanted to meet him outside of the Grand Arena. He walked farther down the hallway and outside of the building. He didn't see the blue haired blader right away. "Valt? Valt, are you here?" Fubuki asked. A blur of blue came running from around the corner and towards Fubuki. "Not again!" Valt's voice yelled. Fubuki turned to see Valt running towards him. They collided and both were knocked to the ground. "Ow." Fubuki groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head. Valt stood up and helped Fubuki to his feet. "Sorry about that. I'm glad you weren't too busy. Anyways I wanted to tell you that I know where Sora is." Valt said. "Where?" Fubuki asked. "The Dead Gran. It's a place in America." Valt said. "Wait, how do you know? Shu has been looking for Sora ever since she disappeared and he hasn't figured out where she is." Fubuki asked. "Sora told me herself. She has a plan to get free but she needs our help. She told me Hearts plans on luring Aiger to the Dead Gran. We can follow him there and help Sora escape." Valt explained. "I'll tell Shu after Aiger's match with Hearts." Fubuki said. "I was hoping you would. I'm heading back to Aiger's place to ask his dad if he can help me repair Valtryek. I'll meet you and Shu at the Dead Gran after we're done." Valt said. "Thanks Valt. We'll see you then." Fubuki said. "Bye!" Valt said before running down the street. So, now I know where Sora is. Maybe Shu and Sora can help Aiger. But first I better go see how this match ends. Fubuki thought as he turned to walk back inside the building.

~Suoh POV~

Suoh watched as Achilles burst for the second time in a row, giving Hearts four points and the title. Suoh turned and left the stands and walked out of the Grand arena building. Something isn't right about Aiger. He's actually worse than me and Katsumi are. Did Phi start controlling him as well? Suoh thought as he walked down the street. He walked into a building and went to the roof. He sat on the edge of the roof, letting his right leg dangle over the edge while he pulled his left leg close to his chest. He looked at the sky and began to think about what had happened so far. Lets see, I got Salamander, almost immediately got put under Phi's control, defeated Katsumi and Fubuki and almost ruined our friendship. Although, I don't know if Fubuki considers me a friend anymore. Hmm... Katsumi and Fubuki went to America, Sora disappeared, the Battleship cruise took place, Katsumi got put under Phi's control, I confessed to Katsumi, I was defeated by Fubuki and had to leave the battleship cruise. Although, I haven't seen Katsumi ever since I left. Did she go back to America? No, Fubuki would have gone with her. Where is she? And Aiger... something in him changed. His eyes, they turned purple just like Katsumi's. Phi put him under his control. I should warn Fubuki about this. But will he listen? Suoh thought. His thoughts were interrupted when a familiar yell was heard coming down the sidewalk towards him. He looked down at the sidewalk to see Aiger running down it before stopping and looking at his bey. There's only one way to find out. Suoh thought. A flower petal landed on Achillies, causing Aiger to look up. "What do you want?" Aiger asked, sounding very irritated. He assumes that I dropped that flower petal? Do I look like I carry those around or something? Suoh thought. "Maybe I should take over for this one." Evil Suoh said. No, I don't intend to defeat him. I intend to find out if he's being controlled by Phi or not. But if I do end up winning, it will further prove that I don't need help from you. Suoh replied. "You really don't have a choice. It only takes a push of a button." Evil Suoh said. We'll see about that. Suoh replied. "I saw that pathetic title match of yours." Suoh said. "Watch it! I can still defeat you!" Aiger yelled. "Why don't we test that with a little beybattle? I want to see how long it takes me to defeat the fallen champ." Suoh said. "You're on!" Aiger yelled. That was easier than I thought it would be. Suoh thought. The two walked to Begoma academy and up to the roof. They stood on opposite sides of the stadium and got into their launching positions. Aiger's eyes turned to a purple color. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Achilles spun around the stadium in Attack mode while Salamander bounced above it in Attack mode. The two kept colliding, neither showing signs of slowing. They collided near Suoh's side of the stadium and Aiger's eyes flickered back to their normal turquoise color before returning to their purple color. I saw that, Aiger. Suoh thought as he narrowed his eyes. "It's over! Rain of Swordfire!" Suoh yelled. "Turbo Whip!" Aiger yelled. The two beys collided and Salamander burst within seconds. Aiger picked up his bey and left, leaving Suoh to pick up the pieces to his bey. He heard Aiger speaking to Ranjiro and Naru from the entrance of the building. "I just got done battling Suoh. You should've seen how his bey burst! Where's Toko? I wasn't doing so good before, but now I'm ready to show him who's the best and break that Treptune of his." Aiger said. "Just what are you trying to do here?" Ranjiro asked. "What are you talking about? I just want to be the strongest blader alive! Why don't you understand me?!" Aiger yelled before running off. There's no doubt in my mind now. Suoh thought. He put Salamander back into his bey holder before taking his phone out of his pocket and dialing a number. "Hello?" Fubuki's voice answered. "I need you to meet me on the school roof. There's something I need to talk to you about." Suoh said. "Ok. I'll be there in a few minutes." Fubuki said before hanging up. Lets just hope he listens. Suoh thought. He sat down on the bench and waited patiently for Fubuki. Suoh heard the sound of footsteps coming towards him, it was Fubuki. "I heard you battled Aiger." Fubuki said. "I bet you're wondering who come out victorious." Suoh said. "No, just wondering why you called me out here." Fubuki replied. "I saw that pathetic excuse for a title match." Suoh said. "You know even champions have bad days." Fubuki said, trying to defend the maroon haired blader. "Not my point. Take Valt Aoi and Lui Shirosagi, even in defeat they are beutiful to watch." Suoh said before standing up and walking past the blond haired blader. "Aiger's battle wasn't beautiful at all. I will continue to carry out beautiful battles until the end. Something changed in Aiger after my departure from the Battleship cruise. You've seen it too, haven't you Fubuki?" Suoh said, stopping and looking back at Fubuki as he said the last part. "The only thing that's changed is how strong he's gotten!" Fubuki snapped. "But what price did he pay for it? Aiger is traveling down a road that no blader should go. A road of no return." Suoh said as he began to walk away. "He will return! Even if I have to bring him back myself!" Fubuki yelled. "How far will he go?" Suoh asked before walking out of Fubuki's sight.

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