Gag Reel/Bloopers

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These are random scenes that popped into my head while I was writing scenes in the book or trying to come up with ideas for this book.

This takes place in Chapter 31 at the beginning.

Snow: Ok so everyone has their lines?

Phi, Sora, Shu, Lui, Free, Valt, Fubuki, Aiger, Crowd: Yep.

Snow: *Walks off stage and somewhere on the arena floor* Ok, action!

Sora let out a cry of pain as the bullet embedded itself into her chest. She hit the ground and rolled until she lay on her left side, facing the crowd, four feet from the edge of the stage. Her eyes were closed, her face was expressionless, her scar was no longer glowing and her hair had returned to normal.

The entire arena was silent, even Phi looked somewhat shocked as to what had happened. Shu looked at Sora, looking for any sign that she survived but she lay motionless.

Footsteps were heard echoing around the arena as Phi walked over to the white and gold haired blader. He nudged her body with his foot and smirked when she continued to lay motionless. He then stepped on her face.

Shu saw Sora's eyes snap open, pure fury in them. Oh he's dead. He is sooo dead. He thought. Dude, you just screwed up big time. Lui thought. He's in for a world of pain. Free thought. Bye Phi. Valt thought.

They saw the gold eyed blader ball her left hand into a fist before she swung it upwards. Phi's mismatched eyes suddenly widened in pain and he dropped the gun and stumbled back, doubled over in pain. A collective 'ohh' and 'ouch' were heard from the crowd.

Sora stood up and turned to glare at Phi. She shoved him harshly, making him fall to the floor before stepping on his face. "How does it feel?! Huh?! You don't step on people's faces especially when they are trying to play dead!" Sora yelled, still stepping on Phi's face.

"Oh boy. Someone go restrain her!" A voice yelled from somewhere on the arena floor by the stadium. Shu jumped from the stands and ran up behind Sora before grabbing her from behind and pulling her away from Phi. "Let go of me! I'm fine. I'm perfectly calm." Sora said.

Phi slowly picked himself up off the floor and was suddenly tripped by Sora, who proceded to step on his face. "Guys, a little help here!" Shu yelled. The rest of the Big Five jumped from the stand and ran up on stage and restrained the enraged blader and pulled her away from Phi.

Katsumi walked up on the stage and up to Phi. "Um... Someone get this guy some ice." The gun was suddenly thrown and hit Phi in the nose and he let out a few whimpers of pain. "And possibly get First Aid." Katsumi finished.

"CUT!" The voice on the arena floor yelled.

Ok, so when I first thought of this, I was laughing my head off. I had no intention of this being in the book but it was honestly too good not to write down. It was also written several months ago.

Sora glared defiantly at Phi. "Light is never fully extinguished, no matter how hard the Darkness tries to destroy it. Gummybears will always rise up to challenge the Dark." She said.

Laughter suddenly erupted in the arena, even Phi and Valt were doubled over laughing. Shu had his hand over his mouth and was trying hard not to laugh but failing miserably. "What? What did I- Oh I said Gummybears didn't I?" Sora said before she chuckled. "I'm hungry ok? Can I try that again?" She said before laughing.

I was eating gummybears and came up with this. And ended up laughing.

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