Chapter 11

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~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi lay on the bed in the medical room absolutely bored out of her mind. The doctor wouldn't allow her to leave, not even to walk around. I'm not stressed, I just have a psychopath trying to control me. I'm fine... ok fine ish, but still I shouldn't be cooped up in here. Katsumi thought. As if the doctor had read her thoughts, he walked into the room. "Well, you haven't had anymore episodes so far. I'm deciding to allow you to leave the medical bay, just no competing for at least two more days." The doctor said. "Sounds great, bye!" Katsumi said. She jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room faster than the doctor could blink. Now to find Fubuki. Katsumi thought as she run down the hallway. She run into the cafeteria just as Ranjiro was walking out. "Hey Ranjiro! Have you seen Fubuki?" Katsumi asked. "Yeah, he's in there." Ranjiro said, sounding a little dejected. "Thanks. Um...Is something wrong?" Katsumi asked. "Nothing at all." Ranjiro said. "You sure? You don't sound like yourself." Katsumi said. "I'm fine really." Ranjiro said before walking away. Something's up with Ranjiro. I'll talk to him about it later. Katsumi thought. She walked into the cafeteria and saw Aiger quickly shoveling food into his mouth. "I'm gonna win this Battleship cruise and then I'm going to beat Valt and Sora!" Aiger yelled. "So you can prove that you're the strongest in the world!" Naru said. Katsumi let out an amused huff, catching the maroon haired blader's attention. "What's so funny?" Aiger asked as he turned to face her. "The fact that you think you can beat Valt and Sora. You would be lucky if you get a ring out finish with Valt. And Sora, you'd be lucky if she doesn't win within the first two rounds. That and you'd have to go up against the other bladers of the Big Five." Katsumi said. "I've already beat Lui." Aiger said. "There's a reason he's the fifth best blader in the world. The other four are much stronger than he is." Katsumi said. "Well, I'll just get stronger than them." Aiger said. "Good luck with that." Katsumi said. She walked over to Fubuki, who had been watching from the table he was sitting at. She sat down and ignored Aiger's rambling. "You know how mad Lui would be if he heard you say that?" Fubuki asked. "Yeah, I'd probably be running for my life." Katsumi said. "So the doctor let you go?" Fubuki asked. "Yeah, but I can't compete for two days." Katsumi replied. "I know you're going to be bored." Fubuki said. "Nope. I'm going to practice." Katsumi said. "But you can't." Fubuki said. "I can't compete. He didn't say anything about practice." Katsumi said. "If you get hurt, don't come crying to me." Fubuki said. "I won't. See yah." Katsumi said. She stood up and walked out the door and down the hallway. She walked into one of the training rooms and stood in front of the stadium. She unclipped her launcher from her belt and grabbed Alter Forneus out of her bey holder. She loaded the bey onto her launcher and took a few steps back, getting into her launch position. The door to the training room opened, causing the blond haired blader to freeze and look at the person. "I thought you couldn't compete Katsumi." Suou said. "The doctor didn't say I couldn't train. Besides, I would be bored out of my mind otherwise." Katsumi replied. "How about I give you something to do by using you as practice?" Suou said. "If you want to lose that is completely fine with me." Katsumi replied. Suou walked to the other side of the stadium and got into his launching position. "Remember, this isn't for beystars." Katsumi said. "I know." Suou replied. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Alter Forneus spun rapidly in the center of the stadium in Defence mode while Salamander hopped wildly towards it. "Alter Guard!" Katsumi yelled. "Crimson lotus blades!" Suou yelled. The beys collided and both were sent backwards. Waiting for Salamander to wear out won't work if it keeps attacking like that. Time for a little counterattack of my own. Katsumi thought. As it fell out of midair, Alter Forneus used the edge of the stadium to switch to Attack mode. It landed in the stadium and rocketed towards its opponent. "Alter Crash!" Katsumi yelled. Forneus collided with the top edge of Salamander, bursting the black and purple bey almost immediately. Suou's eyes were wide with shock. "How did you beat me so easily?" Suou asked. "You'd be surprised at how much me and Fubuki have improved from our time at the Raging Bulls." Katsumi replied. At that moment Phi walked into the room, he saw the pieces of Salamander in the stadium and Forneus slowly came to a stop. Phi pulled a remote from his pocket and pressed a button on it. Suou fell to his knees and let out a breath of relief, his eyes turned to a brighter yellow color. "Finally, I have control over myself again." Suou said. Katsumi's eyes widened at his words. She picked up both beys, putting Forneus into her bey holder and putting Salamander back together. She kneeled beside Suou and gave him back Salamander. "What do you mean you have control over yourself again?" Katsumi asked. "Phi has been controlling me ever since I got Salamander. All those things I said, it wasn't me. I'm sorry." Suou said. "Well, he got me too." Katsumi said. Suou looked up at Katsumi, their eyes meeting. "What?!" Suou said, clearly shocked. "That's why I collapsed yesterday." Katsumi said. The two bladers stood up and faced Phi. "You sick twisted monster! You have no right to be controlling us!" Suou growled. "You better be glad I'm letting you have your freedom right now. I could just take it away for good." Phi said calmly. "Just wait until Sora and the rest of the Big Five find out. You'll be done for!" Katsumi growled. "Who's going to tell them? Certainly not you two. After all, who's going to believe two evil bladers? So tell me, who's going to tell them?" Phi asked as he began to circle the two bladers. "They'll find out, one way or another they will find out." Katsumi replied. "Oh and don't even think about telling Aiger. Because he will be next. The nanotechnology is already in his head. All I have to do is press this little button right here, and he will be under my control." Phi said, he put his thumb over a button on the remote. Katsumi and Suou growled at the blue and red eyed blader, knowing there was nothing they could do to stop him. "Enjoy being free while you can, because you won't have it back for a long time." Phi said before leaving the room. Katsumi and Suou rushed towards the door and tried to open it, unfortunately it was locked. "So what now?" Suou asked. "We can't break out of here unfortunately. And I can't tell anyone otherwise Phi is going to go after my brother. For once I don't know what to do." Katsumi said. "Do you have your phone on you?" Suou asked. Katsumi checked her pockets and found that she had left her phone in her room. "No. Why?" Katsumi asked. "Well, I was going to try and get a hold of someone so they could help us. Technically, you wouldn't be telling anyone so Fubuki would be safe." Suou said. "Right. But as you can see, I don't have my phone. Who would you have told anyways?" Katsumi said. "Lui, Shu, Free, basically anyone that could help us." Suou replied. "The one time I don't have my phone is when I need it most. What about your phone?" Katsumi asked. "I don't have it." Suou replied. "Then we are suck in the same boat. Quite literally." Katsumi said. "Very funny. I suppose that we don't have much time left until we lose our freedom." Suou said. "I don't think we do." Katsumi replied. "There's something that I've been wanting to tell you for quite some time." Suou said. "Ok. What is it?" Katsumi asked. "For the past few years I've had a crush on you. I thought that it was something that would go away but instead I ended up falling for you." Suou said. "Wait, your saying-" Katsumi began. "I love you Katsumi." Suou finished. Katsumi stared into Suou's eyes, unable to form any words. "I know that the way I've been acting lately hasn't shown that, but that wasn't me. It's ok if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to tell you while I had the chance." Suou said. Katsumi opened her mouth to speak but stopped when she saw Suou's eyes turn a darker yellow just before they closed. She felt herself slowly beginning to lose control. She tried to open her mouth to speak but it was too late, Katsumi's eyes had turned a purple color. The door to the training room was unlocked and the two bladers walked down the hall in opposite directions. Suou was heading to the arena doors while Katsumi was heading for the stands. Phi just had to ruin the moment. I hope someone figures out what Phi is doing before someone gets seriously hurt. Fubuki, Suou, please be careful. Katsumi thought. She walked into the arena and stood at the top of the stands next to Phi with a neutral expression on her face. If I was in control right now, you'd be toast. Katsumi thought. "There's the threats. I was wondering when I would hear them. I'm not scared honestly, you certainly aren't Shu or Sora. Even if you were I still wouldn't be scared, they wouldn't be able to fight against this either." Evil Katsumi replied. What makes you think that? Katsumi wondered. "This tech is stronger than what they had to deal with two years ago. They even had trouble with it. So don't get your hopes up about escaping." Evil Katsumi answered. If you even dare go after them- Katsumi was interrupted. "We won't if you, Suou, Aiger, and other bladers we control don't rebel." Evil Katsumi said. There are others?! Katsumi thought. "Not yet, but there will be." Evil Katsumi replied. You won't get away with this. Katsumi thought angrily. "I was hoping you would say that, because it will be a lot more satisfying when we do!" Evil Katsumi said. Their conversation ended when Hanami's voice yelled over the intercom. Katsumi's now purple eyes stared at the stadium where Fubuki, Xavier, and Laban stood face to face. Fubuki is going to go up against two of the Turbo Four. I may not be able to say it out loud but I hope he wins. Katsumi thought. Fubuki scanned his eyes over the stands, looking for his twin. He looked towards the top, red eyes met purple ones. Fubuki looked shocked for a moment as he realized that the owner of those purple eyes was his own sister. He sees it. Katsumi thought. "Should have known that a difference in eye color wouldn't slip past Fubuki. I'll have to think of something to tell him later.' Evil Katsumi said. Why can't I just talk to him? Katsumi asked. "We are not as stupid as you think Katsumi. We know that you will try to tell him." Evil Katsumi replied. With his freedom on the line? No. Katsumi said. "Shh.. The match is starting!" Evil Katsumi hissed. Katsumi thought about sticking her tongue out in annoyance but remembered that she wasn't in control of herself. Fubuki had lost with his bey getting thrown into the side of the stadium by Leopard and bursting. Laban had ended up winning the match with a double burst. I thought he had it... Katsumi thought. "That's what you get for thinking." Evil Katsumi said. Oh shut it would you! I wasn't talking to you! Katsumi mentally growled. "Sorry, can't do that. I'm honestly bored with these battles. I think it's time we go practice." Evil Katsumi replied. Wait! I want to see Suou's match. Katsumi said. "Oof... His match isn't until later. Wait, don't tell me. You like him, don't you?" Evil Katsumi said. That's none of your business! Katsumi snapped. "Oh really? Don't you remember that I'm the one in control here? Or shall we pull Fubuki into this?" Evil Katsumi replied. Don't you dare touch Fubuki! Katsumi growled. "Then don't get attitude with us." Evil Katsumi said. Their conversation ended when Phi stood up and left the stands. A few minutes later, Fubuki walked over to Katsumi. "Hey, are you ok?" Fubuki asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Katsumi asked. Don't let her fool you Fubuki! Katsumi thought. "I could help but notice that your eyes are a different color. Are you wearing contacts?" Fubuki asked. "Yeah, I figured I should try a different look." Katsumi said. She's lying! Katsumi mentally yelled. "I figured you would have gone with a different color, since you said that you didn't like purple." Fubuki said. "I changed my mind." Katsumi replied. Fubuki, I swear if you didn't catch that... Katsumi thought. "Uh sure... I'm going to go practice. Do you want to come with me?" Fubuki asked. He caught it! Katsumi cheered. "No thanks, I'm going to watch the rest of the matches." Katsumi answered. "Ok, see you later then." Fubuki said. He turned and left the stands, something was up with Katsumi and he intended to find out what it was. The next match ended as fast as it began with Ranjiro winning because Phi burst Kerbeus and then sent Phoenix out of the stadium and towards Kyle. Didn't see that one coming. Katsumi thought. "Neither did I." Evil Katsumi said. Do you know how annoying you are? Katsumi asked. "I know how annoying I am to you. I also know why I annoy you so much. One, you're not in control of yourself. Two, we are total opposites but that's the point." Evil Katsumi replied. Ugh... And you talk to much. You speak highly of yourself. Shall I go on? Katsumi thought. "We can. Unless you don't want to miss Suou's match." Evil Katsumi said. With that the conversation ended and Katsumi turned her attention to the on going match. Achellies had already been burst by Salamander and now it was a test of stamina between Hercules and Salamander. The two beys almost stopped sinning at the same time, it was so close that the officials had to review the footage. Suou won with 3 points to nothing and Hajin lost his last beystar, signaling that his time on the Beycruiser was over. Katsumi mentally let out a sigh of relief. "Now that's over, lets go train." Evil Katsumi said. I hate you. Katsumi said. "I know." Evil Katsumi replied.

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