Chapter 15

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~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi stood in the stands and looked toward the stage where Aiger and Fubuki stood. "We have an announcement from the tournament's founder, Christina Kuroda." Hanami began. Chris appeared on the screen above the stadium, she had a calm smile on her face. "Hello beyblade fans all over the world. I hope you enjoyed this Battleship cruise. At the beginning I made a promise, that the winner of this event would face the world champion, Sora Hagane. Unfortunately, she is still missing. Thankfully for us she did leave something for us in case she did disappear." Chris said. Sora suddenly appeared on the screen, a neutral expression on her face. "If you are watching this then it probably means I've gone missing. If this has happened I know that Shu Kurenai will have his hands full trying to attend to his team and try to look for me. So, I want Valt Aoi to take my place in any title matches I may have. Hopefully he'll never have to do this but if he does I hope that he fights will all he has." Sora said. Chris reappeared on the screen with the same calm expression on her face. "So for this title match the challenger with be facing Valt Aoi, unless Sora happens to appear at the last minute." Chris said. Valt suddenly appeared from the side of the camera with a big smile on his face and waved. "I look forward to facing you guys." Valt said. "It's time to decide our first challenger." Hanami said. "That'll be me!" Aiger yelled. Katsumi facepalmed at the maroon haired blader's words. It isn't up to you Aiger. Katsumi thought. "No can do, Phi has to decide that since he has the most beystars." Hanami said. "Either way, by all means you go first. I just want to see which one of you is worthy of being destroyed by my Phoenix. You, Katsumi, or Valt." Phi said calmly. Katsumi narrowed her eyes but refrained from saying anything. I won't let you destroy my bey if I have anything to say about it! Katsumi thought angrily. "Looks like it's up to Katsumi." Hanami said. "I'll let Aiger go first." Katsumi said. "Looks like our first challenger is Aiger Akabane!" Hanami said. "I'll be waiting for you at El Astro!" Valt said before he and Chris disappeared off of the screen. Katsumi left the stands and walked off of the ship. She walked back to where she had battled Free and saw both Free De La Hoya and Valt Aoi at the old stadium. She decided to hide behind a tree until Valt left. "You met Aiger? Man, that kid just keeps getting better and better! I can't wait to battle him!" Valt said excitedly. "While we're on the subject. Have you noticed anything about Aiger?" Free asked. "I do know that he's going to get a lot stronger than he is now." Valt said thoughtfully, putting his right pointer finger to his chin. "Anything else?" Free asked. "What do you mean?" Valt asked, letting his hand drop to his side. "Nevermind, it's not important." Free said. I think it's important.! Hello, a crazy psychopath is controlling me, Suou, and Aiger! Katsumi thought. Fafnier was sent out of the stadium. Valt picked up Wonder Valtryek and put it into his bey holder. "I better get going, I don't want to keep Aiger waiting." Valt said before running towards El Astro. A few minutes of silence passed and Katsumi began to believe that Free had left. "I know you're there." Free said. Katsumi stepped out from behind the tree and walked toward the old stadium. "You again? I see your eyes are red now." Free said. "Remember what's at stake if you tell anyone. Evil Katsumi warned. "Yeah, I was wearing contacts." Katsumi replied. Free's expression went from defensive to confused. "I don't see how wearing contacts would change your personality too." Free said. "I guess I was around Lui too much. Ever since Sora disappeared he's been taking over my training." Katsumi replied. "Sure. So, why did you give up the chance to go against Valt first?" Free asked. "I didn't think I was ready to face him yet." Katsumi said. "Well, keep training and you'll get there. We better get going, I have a feeling this is a battle you don't want to miss." Free said. Katsumi nodded her head and followed Free to El Astro.

~Sora POV~

"Sora.... Sora, wake up." A voice said. Sora opened her eyes and looked up at the person, it was Hearts. "Valt is having a title match today. I thought you would like to see it." Hearts said. "Who is he facing?" Sora asked. "Aiger Akabane." Hearts answered. "I've heard that name before. Isn't he the kid that beat Lui?" Sora asked. "Yes." Hearts answered. "I want to see how badly Valt's gonna beat him. There's no way that kid can beat Valt." Sora said. Hearts stepped to the side, revealing a small TV. Hamami was standing on stage. "It's time to announce our challengers. First we have the winner of the Luinor Cup and he has proven to be unstoppable. He even claims to be the best blader in the world. It's Aiger Akabane!" Hanami said. A spotlight focused on Aiger. Sora let out an amused huff at the maroon haired blader's claim. He only thinks that because he defeated one if the Big Five. He is very mistaken. Sora thought. "Over here we have the winner of the Battleship cruise. The veil of mystery is about to be removed. It's the mysterious Phi!" Hanami said. Another spotlight focused on Phi. Sora growled in anger at the red and blue eyed blader. You're the reason I'm stuck here. Sora thought bitterly. "And now we have the blader we can't start this event without. He is taking over for our current champion since she isn't here. It's Valt Aoi!" Hanami said. You've got this Valt. I'm cheering for you, even if you don't know it. Let's see how much you've improved since the last time I saw you. Sora thought. "Our first challenger is Aiger Akabane!" Hanami said. Valt ran down to the stadium and stood on the opposite side of the stadium from Aiger. The two bladers got into their launching positions. Aiger's launching position is just like Valt's. Either this is Valt's apprentice ot these two have met before. Sora thought. "I'm excited to battle you again Aiger. Let's see how much stronger you've gotten since last time." Valt said. "This time I'm going to beat you and prove that me and Achillies are the best in the world!" Aiger yelled. Good luck with that kid. Valt is a lot stronger than Lui. Sora thought. "3..2..1..LET IT RIP!" Valt and Aiger yelled in unison. Achellies spun around the center in Defence mode while Valtryek was rocketing around the stadium. The beys collided several times, finally Achillies was knocked into the air. Aiger seemed extremely focused on his bey, he began to breathe heavily. Suddenly, his eyes turned to a purple color. Achilles landed back in the stadium and charged toward Valtryek. "Blow it away. Z Whip!" Aiger yelled, his voice sounding dark and menacing. The beys collided once more and both were sent out of the stadium. "Wait, what?" Valt said confused as Valtryek flew past his face and landed on the ground a few feet behind him. Achilles landed at Aiger's feet just a few seconds later. Aiger had an insane grin of his face, sending chills down Sora's spine. "Something's wrong." Valt and Sora said in unison as they looked at the maroon haired blader. Aiger's eyes returned to their normal turquoise color and he smacked his hands against his cheeks a few times as he stood up straight. Something's going on. Be careful Valt, this battle may not end well. Sora thought. "i'm gonna end this in the next battle!" Aiger said. "No doubt about it, you've definitely gotten stronger." Valt said. "That's right. And I'll keep getting better and better until I'm the strongest blader in the world!" Aiger replied. "Right. You said something like that when we first met. Are you still gonna make that dream come true?" Valt asked. "Oh yeah, because we're the best there is!" Aiger said. "We'll see about that, I still plan on winning this match." Valt said. Aiger's eye changed back to a purple color. "After I wipe the floor with you, I'll become the new world champion!" Aiger said, his voice beginning to sound dark. There it is again. The last time something like that happened was at the international bladers cup two years ago. When Shu and I were under Theodore's control. Oh no... Sora thought. "Is something wrong Sora?" Hearts asked. "Something is very wrong. Valt's in trouble! He needs to get out of there!" Sora replied. "What do you mean?" Hearts asked. "Aiger isn't Aiger. Someone else is controlling him, I'm thinking it's Theodore Glass. He did the same thing to me and Shu two years ago. I thought he was done after we broke free." Sora said. "Apparently not. It could be Phi as well." Hearts said. "Because they are working together. But I don't think it is Phi. If he was going to control Aiger while he was battling Valt, why would he give up the chance to face Valt himself? This is the work of Theodore, I know it is." Sora said. "Smoldering smack talk! Our challenger is taunting Valt Aoi! I hope you guys are excited because things are heating up! The title match between Valt and Aiger is in full swing! This is a match you're never gonna forget!" Hanami said. You can do this Valt. Sora thought. Valt and Aiger got back into their launching positions. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" They yelled in unison. Achilles went straight for the center while Valtreyk rocketed around the stadium. "Z Defence!" Aiger yelled. Achilles spun directly in the center waiting for an attack from Valtryek. "Hit it hard! Flash Launch!" Valt yelled. Valtreyk began to come at Achilles from all directions, hitting it repeatedly. "You're not the only one that's gotten stronger. I've been battling with the best bladers to ever step into the ring!" Valt said. "You'll never beat Achilles if you keep coming at it with attacks as weak as those." Aiger said. Achilles kept blocking Valtryek's attacks and sending it backwards. "You think you're such hot stuff. But it doesn't matter how strong you get Valt, because I'll get even stronger than that!" Aiger said. "You're gonna have a real hard time one upping me dude!" Valt replied. Valtreyk hit Achilles one last time, sending both beys away from the center and towards the rails. Valtryek was on the shorter rail while Achilles was on the longer one. Valtryek spun off of the rail, across the stadium and hit the wall. "Wonder Winged Launch!" Valt yelled. Valtryek spun at a hit speed toward Achilles as the red bey spun back into the stadium. The two collided in the center of the stadium and Achilles burst within seconds. "This is what me and Valtreyk can do!" Valt said. Keep going like that Valt. Just one more round like that. You've got this. Sora thought. Aiger began to pick up the pieces to his bey and Valt picked up Achilles energy layer. "You're gonna need this." Valt said. Apparently Valt's being nice to Aiger to try and break him free of Theodore's control. Sora thought. Aiger snatched Achilles layer out of Valt's hand with a growl. Valt stood up and looked down at Aiger. "Come on, lets blade." Valt said. Sora looked at Aiger to see that the kid wasn't taking the loss that well. Valt, he isn't going to listen to you. He doesn't view you as a friend, it won't work. Sora thought. "Valt! I've had enough, this is the end for you!" Aiger growled. That doesn't sound good. Valt, watch it. Sora thought. "You can feel Aiger's fighting spirit as he stares down Valt Aoi. Will Aiger make a comeback, or will Valt be able to protect Sora Hagane's title?" Hanami asked. Give it your all Valt. You've got this. Sora thought. Aiger switched the tip on his bey to Attack mode. He's planning on a burst finish. Sora thought. "I see you're getting serious on winning this match. Well bring it on. Lets finish this!" Valt said. The two bladers got into their launching positions once more. This is it, this will be the deciding battle. Sora thought. "3...2...1...LET IT RIP!" Valt and Aiger yelled in unison. Achilles and Valtreyk spun rapidly towards each other. "You're going down!" Valt and Aiger yelled in unison. The beys collided in the center of the stadium, both being sent backwards. They collided over and over, neither giving an inch. Eventually, Achillies was sent to the edge of the stadium. "You're finished! Z Whip!" Aiger yelled. Achilles spun rapidly towards Valtryek. The two collided in the center and Valtreyk was sent into the air. "It's over!" Aiger yelled. "Not yet! You've still got this Valt!" Sora yelled, fully aware that he couldn't hear her. Valtreyk landed back into the stadium and charged towards Achillies. "Wonder Whip!" Valt yelled. The beys collided and Achillies was sent to the edge of the stadium, it began to hit the walls over and over again. Sora began to faintly hear what Aiger was saying. "I'm gonna win. I'm gonna win. I'm gonna win." Aiger began to get louder, catching Valt's attention. Here it comes... Sora thought. "I'm gonna win! I'M GONNA WIN! AND I'M GOING TO SHOW THAT I'M THE BEST IN THE WORLD!" Aiger yelled. His hair turned a bright but evil crimson color and broke free from his hair band.

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