Chapter 3

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(This is Cho-Z Draco. It uses the metal 13 and the tip absorb in a white color scheme. Absorb has rubber on the wide part of it so when the teeth lock and force it to make contact with the stadium it will increase Draco's speed enormously)

~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi walked down the sidewalk with her twin brother Fubuki. A group of kids ran up to them. "Is it true, are you guys really leaving?" Koji asked. "Yes." Katsumi answered. "But who's going to lead the beyclub?" Toko asked. "I'm leaving that in your capable hands." Fubuki said, placing his left hand on Toko's right shoulder. "I won't let you down." Toko said.

The group said their goodbyes to the twins before leaving. Katsumi and Fubuki walked down the sidewalk towards the airport before hearing the sound of footsteps rushing towards them. They turned to see Aiger and Ranjiro running towards them. Aiger tackled Katsumi in a hug, Ranjiro helped to two to their feet.

"Is it true, are you leaving?" Aiger asked. "Yeah, Fubuki and I are heading to America." Katsumi replied. "Will we see you again?" Ranjiro asked. "Yeah, you will." Katsumi replied.

Aiger and Ranjiro said their goodbyes before heading back to Beogama Academy. Minutes later Katsumi and Fubuki were on a plane to New York city. Fubuki stared out the window while his sister fell asleep after takeoff.

~Sora POV~

Sora and Shu stood in the airport lobby, waiting for Fubuki and Katsumi to arrive. The plane landed and the twins walked into the lobby to come face to face with their mentors.

"Hey guys it's been a long time." Sora said. "Yeah it has." Katsumi replied. They walked into a black car that was waiting for them. "So who's the new captain of the beyclub?" Shu asked. "Toko Aoi." Fubuki replied. "Suou turned down the offer, saying it wasn't worth his time anymore." Katsumi said. "Well, maybe after this you guys can change his mind." Sora said.

The car stopped allowing Shu and Fubuki to get out and walk into the Raging Bulls headquarters. "Wait, where are we going?" Katsumi asked. "You'll see." Sora answered.

After a few hours of driving the car stopped by a forest. The two bladers got out and Sora lead Katsumi into the woods. "Where are we going?" Katsumi asked. Sora kept silent as she lead the blonde haired blader deeper into the woods.

They came to a clearing with a few logs and tree stumps in it, a river raged on the other side of the clearing. Sora turned and faced Katsumi who had a puzzled look on her face. "I've noticed some things about your launches. They're not as stable or powerful as they should be." Sora said as she hung her trench coat on a tree limb. She walked over to one of the tree stumps and did a one-handed handstand on it with her right arm. "To make your launches more stable, you first need to strengthen your arms. By doing this handstand I'm making my arm hold up all my weight." Sora said as she looked up at Katsumi.

Katsumi walked to another tree stump and tried to copy Sora, but ended up falling on her back. "Try doing a two-handed handstand this time." Sora said, switching to her left arm. Katsumi tried doing a two-handed handstand and was able to hold herself up for a few minutes before falling again.

Sora stood up and walked over to Katsumi and helped her up. "I don't know if I can do it." Katsumi said. "It took me a while to get it, it isn't easy as it looks on the first try. Hold your arms and legs straight and focus. Try again." Sora said.

Katsumi tried doing another handstand and was able to hold it a little longer before falling again. Hours went by and Katsumi still wasn't able to hold a handstand as long as she wanted. Katsumi went to do another handstand but was stopped by Sora. "That's enough for now, let's try something else." Sora said before putting on her trench coat and leading Katsumi farther into the woods.

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