Chapter 13

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~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi stood face to face with Ranjiro in the arena with the stadium between them. "I'm really excited for our rematch Katsumi. I'm giving it my all." Ranjiro said. "You won't be able to defeat me. Say goodbye to Rocktavor!" Katsumi growled. Ranjiro took a step back, his face full of shock at the blond haired blader's words. "You don't mean that you're going to destroy Rocktavor do you?" Ranjiro asked. "I'm not going to repeat myself." Katsumi growled, her purple eyes full of hatred. The two bladers got into their launching positions. "3...2...1...Let it RIP!" They yelled in unison. Katsumi launched herself towards the stadium before leaping into the air at the last second and pulling the ripcord as hard as she could. Alter Forneus spun rapidly around the stadium in Attack mode while Rocktavor claimed the center. "Rocktavor Typhoon!" Ranjiro yelled. "You think that will save you? Quit wasting my time!" Katsumi growled. Alter Forneus collided with Rocktvor and sent it out of the center. "Try to get past this! Rocktavor Storm!" Ranjiro yelled. Rocktavor once again settled in the center, waiting for an attack. "I thought I told you to quit wasting my time. Alter Crash!" Katsumi yelled. Alter Forneus collided with Rocktavor, bursting it immediately. "Alter Forneus with a burst finish. Katsumi Sumiye wins with a score of two to null." The referee said. Ranjiro picked up Rocktavor and put it back together before looking at Katsumi, who was now walking away. "Katsumi! Hey! I'm talking to you!" Ranjiro yelled. Katsumi ignored him and walked out of the arena and into the hallway. She turned the corner to be met by her twin brother. "Hey, what's your deal? Ranjiro was trying to talk to you." Fubuki said. "He was only wasting my time, and so are you." Katsumi replied. She tried to step around Fubuki but was blocked by Aiger. "How are we wasting your time?" Fubuki asked. "You pose no challenge to me. Therefore, you are wasting my time." Katsumi replied. "Battle me and I'll prove you wrong!" Aiger yelled. "I highly doubt that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do than stand here and talk to you." Katsumi said. She pushed past Aiger and Fubuki and continued down the hallway. As she came closer to one of the training rooms, a hand grabbed her right shoulder. She spun around and punched whoever had grabbed her in the face, the person stumbled backwards with an 'ow' and held one hand to their jaw. "What was that for? I just wanted to talk to you." Ranjiro said. "What if I don't want to talk to you?" Katsumi asked before turning to leave. "Now hold on just a second. Why did you say that you were going to destroy Rocktavor? I know that Sora didn't teach you to do that." Ranjiro said. "You're right, she didn't." Katsumi said. "Then why did you say that?" Ranjiro asked. "Because if you keep wasting my time that's what's going to happen." Katsumi growled. She walked away, leaving Ranjiro in shock at her words.

~Ranjiro POV~

Ranjiro watched as Katsumi walked away. When she disappeared from sight, he turned and headed toward where Fubuki and Aiger were training. Something's wrong with Katsumi. All these years I've known her she's never acted like this. Maybe Fubuki will know what's going on. Ranjiro thought. He walked into the training room where Fubuki and Aiger were battling each other. "Something's wrong with Katsumi." Ranjiro said. "I know. That's what I'm trying to figure out." Fubuki said. "So you don't know what's going on. I was hoping that you would." Ranjiro said. "I'm thinking Phi has something to do with it. But of course I need proof for that theory, which I don't currently have." Fubuki said. "She did start acting weird after she had that real bad headache that knocked her out. And she was with Phi. But how could he have caused this?" Ranjiro asked. "That's what I'm trying to find out." Fubuki said. The door opened allowing Xavier into the training room. "What are you talking about?" Xavier asked. "We are trying to figure out what happened to Katsumi." Aiger replied, earning a glare from Fubuki. "I have noticed that she has been acting a bit strange. She keeps herself locked in one of the training rooms and doesn't come out for hours." Xavier said. "Now she's snapping at everyone that tries to talk to her." Ranjiro said. "And she threatened to destroy your bey Ranjiro." Aiger said. "The only bladers I remember actually destroying beys are Red Eye and Ember Eye. But they haven't been seen for two years." Xavier said. "We better get going because the rest of us have matches to do." Fubuki said. I wonder if they are on this ship? And if they are, what if they are behind this? I have to at least try to find them. And when I do, I'm going to make them change Katsumi back. Ranjiro thought. The bladers left the training room, Fubuki, Aiger, and Xavier heading towards the arena while Ranjiro walked in the opposite direction. "Hey Cap'n, the stadium is this way!" Aiger said. "I've got to get something, don't worry it won't take long." Ranjiro replied. "Ok. See yah later!" Aiger said. Ranjiro barely heard Fubuki say something to the others before he turned the corner. As he walked down the hallway, a hand grabbed his left shoulder. "I know what you're thinking Ranjiro." Fubuki said. "I don't know what you are talking about." Ranjiro replied. "You really think that Red Eye and Ember Eye are behind this?" Fubuki asked. "It wouldn't hurt to ask them." Ranjiro replied. "You won't find them here. Besides, why would they wait two years before coming back? No one has seen them for two years Ranjiro. They couldn't be behind this." Fubuki reasoned. "Well, I'm still going to try and ask them when I find them." Ranjiro said. "You'll have to wait." Fubuki said. "Fine." Ranjiro groaned, a bit of irritation in his voice. "I've got to go but Aiger is waiting for you in the arena stands." Fubuki said before leaving. Ranjiro turned and walked towards the arena, thinking about what Fubuki had said. I'm still going to try and see if they are behind this. He thought.

~Katsumi POV~

Katsumi watched as Vice Leopard's energy layer spit in half from Phoenix's attack. Her expression was calm but on the inside she was frightened. There's no way I can beat him. He destroyed Leopard with a single attack. The question is, who's next? Katsumi thought.

~Sora POV~

Sora's golden eyes shot open, she began to struggle against the chains that held her wrist. Something told her that something was very wrong at the Battleship cruise, and it had something to do with Katsumi. Sora's scar began to glow a gold color and her hair changed from white and with gold streaks to red with white streaks and it began to wave around like flames. She pulled harder against the chains, ignoring the electricity going through her. One of the chains broke and she began to pull at the other one. Hearts and Evel rushed into the room and stared at the gold eyed blader. "Sora! Sora stop! What's wrong?" Hearts asked. "Something is wrong at the battleship cruise, Katsumi is in trouble! I have to help her!" Sora roared as she continued to pull at the remaining chain. "Evel, get something to calm her down before she breaks that chain!" Hearts yelled. Suddenly a dart flew from the doorway and hit Sora in her right shoulder. She began to fight against whatever was going through her system, her hair returned to normal and her scar stopped glowing. She let go of the chain and hung limply from it. " help...Katsumi." Sora said. She was beginning to slip from consciousness. "Easy, calm down Sora. There's nothing wrong at the Battleship cruise. Katsumi is fine." Hearts said. " you... know... that?" Sora asked. "Because I've been watching the Battleship cruise. The only thing that has happened is that Laban Vanot's bey was destroyed by Phi. Poor kid." Hearts said. "What? I swear...when... I get out of here... Phi is going to pay." Sora managed to growl.

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