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Liam's POV

I knew I was late, I knew that being late was a understatement, But I could make up.

I grunted at Pete who was snoring besides me, Being on a damn world tour with him was enough.

Demand was a hit, And so when Angela offered if we would tour? we agreed.

Meanwhile, Nia, had been working her damn ass off at Mindy and Kelsey's.

The music in the background blurred as I let my thoughts wander back to Nia, like the always did.

We were one month into the tour yet, I missed her. Of course I did.

I hadn't even waited, I put a ring on her finger as soon as she graduated. Her parents were not impressed, but they came around,

The board indicating that we were in Rosewill was a stark remainder that I was late and that Nia was going to kill me.

unless I tie her to my bed.

I pushed the thought away, I had to, but i knew it didn't get too far.

The huge house came into view as we turned into the clearing.

The house I bought, just for a future, I thought would exist here.

I recognised the threshold, where I had first seen Nia, she had been 19, Now she was 26, and gorgeous. and so sexy.

As I got off and practically marched to house beyond, My coat whipping around my legs.

I stepped into a empty threshold, empty foyer, and a empty hall, only to find hailey leaning against the fridge. Her glare told enough.

"Where is he?", she asked

"Where is she?"

"They are all on the rooftop,"

of course.

"He hauling all of the gifts."


Christmas was a season of merry, Nia always made it merrier. She sat there with a baby in her lap, She was going to be the best mother. The child tossed its arms and feet around, Nia smiled, her eyes wide and marvelling.

My own expression matched hers, The girl's head was full of tight brown curls, crystal like blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She could pass for my daughter,

9 year old Cynthia ran up to me, Her eyes happy and glinting with mischief, Hugging me so tightly. He looked down to her, Lifting her,

"You haven't been troubling my sister, have you, bandit?", I asked, As she shook her head and then-

"Gifts!", I noticed as everyone's eyes looked over to where pete now stood, hailey in tow, both looking undeniably dishevelled.

Nia's head snapped to Pete, already on her feet, the baby giggling. Her eyes scanned the crowd, landing on me finally as she met my eyes.

Her gaze softened as she beheld me, Cynthia, and the love, I didn't mind showing it.

My feet were moving, and in a moment I stood before her.

"Meet your Niece, Darlyn, Isn't she gorgeous.", She breathed, I stood there dumbfounded, I had known that Lilia was yet again pregnant after Cynthia, who was still in my arms, But I didn't know she'd be here so soon. She was a good 3 weeks early.

"She came a bit early but she is ok, healthy and pretty. ", Nia said, carefully rearranging the small boot on her tiny feet,

Well, damn, Darlyn was already wearing Versace, lucky child.

I realised that i has to speak, say something.

"She's got mom's eyes, I wanted at least one of the two girls to have Rob's brown eyes.", lilia's faint voice sounded, from where she was sitting on one of the many couches, Rob smilied a knowing smile, I know why your attention went to nia, don't worry.

"You can always plan for another niece,", i mussed, "I'd love that.", i said.

Their laughter was music.

"Wine, Champaign or just hard liquors, choose.", Scott grinned, i waved right back.

"No more of the liquors for you,", I chuckled at Chantelle.

My Gaze met Nia's laughing eyes, And oh, Kill me, I lost it.

I leaned in brushing my lips against hers, ignoring Cynthia's 'aww', she was a little romantic,

She kissed me back, holding back slightly, causing me to pull back,

"We have a audience lee."

"fine,", i tried to convey just how much, this, was going to cost her when we would finally be alone,

Her eyes sparkled as she saw me unravel the plan.

A merry Christmas, A merry life, despite all, just because she was mine.


Idk if i should laugh or cry, There you hv it, HAVE A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS.

hope this makes your day.

And finally for the last time, for this book,



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