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He was also human, Why did I think that Just because he wasn't making a move meant that he was not into me? I could have made a move even, He was not a fuckboy. I never said that.

I feel someone approach me, I looked up, Lilia.

"Hey, You seem down,", she furrowed her brows in concern, It was warm to see someone so new in my life express their concern.

"just a little argument.", I managed a small smile.

"oh, I am hoping it was nothing big.", She said.

"me too.", I said, I hadn't realized my voice was hoarse, strange.

"Nia, I actually have a favour to ask of you.", she asked silently, the seriousness was enough for me to straighten up, She sat down next to me, She looked at me and smiled sorrow fully.

"My wedding is meant to take place at the end of this year. This July, and I came here to somehow convince Liam to be there a week before, so we could spend some time together. But also because,", She hesitated "Because I wanted to tell him That I am Pregnant.", She looked at me with happy eyes.

I swallowed, That news was great, I am sure lee would be thrilled. Something in the conversation grasped my attention.

"That's great, I'll help in any way I can but, Why don't you tell Lee.", I asked.

"Actually, Could you tell him?", She asked slowly.

I was beyond confused, This news was so good, I couldn't think of a reason why he could be disappointed by the news.

"I will, but if you don't mind the intrusion, why do I tell him?", I asked.

"Well, for one, I don't have a clue how he will react, second, the child is out of wedlock, You never know, And third, you are his soft spot at the moment, So, I hope its clear.", She said smugly.

I blushed furiously, before getting upset again.

soft spot, not anymore.

Lee appeared at the door. His face was now not pained, but calm. He looked around, His eyes met mine, this tension was unlike anything i'd ever felt, he walked to me, I raised, the world seemed to slow down, it was surreal, it was literally haunting. Lee looked beautiful, like he usually did, I didn't realise he was standing right in front of me, His eyes weren't meeting mind though, they were drooped to my lips, looking intently, I wasn't even intending to do so, but I cleared my throat causing him to look me.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean any of it-",I started before Lee's warm lips met mine, my eyelids became heavy and drooped shut. It was not like the kiss in NY. It was Soft on the same time intense, I knew that both my hormones and adreline were pulsing through my body. I whimpered when he broke free, a smirk appearing on his face at the sound.

"I forgive you, Nia", He said, his voice was masked to be serious but i could make out the mock in it.

I rolled my eyes at him, dramatics. I faced him and smiled, I knew that my cheeks were on fire but there wasn't anything I could do, he was just too handsome.

The world resumed again, I knew that we had a audience, I had to tell him about Lilia's pregnancy. I pulled him aside, as his eyebrows hit his hairline.

"I really need to tell you something, but you have to promise, you will not react badly.", I contradicted.

"I'll see, Please don't tell you agreed on dating two other guys.", he muttered.

He gets jealous.

"I have not, but,", I started "Lilia is pregnant."

As soon as the words were out, Lee mouth fell open, Literally. His eyes glowed greener than usual, his lips turned to a small smile, and then brightened.

I heard him say," how could I be upset about that."

And then he was gone, a wave of relief, happiness, pure utter pleasure hit me, I felt really, happy. And I knew I could say the same about the teal-eyed polite boy.

stupid plump lips.



Yay! Lee did something, Will nia call the date off? Well Lilia's all set, A husband and a baby soon, what else do you need, Idk maybe a popstar brother.


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