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The Rolling Greens were the same, so were the bushes of the berries, I smiled at the memories, then saddened at the end of the date, the actual moment when things started getting bad.

I took a deep breath and got out of the car, the dress making it harder than it should be.

I stepped through the doors, and began my journey of walking through the entire lawn.

I knocked on the door to the cottage, I was nervous, butterflies threating to get out. But what was threatening me more was the fact that I was panting like a person who just ran a marathon.

The door flew open, and the first thing I saw was Teal eyes, wide and wild.

"Well, I might have overreacted a little bit.", I said before I was pulled into a rib-crushing hug, All while I gaped like a fish,

"I've missed you.", He said into my hair.

Coconut was becoming my favourite scent.

"Me too. But I was preoccupied with hating you.", I said, but my voice was muffled.

At that he let me go, and turned away.

"You hated me?", he sounded surprised.

"Not really but, Why didn't you justify yourself", I asked, That question was yet to be answer.

"A man's ego, Plus I am famous.", He said turning to me.


I figured that actually made sense. But now, I was furious that he let me go through all that heart-shattering pain. It was messed up.

A man's ego, couldn't be larger than my heart could it.

"You could have put your rotten ego, aside. Do you have any idea how utterly destroyed I was?", I felt pure lava. molten rage.

"Nia, Take a seat.", Lee grumbled, why was he grumbling?

I took a seat nonetheless.
"You ran out on me, ghosted me, blocked me, and your sister picked my call when I tried doing that.", Lee explained.

That made sense too, I did avoid him at all levels,

"In my defense, I was hurt.", I mumbled. At that Lee groaned, I noticed how he tensed every single time I mentioned my state.

"I am sorry, Nia, I shouldn't have crossed the fucked boundary.", he sat down besides me, his eyes refused to meet mine, they stared at the sky through the glass.

I got that, he was blaming himself, I wouldn't have minded, but I did.

I touched his palm, I felt as his entire body tensed, I knew that would happened, I scooched closer to him, his body straightened, His teal eyes bore into mine, and finally it felt complete.

"Its okay.", I murmured.

I realised it really was okay, We both had our reasons. It was no one's fault. It was fate.

I found Lee looking at me,

"What?", I asked,

"You look beautiful.", He murmured. My cheeks heated, as a blush creeped up my cheeks.

"Thank you,"

His chuckle warmed me.

The moment passed, It was intimate, calm and comforting.

"Nia,", Lee's voice pulled me out of my dreams. I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Be my date to my sister's wedding?", he asked as I sat up straight, Sister's wedding was a huge leap. But with Lee, I realised it could be easy.

"I will, but," I had a condition, Lee's eyebrows shot up, as I grinned.

"You will have to meet my family",



So how are we doing? One more chp to go and guess what? WE ARE A SEQUEL!!

I know, but you know.

Also, don't forget to go check out, 'On the Top', a new story. Its perfect for u if you've ever wanted to fall in love in paris.

Go Go Go.

Love yall.


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