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oh hell

no, no, no.

what if she is a kidnapper, but no captive asks for cords, do they?

what if she wants to harm me?

Peter, who still stood in the hallway slowly cracked a smile

"hungry?", he asked notoriously

Angel snarled snapping my train of thoughts

"oh no.", i replied coolly. I don't know how my voice came out cool, when i was clearly pallid. And i knew for facts that pallid was nowhere close to hungry.

it took both the humans in the hallway by shock because Angel chuckled

"the girl has guts,"



"come in," Angel pushed, she didn't seem like a kidnapper. Did i wanna risk it?

tonight was a risk. wasn't it?

i took a step in. urging my knees not to wobble, to remain steady.

they led me down the hall into the room in the end

Angel stepped in and smiled at whomever was in the room

i felt like i was walking on soap.

"breath, girl.", peter drawled from behind me.

amusement was clear in his voice,

it was a effort not to scowl. but then that wouldn't have helped.

i just ignored him, but took a breath anyway.

Never thought i would be ignoring the most popular male at the moment.

i stepped into the room, and took in a sharp breath.

the room was covered in guitars, sleek furniture and beautiful boys.


Angel sat me down on a couch, my eyes were still wide. the four boys stood behind angel who had sat in the chair across the couch.

a moment earlier i had almost passed out, i hadn't expected them to be so...gorgeous in reality.

"so, our locations got leaked?" whispered, whom i thought was, Noah

"No, she's here by accident, isn't that right?", Angel murmured

i gave a curt nod

"is she a fan", Daniel asked

"i don't think so,", Liam drawled.

i am not. i wasn't a fan, not exactly. I had heard a few song here and there and had loved them. But I was not a fangirl. definitely not a stalker.

what if they thought I was one?

"I am not a stalker.", I blurted out.

what if they never thought that? I just gave them a idea. great.

"we know, love. What is your name?", Angel asked. I could see the boys behind her grin.


"Nia, Why am i here?", i asked more self-conscious than I'd ever been before

"You need to sign a few documents, actually. See, they", she motioned to the boyband behind her "are here without anyone knowing. And, well, you saw them, you cannot tell anyone literally, for safety purposes.", Angel smiled

oh. Oh.

"I won't tell anyone, I assure you."

"no, i know. But the document are just so we have a little control if you know what i mean,"


"great, I'll have them over in a day. Can i have your number?"

I blinked then, why my number?


"so, we can reach you when the documents are here.", it was Liam who replied.

the first time i really noticed him, and all of them in fact.

Liam Richards was exactly what you would expect in a vouge model. His angular face was contoured and sleek. He had a beautiful tan complexation that was honestly mesmerising.

besides him stood a lanky Daniel, he had literal olive skin,that complemented his deep brown eyes.

peter grinned as he realised that i had been staring and not thinking.

i stood up abruptly,

jotted my number down on the napkin on the table and made my way to the door.

"bye, nia", Noah drawled from the hallway where all 4 of them stood and grinned at me.

a shiver ran down my spine.

stupid popstars.

shiny lives, sleek guitars and perfect faces

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