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duty? OH SHIT!

I legit have school and I for one have to go, or my parents will kill me.

My teachers will tear me apart limb from limb.

I shake my head, trying to get all of the thoughts off my mind.

I realise that my car is abruptly standing in the middle of the road.

i sigh, and pull it off road. I sit back and try to relax but that's not what my dumb heart wants. My heart is racing, threatening to bring up my breakfast that is suspicious of my heart.

my phone suddenly rings.

a unknown number.

I pick it up.

"hello, Nia", drawls a beautiful voice, Noah's. I freeze, his voice has a obvious effect on me, clearly.

he chuckles

"hi, what did you mean when you said 'duty calls'" i was surprised to hear my voice come out all cool.


the band:0

"you know what I mean."

"So, you expect me to come over?"

"yes.", he answered simply, matter-of-factly.

"oh hell no, you know i have school."

"you are a senior, aren't you? well, one would have thought a senior liked to skip class maybe, risk it, i know i liked it.", he murmured more to himself but pinching me.

what he said had me driving, down the road to the highway.


What do I do?

Do I just burst in? but then what if they flash me, eew no.

Do I just knock? yes, just knock

I raise my hand to knock on the door when the door flew open itself.

the mask that i had set on my face slipped as Liam appeared.

I slowly constructed the mask again, a mask of cool, amused and happy

"hello, Nia.", Liam asked, his eyes were clearly amused to see my standing there, with my common lack of control.

"hi, Liam.", i replied, giving him competition at the stare contest.

His eyes flickered with surprised.

"just call me Lee, okay?", he asked calmly

i nodded dumbly.

he then pointed to camera overhead.

why did i not notice it?

that is how he knew i was here.

I was ushered inside by a calm and composed lee.

while he walked through the halls, gosh were there many, i studied him

he had beautiful brown hair longer than the others, I would have remembered his eyes anytime, a bright with blue with green streaks running through the boundaries prominently. It almost looked teal.

I realize I've stopped in my track and Lee had stopped too, turned around and was staring at me.

oh that's how i saw his eyes.

"Are you okay?"


"good, start walking then." he ginned then.

I felt heat rising to my cheeks, my ears.

i started walking past him, i wanted to wipe the smirk off his perfect face.

stupid popstars.


I find Noah in the hall where we had initially met the first time.

When he saw me, a smile, pleasant as a Saturday morning, appeared on his face.

I smiled back awkwardly.

its human nature.

"Let's talk Nia. "he said calmly.

we walk out. The view from the backyard was breath taking. the backyard merged into the lake.

"so, I am guessing Angel told you why you are here?", his tone was serious, he meant business.

"yes, i know, i am sorry."

He rolls his eyes that shock me profoundly.

"do you know why there can't be more fights? why they fight in the first place?"

i shake my head, I didn't know, but I sure had a thing for gossip.

"You really aren't a fan, are you?"

"I'm not."

he sighs as if I am the one who is causing trouble, like a little child.

He runs inside and comes back out with a book, its thin but not very.

I look at him, the question in my eyes

"This is a journal, with articles that had it all accurate. Read it. Call or Text me for doubts.

What did they have it accurate?




a longer chapter this time. Also i am changing the Title. Because 'broken Glass' isn't working.

And guess what?

next update is going to be casting.


watch out


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