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You're right.

Pathetic Mate.

I know.

Declan our mates need you.

'Who's there?' I questioned the darkness. I already had one voice tormenting me I didn't need another one reminding me of my mates and how much I had already hurt them.

We don't talk much but I am your wolf Xerxes. Our mates and your fathers miss you. Please come back to them. 

"I'm not worthy of them anymore. I couldn't even protect them from my own family." I groaned with the memory of why I was stuck in this purgatory.

They don't think that. Although I'm here in your place it's not enough. I can see the sadness in their eyes every time they think I'm not paying attention. Owen whimpers your name at night when he falls asleep and Set doesn't even sleep most of the time. He's trying to stay strong for all three of us but it's taking a toll on him.

He blames himself for everything and he even asked for punishment from your fathers. Everyone is trying to keep it together but I watch everyone and I know that no one is handling this well. They miss you and although I've become a good substitute I'm not completely you.

"It wasn't entirely his fault though. Sure the whole thing with Horus was but everything else was my Uncle's fault."

Well come back and tell him that yourself. 

"I can't..." I sighed.

I loved my mates it was true but how could I face them knowing that I was the reason for every beating, every lashing, every kick, punch slap...for everything? The voice was right. I was worthless as a mate. There was no reason for me to ever go back. I'm sure Xerxes would take care of them and he probably wouldn't let our mates end up in the situation that I left them in.

I'm no substitute for you. Yes, I am a part of you but I am not you. Although we share the same body, my wolf, and some similar traits we're not the same. I love my mates and to a smaller degree your fathers but everyone else will be attacked or eaten if I'm forced to stay in your world. 

I can't stay inside the room all day everyday for the rest of my life and when I get out I will be a danger to everyone in your pack. Not that I hate them or whatever but the circumstances that we've found ourselves in has caused me to react like this to others. Eventually I'm going to lose it and it'll get even more dangerous. Do you want that for our mates?

 "Well no, but..." I began.

But nothing. If you care about our mates then you'll come back. It's as simple as that. 

"I don't even know how to go back." I grumbled.

That's simple. I give you back control. Do you think you can handle that? 

"I can try but I make no promises. I'm messed up Xerxes. Really messed up, I can tell. Something's definitely not right with me and I don't want to be the reason that my mates get taken from me or hurt again."

Declan, our mates aren't just there to look good. They will help you through whatever it is that is troubling you and I'll still be here if you really need me. I won't be as vocal as I am now but I refuse to let anything happen to you or our mates. You need to trust that the people who love you want to protect you as well as helping you. 

Otherworldly Darkness [Book 5]Where stories live. Discover now