It Begins.

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Eva crept quietly through the brush alongside the houses as Set and I vigilantly kept watch. The boisterous snores of the wolves meant to be on patrol this night echoed through the night serving as our warning system. Once they stopped we would make a quick and silent retreat. We had quickly learned that most of the wolves that Alpha Reynolds trusted had become lazy and complacent when it came to guarding the pack. This was only our third visit here and each time they had been sleeping or off somewhere else.

It only served our purpose greater when we realized how easy it would be to slip the clean food and water to the wolves that needed it. Alpha Reynolds had become increasingly paranoid in the last couple of years and has banned all pack dinners. The food is delivered to the pack houses once every two days by a group of healthy wolves and then the pack members were left to their duties.

Most of the wolves agreed that it was time to put a stop to Alpha Reynolds' reign of terror and once they found out who I was they wholeheartedly agreed. There were some who agreed but weren't as optimistic and I couldn't blame them after everything they had been through. Those that wanted to help us we provided them with water and food, void of any wolfs bane, a special vitamin our pack doctors whipped up to help them awaken and build the connections with their wolves, and we provided them with weapons so that when the time came they would be ready in whatever form they were able to fight in.

The ones who weren't willing to fight were still provided food, medicine and a plan of escape should anything happen. We wouldn't leave anybody behind if we could help it. These were out people whether we knew them all or not. They didn't deserve to live like this and we were going to help them out.

Eva finally reached the front of the house and rapped on the wooden door three times in our special knock alerting the occupants to whom it was and why we were there. A dim light shone from the inside of the house where the door creaked open allowing her to smoothly slip inside the home before it closed once again with a soft thud.

'After this we should only have two more homes to visit and then we're done for tonight.' Set reminded me over our link.

'I know. Do you think they'll be ready to fight within a week or so?' I questioned as I kept my eyes on the doorway waiting for her to slip back out into the night.

'I don't know but what we have regardless is the element of surprise. As far as he knows the wolves don't know what he's been doing and they've been taking the food and pretending to eat it at home. They continue to act like weak shifters in front of him but train behind his back. I think if anything they'll be caught off guard long enough for us to make a difference.' He replied.

Hushed murmurs stopped our conversation just as Eva slipped back outside the house. We quickly moved along the sides of the neighboring homes and kept to the shadows as we crept to the next house. Set handed the next satchel off to Eva who continued her task of delivering food and medicine.

'I can't wait to get home to Owen...' I couldn't help but think.

'Me neither. I miss our little pup already.' Set whined.

'I can hear you still you know.' Owen interrupted our shared thoughts.

'Yes, we know.' I laughed. 'Be glad we left it PG for you.'

'Wh-What?' He stuttered and I had to grin at his innocence. He was so cute sometimes. Well all the time actually. Once this was all over I couldn't wait to go back home and spend some quality time with my mates.

"Nothing...Nothing.' I teased. 'Just thinking aloud babe.'

He humphed over our link causing Set and I to both laugh at him and his change in attitude. A dim light shone into the night catching our attention as Eva snuck back out of the house and over to us. Set gave her the final bag as she once again ran off with us sneaking behind her to the next and final home on the list.

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