Guess Who's Staying For Dinner.

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For the millionth time today I rolled my eyes at my dads who were snapping at Set every chance they got. I understood they were pissed at us but they couldn't keep taking it out on him. We were sitting in one of the main rooms that Set had here and we were just talking about nothing after we finished the grand tour of the house.

"So what are you?" Damien questioned as he plopped down on the couch.

"I'm a god." Set replied hesitantly not sure where this question was headed.

"Uh huh...God of what?" He continued pressing his pointer fingers together and then pressing them to his closed mouth as he glared at Set.

"Storms, desert, disorder and violence." He replied nonchalantly and I groaned seeing the look in Nicholai's eyes hardened.

"Nope! Absolutely not! You two can't stay here this just smells like trouble. I can't leave you two here alone." He protested jumping up from the chair he was sitting in.

"What? That makes no sense!" I yelled at him jumping up myself before hearing Owen let out a groan of his own knowing that a fight between any of my dads and I wouldn't end well.

"Excuse me?" Nicholai questioned turning to look at me.

"I won't just abandon my mate." I replied with a little less emotion in my voice.

"Declan you can't just stay with someone like that! He just screams danger. I can tell that something wrong will happen if I leave you here." He pleaded hoping that I would understand and I did but I didn't agree with him.

"I know you're worried but don't be we can handle ourselves daddy." Owen chirped from beside me trying to calm them.

"How do I know that though?" He questioned sounding broken.

"Seriously Nicholai?" I laughed. "You sound just like Uncle Aiden."

"I do not!" He whined sounding more like a child than an adult.

"Yeah you do. I remember when he was telling me about how you met your mates. They tried to keep you away from them and what happened? You ended up with them in the end and even when there was pretty much a bounty on your head your mates still stayed with you.

Why don't you think that our mate would do the same? Just because he's the god of some really terrible shit he's still our mate and once you get to know him you'll like him I'm sure of it. Even if you don't I feel like you should respect the fact that we're mates and get over it." I replied harshly.

"Even though he's twenty two can we beat him?" Damien questioned after a minute of silence.

"What?" I questioned in shock taking a step away from him.

"Seriously. I feel like if the four of us team up on him we can hold him down and beat him until he obeys us like a good child." He replied turning back to me and smiling at me devilishly.

"What is wrong with you?" I question staring at him and taking slow steps closer to Set who was sitting on the other side of Owen.

"Nothing." His smile widened even more scaring me even more.

"Ignore Damien, you know how he gets." Mateus laughed as he pulled on the back of the collar of his shirt making sure he sat back.

'Your family is' Set spoke in my mind.

'I'm so sorry about all this.' I tried to apologize.

'No need.' He laughed not sounding worried at all.

'Damien's still rambling.' Owen spoke to the both of us.

'He won't stop for a while.' I explained to Set who seemed to be enthralled by them.

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