Finale [Part 1]

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"Stay down." I whispered as Owen and I crouched behind the massive winding trunk of an oak tree. The forest that surrounded us was serene and peaceful; just as the day was. The sky, usually filled with clouds threatening to burst with rain, was now clear and bright and otherwise welcoming on this day of all days.

Soft whispers from behind me brought me from my silent musings as I focused on the task at hand. I motioned behind me for the next pair of shifters to move on. Two larger wolves sprinted past me, making sure to keep low and hidden before Owen and I were quick behind them.

There were twelve of us in total that had been able to sneak in using Set's teleportation ability. It was Owen and I along with Eva, Rue, Kaya and a few other shifters that had accompanied us. Our fathers along with Set and Amun had gone to the edge of Alpha Reynolds' territory to wait for us. Once we were able to drop the shield they would be able to come in and fight.

'Eva. Where to?'

'There was a section behind the house where we weren't allowed to go but I could always feel a major spike in magical energy anytime I got close enough. I'm almost positive that's where the witches are being held. It's constantly guarded and protected by magic so I doubt we can just jump in their either.' She informed me.

'So how do you suggest we handle this?' Rue questioned. Turning around I spotted her besides Kaya who was about two trees away from my position. Her red lips were pressed in a firm line and her eyebrows arched, questioning me as her eyes found mine.

Kaya was already shifted and was crouched low to the ground in a defensive stance should anything happen. His attention was on me, waiting for my next order but by the way his ears flinched every so often I knew that he was listening to the forest around him patiently waiting for anything to happen.

'Honestly I think our best bet is to cause a distraction and then hopefully with Eva's help we can take out the guards and break down the magical shields while setting the witches free. It seems like a lot but I think that you and Kaya can handle it.'

'Oh...This sounds like fun.' She bared her sharp incisors at me as her eyes flashed red.

'If it's not too much trouble try not to kill anyone!' I shouted over the link as she disappeared taking Kaya with her.

'I make no promises dear brother." Her laugh tinkled over the link like a light chime in the wind and momentarily I felt bad for whoever tried to apprehend her or Kaya.

'While they do that we'll stay close and well hidden to this magical building and when the time is right we'll be ready.'

A chorus of agreement echoed over the link as we began our trek over to the building that Eva described. Those who were shifted took the lead making sure that the path was clear before we who weren't shifted just yet followed behind. We were very careful as to who could see us although we were easily blending into the surrounding foliage. Our scent was undetectable thanks to a magical concoction that Eva had come up with.

The smell of it was akin to rolling around in a pit filled with the excretions of all the forest animals and ten gallons of my grandmother's perfume but it somehow allowed our scents to blend with that of our surroundings. When this was all over the first thing that was going to happen was a massive shower.

The giggling of small children had roused me from my wayward thoughts once more and I halted everyone. Although we had told everyone from the pack to behave as if nothing was wrong we still couldn't risk exposing ourselves to them. We were to remain hidden even from our allies in the pack until the time was right.

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