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"What? There is no way that's true. It's just a rumor." She shook her head. 

He stared back at his phone, squinting. "I don't know about that, the popular media sites are all talking about it." He turned his phone towards me so I can see.

"But I never auditioned for anything! When was this posted?" 

"It says the most current article was published ten minutes ago. I want to talk to Nick about this. Are you sure your agents didn't tell you about this ever?"

"No. They were too busy trying to get rid of you, plus I'm prohibited from using my phone in here." I responded bluntly.

He rolled his eyes and placed his phone in his pocket. "Well, I'm going to talk to Nick and get more information. I will see you soon." he got up and left. 

"Otis wait!" I called out. He turned around.

"How are you?" I gently asked. He waved and walked away in silence.


That night, I couldn't stop thinking about Otis. I really fucked up. I fucked everything up. I'm in a mental ward for god's sake! How did that even happen? Suddenly, I'm in school; I blink and now I'm in a mental hospital... and a movie star. 

I tossed and turned that night, desperately trying to come up with a plan to fix it all. I could no longer bottle everything up, and let out a cry. I sobbed for hours, my nose stuffed, unable to breathe, and eyes puffy as if I was having an allergic reaction. I was desperate for a rewind button, so I could play back this horror film that was my life and fix everything.

Then it hit me. I got up, blew my nose and wiped my tears. I had to face my problems, and overcome my obstacles. I had to get out of here. Requesting a voluntary leave was not going to take too long, but I needed to leave sooner. I needed to leave now. 

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now