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I had to come into terms that Amy was going to call eventually, and I couldn't run away from her. After all, she is my agent. She owns me.

"What do I do?" Nick started to panic. He set his phone on the table and raised his arms. "I don't know what to tell her. I'm not answering it."

"She's going to ask you about me. Just let it ring. She's going to call me next." I sat back down on the corner of the couch, waiting for my phone to ring. Seconds later, Amy was calling me. I took a deep breath and answered. 


"It's Amy. We need to talk. I'm certain you know what this conversation is going to be about."  I wanted to throw up.

"What on Earth were you thinking? You've been in the business long enough. You know damn well you're not supposed to be opening your mouth like this. I can't believe I am having this conversation with you. I expected better from my most successful client." 

"Your 'most successful client' went through hell with you. This wasn't even about me anymore. This was about you! You never gave a fuck about me and you know it. If this was about me, you wouldn't have given my role to someone else. That movie was going to be my big break, and you took it away." 

"How was I supposed to give it to someone who ended up in the mental hospital? You tell me what was I supposed to do?" Amy was lucky we were speaking over the phone. If she was in front of me, I don't know what I would have done and I didn't want to find out. 

"You can't live a normal life, Vivienne, just accept it! You can't be dating losers you meet in your little rotten school and think it won't hurt your career. There are consequences. Don't act like you don't know this." 

"You ruined Camille's life. I won't let you ruin mine." Amy went silent. 

"She told you?" Her voice was quiet. 

"She told me everything." I replied. 

"You tried to kill Otis. I will never forgive you for that. You're lucky I haven't told the police yet." Amy started laughing. It was an evil, nasal laugh that pierced through my ears. 

"Honey, do you really think they're going to listen to your bullshit? You went to a mental hospital. Keep fucking up like this and making an absolute fool of yourself. They're going to send you right back. And if they don't, I'll make sure I do."

 My skin went hot. I felt as if my face was on fire. Amy was an evil human being and filled me with abhorrence, but I couldn't let her words get to me. 

"You got this." Otis mouthed to me.

"We're done, Amy. I want out." 

"You're not going anywhere. Your contract doesn't end for another two months. You and I will no longer be working together so I'm handing you over to Tyler. He has more information on your next event. Don't fuck it up and make me look bad. Expect a phone call. Goodbye."

"Fuck  you!" I shrieked and threw my phone across the room.

Otis ran over to get my phone. "Leave it!" I yelled. 

"Can you break your contract?" Nick asked. 

"No. It ends in two months. I have to work with Tyler until then. She said I'm attending a huge event soon."

"Then end it after the event. Find another agent and-" 

 " I don't want another agent. I don't want any of this! I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to live a normal life. Why is that so hard?" I sobbed. Otis sat down next to me, placing his arm around me.

I really did have it all. The fame, the success, the money. But is all of this worth what it made me go through? What is all of it worth if I'm not happy and enjoying every moment of it?

"Go to the event. This is your opportunity. Use it how you want. It can be your last chance to make a bold statement." Nick went over to grab my phone from the floor and placed it in my hand. 

"You can't hide forever." Otis stood back up. They were both right. I can run, but I can't hide. Whether I choose to stay in the business or exit, I have to do it the right way. I turned the volume up on my phone and waited for Tyler to call. 

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now