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"Vivienne! Are you okay? You almost passed out!" He quickly tried to put me back on my feet, still holding on to my arm.

"I- I don't know. I was fine this morning."

"Did you eat last night? What did you have for breakfast this morning? Vivienne?" 

I stayed silent. "Nothing. Well, I had a couple of blueberries before I left the house." I said quietly and looked away, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Vivienne are you insane? That's not enough! You need to eat a proper meal!" This was the first time I saw him genuinely frustrated.

"I mean, I've gone without eating, but I never got lightheaded like this." I still felt dizzy and placed my hand on my forehead.

"Let's go. We're going to eat something." He grabbed my hand and started walking, dragging me behind him. 

"Where are we going?" 

"The cafeteria to get you food." I quickly stopped.

"Hold on, if we're getting a proper meal we are not eating cafeteria food. I have an idea. Let's go out to eat. My treat." I gave a slight smirk.

"Vivienne we can't leave campus during lunch."

"Just leave that up to me." I grabbed his hand and walked him towards the counselor's office. 

Luckily, the counselor was still there and her face lit up when she saw me.

"Hello! Mind if I come in?"

" Not at all! What did you need from me honey? How's your school experience so far?"

"Fantastic. I had a question. I have an important photoshoot to go to right after school, but I need to pick up my prescription for my headaches. Can I please go pick them up now during lunch?" 

"Oh of course you can! Here, I'll write you a pass." She signed it and handed it to me.

She turned to Otis. "Did you need anything, honey?" He shook his head no.

"I'm with her." He responded. 

"Oh! Here, I'll write you a pass too just in case." She told him quietly.

"This is the first time she's ever been nice to me. She's rude and blunt with everyone except you." Otis whispered to me as he looked around to make sure no one heard him.

We both eagerly rushed over to my car

"Where to?" Otis asked. 

"5-star lunch, Otis!" I was about to leave the parking lot when I noticed someone was standing right behind my car, looking directly at the rearview mirror. 

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now