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TW: Suicide

What did I just do? I'm exposing my agency to the whole world, telling everyone-my fans- that I lied to them. Should I delete it? It's too late. Everyone's already interacting with the tweet.

Both Nick and Otis check their phones for the tweet.

"This is insane. You're already getting hundreds of likes. Thousands now." Nick responded.

"I don't know, Vivienne. I'm worried sick about you." Otis replied.

"Stop worrying about me. I'm going to be fine. We're going to be fine. I'm doing what I have to do. There's no other way out of this." I kept searching through my phone for texts and pictures, and began uploading them all. From my kidnapping to me attempting suicide, I talked about everything.

"Keep the shooting out of this. We will have to go to the police for that." Nick mentioned.

"I'm going to upload it. People have to know what happened." I responded.

"That's not something that you post before going to the police. You have to go to them and say something. If Amy and her team find out they're going to come after us again."

"Fine. But I'm mentioning everything else." I kept uploading and people kept reacting.

"Holy shit, you're trending right now. Everyone is talking about it and they're defending you. I really think this is going to work." Otis said as he continued scrolling through the tweets.

"I know. If people see this, they might even consider giving me my role back. I deserve that role more than anyone else. Fuck Amy and her team!" I cheered.

Nick and Otis obsessively began scrolling through their feed.

"You're already headlining news across the internet. Be ready, because they're going to reach out to you to ask you some questions. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the FBI wanted to get in touch."

I nodded. "I know. I'm going to be hearing from everyone."

I read through all of my posts. My heart was pounding, my fingers were sore from typing and my head felt as if someone was sticking needles on both ends of my temples. I was starting to panic, wanting to delete everything, but that was only going to make it worse. Besides, it was too late. It was already out into the world and there was no turning back. I logged out of Twitter and sat back. Nick and Otis both sat next to me, giving me a hug.

"You did the right thing. We don't know the aftermath of this, but you spoke out. You have a voice and you used it. That takes courage." Otis told me as he rubbed my back.

"We probably shouldn't be leaving the house anytime soon. I suggest turning off anything that could potentially carry our location just in case. Amy is dangerous. We never know with her anymore. Otis, you're staying here for a while until everything gets figured out. I hope that's okay." Nick responded.

"But I have school tomorrow-"

"You're not leaving anytime soon, you're a target. They know what school you go to. You're staying right here with us." Nick interrupted.

"How am I going to pass my classes? I did not work hard just to fail out when the school year is almost over." He pleaded.

"It won't be for that long, give it a couple of days and we're going to figure all of this out. We're going to have to. This can't be a waiting game.

We sat in silence as I thought about whether or not Amy had found out yet about my posts, or how many people were trying to call me to get ahold of me such as Camille. I thought about my career after this, and my school and even that Chemistry project Otis and I were supposed to do."

"Otis, what happened to that Chemistry project?"

"It's due in a month."

"Have you started?" I asked.

"No. Have you?" He gave me a sarcastic laugh.

I stayed quiet.

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now