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I waited for Otis by my English class just like we had planned so we could eat lunch together. I saw him walk toward me as I waved. I couldn't wait for lunch so I could tell him about my photoshoot.

"Hey! Long time no see." I teased.

"Hey Vivienne. Did you bring your own lunch?" We started walking toward the portables as everyone did their usual stop and stare.

"I did not, and I'll tell you why in a bit." I told him in excitement.

The portables were outside behind the school. Otis took out his keys and locked the door once we both were in the portable. We both set our backpacks down as I walked around, studying the classroom.

"So why didn't you bring anything to eat?" He asked as he pulled out a small metal lunchbox from his backpack.

"I have a photoshoot today with Forever 21! So, I just had a smoothie and a protein bar. I'll just feast after my shoot." I told him as his eyes widened.

"Like the Forever 21?" 

"The Forever 21! Right after school at 3 pm."

"That. Is. Insane. Yet, I shouldn't really be surprised. This is so normal for you."

"Yeah but-"

"So what's it like? Is it an all-day thing?" He interrupted.

"Well it's-why don't you come with me? We'll grab some coffee beforehand and go on set and we can hang out and you'll get to see what all happens!" What was I doing? I barely knew Otis. What made me trust him so easily like that?

"Are you sure? Is that allowed?" I watched him light up with excitement.

"We'll be fine." I smiled at him.

"Th-then yes I'd love to go!" His blue eyes widened as he smiled.

"Let's meet up by the front after school and we'll go together." 


I quickly left my last class and headed towards the front of the school to meet up with Otis and we walked towards my car as I heard students faintly calling his name as we both were walking.

"Are you excited?" 

"Very! Can I mention this to anyone?"

"Yes, but not everyone." 

We pulled up to the studio and suddenly two paparazzi were waiting for us to get out.

"Vivienne who are they?" Otis asked nervously. 

"Shit. Paparazzi found out I was going to be here. Now, once we get out, they're going to take about 20 pictures at once and come up to us to ask a million questions. I'll get out first, then you get out and we walk straight towards the studio. Got it?" He nodded.

"What if they ask me something?" He asked.

"Ignore it and keep walking." 

I got out of the car and went towards Otis's side and he left too. We quickly walked inside the studio as the paparazzi took pictures, following us to the front doors of the studio.

"Hey Vivienne! is who is the lucky boy?" One of them said. 

"Sir what's your name?" Another one asked. 

"Just ignore them." I whispered as we entered the studio and headed towards the elevators to the second floor.


A/N- Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Otis is friends with a famous model now, how lucky is he? How do you guys think he will handle having a famous friend? 

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