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It was interesting. I had never pretended to date someone before and it was an oddly interesting feeling. Ever since Nick posted that photo of me confirming our 'relationship,' we had gotten nothing but direct messages upon tweets upon emails. Family and friends left and right were messaging us asking if it were true. Otis was leaving the hospital in the morning so Nick and I took him home, and hired a nurse to care for him for a few more days from home since they didn't let do it myself. I had been staying over at Nick's house for the past couple of days, and have not spoken to Camille for a while now. 

Although the social media attention had become a good distraction for me, I felt more guilty than ever because of Otis. After all, he did almost die because of me- wether or not he or anyone else wants to deny it. It was only true. I felt too guilty to show my face to Otis anytime soon again, but somehow I had to get answers. I had to know if Amy and her team really were behind all of this. 

"Breakfast?" Nick greeted me as I walked down the stairs. A whiff of fresh pancakes and fruit filled the kitchen. 

"Don't mind if I do." I smiled.

"So, are you going to see Otis tomorrow at his house?"

"How can I? I'm the reason he's like this. How can I keep showing my face to him knowing that I'm responsible for all of this. How can I show my face to his mother? I can't. I want to see him more than anything- even if it's just been two days. I just- feel guilty. " I put my hands on my forehead as Nick brought me some fluffy, warm pancakes with a side of fruit and maple syrup. 

"How many times do I have to tell you that you can't blame yourself for this because it's not your fault? We will get to the bottom of it. Period." 

"He said there was a black van in front of your driveway. The person in that van shot him." That's when I realized. I don't know why it didn't hit me before. 

"Nick The black van! It was the same one they took me to their office in! It's them. There's absolutely no way that it wasn't. It all adds up." I placed my hands on my head.

"This is all my fault. All of it. I told you, Nick! It's my fault! Otis almost died because of me!" I yelled.

"What van? Who's they?!" He replied.

"Amy and her team! Her, Tyler, they're all apart of this. They're trying to get rid of Otis! And it's my fault!" I cried. 

"Okay, Vivienne, now you're sounding a little crazy. Why would they do something like this?"

"I've told you so many times and you know they're trying to kill him!" I replied angrily. "Go to Otis's house. I'll be here."

"What about school? Vivienne how long has it been since you last went to school?" 

"I don't know, a couple days, maybe a week?" I responded, sniffling.

"Maybe you should go. I'll take y-"

"Otis almost fucking died and you're worried about class?! I can call and be excused instantly. That is not the issue right now, Nick." 

"Just- go see Otis today, Vivienne. I'll drive you there. You have to be there for him during a time like this. You can't leave him hanging just because of your own feelings. That's selfish." He snapped.

I thought about what he said, and he was right. "Okay, I'll go. Just let me know when to get ready." 

Suddenly, his phone went off. It was on top of the counter, so I was able to see it. It was a text from Amy, but I couldn't make out what the text read. He quickly grabbed his phone. 

"Check this out. Amy wants you to upload a photo of us kissing." 

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