64 (Final Chapter)

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Floods of students crowded around me the next day at school. It felt nice to be back. I missed the smell of old textbooks and cheap body spray in the hallways. After an hour and a half in the counselor's office, I was officially going to be back on track with school and graduation as long as I consistently attended this time. Nick had opportunities left and right waiting for him after his huge win at the awards show. Otis seemed to be enjoying the attention for the first time ever as we walked hand in hand, getting stopped every few seconds.

"Are you guys like-official now?" One student asked.

"Otis how does it feel to be so famous?" Another one called right after. We made our way to our chemistry class as Mr. Anderson greeted us by the door. 

"Well hey stranger! Glad to see you back." He smiled at me.

"Thanks Mr. Anderson, Otis has a lot to catch me up on." I stepped inside the classroom as he giggled. 

We both sat down. I shuffled through my backpack, digging for a pen. 

"Alright class, your project is due very soon. How's everyone doing so far?" Mr. Anderson asked as he paced back and forth, knowing very well no one had started. 

Everyone began looking around the classroom and mumbled to each other.

"We have to start on that project." Otis whispered, chuckling.

"Yeah, no kidding." I agreed. "We need to start today."

 He reached over and placed his hand on my thigh, giving me a warm smile, giving me the reassurance I needed that everything was going to be fine.


I loved living a life outside of fame. I wasn't hiding from anyone, I didn't have to worry about what I looked like or be forced into doing anything I didn't want to do. Every moment, from going to class to going to the grocery store to staying in and hanging out with Nick and Otis reminded me that I had made the right decision. Nick was the sweetest soul to let me stay with him until I figured things out and decided where I wanted to live. My mother didn't think I had made the best decision but was still supportive of me- and 'extremely busy,' as she'd always mention. The days in the psych ward and everything Amy put me through is still a fresh wound that I haven't had time to recover from, but the path to healing is very much on the horizon. 

Otis and I got to Nick's house to see Nick pacing back and forth as if he was waiting for us.

"Did you guys hear?" He greeted us.

"Good afternoon to you too!" I chuckled. "Hear what?" 

"Amy. She's in jail. They busted her and the agency for fraud." He replied.

"Fraud? Not surprising. Sounds like something she'd do." Otis nodded in agreement. 

"Detectives reached out to me. They want to further investigate into Otis's incident too after what you had posted online. We have the evidence. We can absolutely press charges against her now." He turned to Otis, waiting for his response.

"Let's do it. We can't let this bitch win. The fear is dead." 

"Who's going to be your agent now? Have you decided yet?"

"Mm, no. I have my top 2." He replied.

"Get ready for those bookings. You have a a whole list." I told him proudly. I was happy for Nick. He deserved it all and so much more.

"I think this is the first time we've all actually have been in a good place in our lives." He reflected for a bit, and looked up at both Otis and I. "Since the time we met, we all have been so immersed into all these negative, horrible things. This has been the first time that we are all doing somewhat okay." He chuckled.

"Shit, if my biggest problem right now is a Chemistry project I'm fucking grateful." Otis replied.

We all huddled together into a hug. We squeezed each other for a good minute, absorbing each other's energy. 

We meet people and go through-sometimes unfortunate- events in our lives for a reason, but pushing through and fighting for the people you love made me realize that at the end, it was all absolutely worth it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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