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The three of us spent the rest of the night staying in. Nick cooked us one of his new pasta recipes with warm garlic bread and mozzarella sticks. We laid back and played video games, laughed and watched movies as my career was walking on thin ice.

I logged back in from my laptop and scrolled as my name was trending worldwide. I've been on many covers and in countless articles, but never this many in such a short amount of time. Hollywood Dream or Hollywood Nightmare? The Tragic Reality of Vivienne Parker  was my favorite headline. I bookmarked it to have something to look back on either the best or worst thing I had done for my career. I didn't know which one it was yet, it was just too early to tell. I scrolled through screenshots, tweets and comments about me. Many were defending me, others wanted answers and some didn't know whether to believe me or not. Fair enough. As someone who's life was portrayed to be so perfect, I wouldn't believe myself at first either. 

I sat back and silently watched Otis play his video game while Nick ran upstairs. I thought about everything that had happened up until now and everything that could happen from this point on. I thought about how many other girls in the industry felt the same way I did, how many were being forced into roles and relationships because it would 'be good for their career,' agents and managers completely dismissing their talents and instead making them rely on a male star to boost their career for them.

I was lucky. Nick and I got along really well, and he genuinely cared for me. He didn't have to stay with me up to this point or create the friendship that we have, yet here we were. I appreciated him for that. I was fine with losing contact with Camille after what she did and with my parents who never bothered to call me to check in anymore. But with Nick, we've been fighting through this together and he's still here. 

Otis was a completely different story. I could rip through my skin and hand Otis my entire heart, but it still wouldn't be enough. I still don't know how I'll ever be able to repay him after everything he's been through because of me. 

"Are you going to address anything or respond to anyone?" Nick called out as he made his way back downstairs from his room. He was holding an extra game controller. 

"I don't plan on it yet. I want everyone to see my post first. Then I might talk." I replied, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Anything from Amy yet?" Otis asked. 

"Nope not yet. Surprisingly. It's probably past her bedtime. Villains need sleep too." I chuckled. 

"But you know people are going to want some kind of response from you. Are you going to leave them hanging? You can't do that. Nick replied. 

"I know. I just don't know what to say yet." I dismissed him. 

Those who weren't supporting or defending me were claiming that I had one of those breakdowns young celebrities would have when the pressure of wealth and fame takes a toll on them. They claimed that it was all 'in my head' and that none of it had actually happened. I wish it were true. I wish I were making up this whole thing and that it was all in my head. Because then, it meant that none of it was real, and that everything was okay.

But it wasn't.

Otis placed the controller on the table in front of him and sat back as he sighed. "We can't stay here very long. We should leave town. Find a hotel somewhere far from this city before things escalate, which they will."  

Nick and I both turned to him, then turned to each other. "You mean- we should run away?" I asked. 

"Where would we go?" Nick followed. 

"I don't know. Somewhere where Amy and her team won't find us. Nick, you're a celebrity too, and I got shot right outside of this house. They know exactly where you live, let's not forget that. One of the first places they'll look is right here. I suggest we leave as soon as possible." 

"How are the headlines looking? Are you still trending?"

"Worldwide. They're going nuts. The internet is flooded with articles about me."

"I don't think this is an issue we can solve within a couple of days. Absolutely no way we'd be able to do it peacefully either." Nick responded. 

"Exactly. I suggest we leave tonight even. Amy is too unpredictable. Who knows who else will come looking for you guys. For us. Look for hotels, motels, something." Otis claimed. 

I began searching on my laptop for hotels in a city that was 4 hours away from us. I found a small, secluded hotel that was located in its suburbs, away from the busy city with 3 floors and a black and white design. Its interior looked new, as if the hotel had been remodeled. 

"How about this one?" I showed them. "They have one suite on the third floor and it's available." 

"Exterior is nice. The area is quiet. I like it, but keep looking. Maybe we'll find a better one." Otis agreed with Nick. 

I scrolled through pages of hotels. Most were located in busy areas with heavy traffic while some were in the middle of nowhere, mostly for travelers to stay overnight. A few other small ones we liked were already fully booked.

"None of these are what we're looking for except that first one. What do you guys think?"

"Let's book it." Otis replied without any hesitation. "The suite." Nick nodded in agreement. 

"Alright, booking now." I was typing in our names until Nick grabbed my hands away from the keyboard. 

"You're not using our real names, are you?" He asked.

"I was going to-" 

"Are you crazy? We're increasing our chances of getting caught. We can't trust anyone. Not even the front desk clerk at a hotel 5 hours away."  

"What names should we use, then?" I looked at both of them.

"Kurt Johnson." Otis responded.

"Mine is Michael Nicholson." Nick followed.

"Marissa Williams." I responded. 

"Kurt, Michael and Marissa checking into the Williamson Hotel." I chuckled.

None of us knew what we were getting ourselves into. All we knew was that this was the calm before the storm.

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