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The day of the award show. The biggest night in the industry, my first public appearance since the internet frenzy I had caused. I threw the internet into a whirlwind about how my life went to complete shit and am attending the Cinema Music Awards a few days after as if nothing happened. I was not nearly ready, but I had to be. It was now or never.

 We left early in the morning to arrive back to Nick's house in time for hair, wardrobe and makeup. We grabbed coffee and three chocolate croissants in the morning and hit the road. The energy was tense. We were making small talk, but everyone was nervous.

"I'm going to be honest, I really liked this little town." Nick replied. 

"I'd come back." I agreed. Otis stayed quiet, indirectly indicating his disagreement. 

"What are you wearing tonight, Vivienne? Have you seen your outfit yet?" Otis changed the subject. 

"No, they haven't shown me. I'll know when it's wardrobe time. Hopefully it's cute. I am trying to be on the good side of fashion magazines." I laughed. "Your outfits are waiting for you too, you know. 

Otis's eyes lit up. "Our outfits are unique, too?"

"I turned to Otis. "Of course, it's an award show. Just go with it. You'll be fine.  I reached over and placed my hand over his cheek and gave him a smile.

I didn't know what else to say while I was up there presenting. A part of me wanted to go in silence, memorizing only the speech they gave me and end it there, but I knew I had to say something. This was the only opportunity where millions were watching me outside of the internet.

For the duration of the trip, I silently rehearsed different things I could potentially say and none of them did me any justice. I knew I was overthinking it, but I had to get it right. This was different than posting comfortably behind a phone screen where I was able to hide. 

"What if you said something scandalous?" Nick broke the silence. 

"What do you mean?"

"Tell them something that'll leave them with a bang. Have the world talking about it for weeks." He replied. 

"That's not a bad idea." Otis agreed. "But what would she say?"

"I can't do all of it for you dammit!" Nick chuckled. 


There were 2 trucks and 3 Mercedes Benz vans parked in front of Nick's car when we arrived. A tall figure got out of one of the vans and rushed towards our car. 

"Nick Robinson?" He asked. 

"And Vivienne Parker, and Otis Milburn." He responded. 

"Great. Everyone's here. We've brought the crew with us. If you don't mind, we're just going to be setting up inside." Nick got out to open the door for them. I turned to Otis, who stared at them in awe.

"This is incredible. I've never been apart of something like this." His icy blue eyes sparkled in the sun as he closely watched them pace around the front yard. 

"It gets even better." I winked at him. He reached over and placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"I am. I promise. Don't worry about me. We're going to have a good time. Let's go enjoy ourselves. Your glam crew is waiting for you." Otis got out of the car as if he was a kid who just heard the ice cream truck on a hot summer day. 


"I hope you win tonight." I walked into Nick's room as I waited for my dress fitting and stood by his door.

"You look stunning." He walked over towards me, gazing directly into my eyes. 

"Don't get me hyped up like that." I chuckled. "Me presenting your award on stage would be quite a moment." 

"If I win." 

"You're going to." I replied.

"The only thing that would matter to me is that you're the one presenting it." He reaches over and gives me a hug. My eyes began tearing up as I tried my best to avoid ruining my makeup. After everything we've both been through, sharing this moment between us was one I didn't know I needed. I was thankful for Nick in ways I couldn't fathom. "Save the emotions until after. You just spent three hours in hair and makeup." We both laughed.

"I don't know what I would do without you, actually." I told him, choking back tears.

"Likewise, and I don't want to find out." He smiled.

"Nick. I know exactly what I'm going to say tonight." 

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