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"Supermodel? So you're famous." His blue eyes widened.

"I mean- I guess so? I didn't expect it to be like this, though." He has been the first person today to talk to me like a normal person.

"Like what?"

"Well, the counselor knew who I was and she was just acting unusually nice. I walked to class while everyone looked and talked about me and apparently the seat I'm in belongs to someone else who seems like she will sit on the floor if she has to. She told me I could have it once she recognized who I was." 

"Wow. You're living the life, huh?" 

"If you mean being extremely hungover from an album release party the night before attending school the next morning with absolutely no sleep-then yes." I smiled. 

Otis gently laughed and looked down at his lap. 

Our chemistry teacher was a tall, thin middle-aged white man named Mr. Anderson who spoke with a gentle tone. Today's rather-long- lesson was about balancing equations: We were way more ahead than my online chemistry class. Fantastic. I stared at the board with a blank face and the teacher turned towards me. "Oh! My I have forgotten we have a new student! You must be Vivienne Parker!" Damnit. Are you kidding me?

I waved quickly and continued to write down my notes. I turned to Otis, who was so into the lesson I had to snap him out of it." 

"Otis, are you understanding this? Well, of course you are you're a chemistry tutor right? I need help."

"Yes! I love balancing equations. Here, I'll show you how to do it. You're given an equation- the reactant on the left side and the product on the right. You have to get each atoms the elements have to equal the same on both sides." He continued to explain as I tried to keep up.

Before the bell rang, Mr. Anderson came up to our table with the biggest smile on his face. "Ms. Parker! You made friends with the right person. He's our smartest student. I suggest he tutor you in chemistry if you ever have any questions-besides asking me of course." He began laughing.

"Definitely, he has been helping the whole time with the lesson!" I smiled at Otis.

"Wonderful to hear! I can tell already you guys have a lot of 'chemistry.'" He chuckled to himself. "See you tomorrow!" 

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now