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Boyfriend? What was she talking about? More importantly- who was she talking about? 

Without hesitating, I called her.

"Mom! Hi, we need to talk. I got your text."

"Hi sweetie! This is so exciting! Tell me all about him. Where did you guys meet? At school or-?"

"Mom, I don't have a boyfriend. Who told you this?"

"I saw it online. That boy you were having lunch and leaving the studio with, who is he?"

Otis. Damnit. 

"What? No! He's not! Where did you find the pictures?" I shouldn't have been surprised, I had this coming. 

"They were uploaded not too long ago. Search your name under News and you should see it." 

"Okay, I'm going to figure this out. Just to be clear, we are friends, Mom. If anyone asks, we are not together."

Just as I was about to search my name, Camille texted me.

Camille: Did you hear the news? Otis is your new boyfriend. 

Me: Yeah, I heard. Help me fix this.

Camille: I'll see what I can come up with. See if Otis messages you about it.

I threw my phone across my bed, and lay there. I had to face it, Camille was right. What was I thinking trying to be friends with normal students at school? The only thing I was doing was invading someone else's privacy by putting them into a spotlight that they did not choose to be under. Maybe it was better that Otis and I parted ways after the Chemistry project. 

Suddenly, I got a message from Otis. 

otisslayer17: Hey, are you awake?

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now