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Otis must have seen Nick drop me off at school earlier, but how? 

"Otis what does that have to do with me being-"

"I figured. It's okay, you don't have to tell me who he is." He interrupted.

Now, I was more confused than anything. "Okay, you're being ridiculous, so let me answer please." I had no idea what I was going to say Nick was, so I winged it.

"Look, Nick is just one of my friends who offered me a ride to and from school since I was too tired to drive myself." 

He took a deep sigh and nodded, looking down at the floor. 

"I just think that you're mad at me for what happened." 

"I've told you Otis, I'm not mad. Even if I was, what does that have to do with a friend dropping me off at school?" I had to say it. 

He paused, staying quiet.

"Because I thought you were upset at me, so you were slowly going to leave and found another friend to replace me with. You haven't been the same, Vivienne." Now, his icy blue eyes were locked into mine. 

A small part of me wanted to break down. Oh if only Otis knew. If only he understood how complicated things really were at the moment, and how much more complicated they were about to get. 

"Otis you're the one who was mad last night when you bluntly replied that you were going to do the project on your own meaning you want nothing to do with me. so, who's really trying to leave here?" I crossed my arms.

Mr. Anderson walked in, closing the door behind him. "Good morning students! I hope you're all having a good day, let's get started, shall we?"

"We'll talk about this later." Otis whispered.

"I know you guys will hate me for this, but I figured it would be a well indication of whether or not you guys are understanding and studying the material so far." He began passing out small sheets of paper to each row. "This pop quiz is only 3 questions. Good luck!"

I looked at the quiz and realized I did not know two of the three questions. I was so caught up with work and everything in between that I hadn't even opened my Chemistry textbook. I looked over to Otis, who already began working.

I silently tried to get his attention, but he wouldn't lift his eyes off of his desk. 

Once he finally looked up, I pointed at my quiz indicating that he helped me with the two answers.

My phone suddenly lit up on my desk and Otis saw that it was a message from Nick. He looked over at me and back at his quiz, covering his answers.

I couldn't believe him.

"Ms. Parker, are you okay? No wandering eyes during the quiz, please." Mr. Anderson called from his desk. 

I looked back down at my paper, took a deep sigh and waited until he collected the papers from us.  

I was too upset to talk to Otis and stay at school, so I messaged Nick to pick me up during lunch rather than waiting until later. 

Nick was almost there, so I started walking towards the front of the school from the side of the building when suddenly someone grabbed my arm from behind. 


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