Visit Old Friends

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Pulling up to the curb, Jasmine and Sophie made it to Southampton. They both rushed through the frosty winds to buzz into the tower of flats. Pushing the elevator button to the third floor, both girls waited to get to their destination.

Knocking. Faith opened the door, squealing loudly, enough to wake the neighbours.

Faith hugged Sophie and Jasmine before Ellie arrived to see what the squealing was about.

Ellie exclaimed, "Oh my Gosh, I haven't seen you in ages. How have you been?"

Jasmine replied, "Yeah, we're good. What about you guys?"

Faith said, "We are good as well. Come in, come in."

Faith was the definition of black beauty. Her dark skin glowed, her heart-shaped face held all of her attractive features and her rounded lips had a lot to say.

Ellie's fair skin twinkled in their living room light. Her rosy cheeks and her upturned eyes always held joy and kindness. Her shoulder-length hair had the most magnificent waves, which flowed symmetrically.

Upon entering, the fusion of Faith and Ellie's personalities were on display; how their personalities were able to blend and work was shown in how their place allured to guests. Full of life was flat. Green, healthy plants were in the corners as well as at the side of the kitchen counter. Space was filled with white and grey furniture. The carpet, a pristine white as well as the walls. Ellie and Faith had gone for an open floor plan for the kitchen and the living room.

The couches were grey as well as the rug that laid before it. The onyx tv stood on a white stand to elevate it, to the right was a quaint dining table. Leading to the balcony was sliding doors, where Faith and Ellie would usually hang up washing during the day.

Sophie and Jasmine entered their home and took their shoes off to put beside the door when they were inside.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay here tonight," Sophie said.

"Yeah, of course, take your coats off and put it there." Faith instructed and pointed to a coat rack a few metres away from the door.

Ellie offered them a seat and set on making hot chocolates for the rest of the girls and herself.

Faith sat on a couch to the left of the couch Jasmine and Sophie sat on.

Faith asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

Ellie called from the Kitchen, "Faith that's rude."

Faith replied, "I didn't mean it like that Ellie! And they know that!"

Jasmine informed, "Ellie don't worry about it and we are here because someone was breaking into our flat, luckily we got away in time."

Ellie had finished making the hot chocolates and gave them out to the girls, who thanked her after giving the hot chocolate to them.

"Well, it's great that your here, safe. We missed you guys," Ellie said.

Faith introduced a new topic, "So, any boys in the mix or...?"

Jasmine let out a loud laugh, Sophie chuckled, Faith laughed with Jasmine and Ellie was left smiling but was completely clueless.

"What?" Ellie said."What happened?" She repeated.

Jasmine started, "Well, you know the story I told you in college, the one where when I was a little kid and I had a friend that moved away?"

Ellie and Faith nodded.

Jasmine continued, "Well, he came back a few days ago."

Sophie commented, "Yeah, and his friend, Leon, was with him. He was injured and they needed a place to stay. Not to mention Jasmine and Nikolas did some catching up if you get what I mean?" She moved her eyebrows up and down a couple of times so that Faith and Ellie caught on to what she was saying.

Faith laughed loudly and Ellie gasped as she smiled.

Embarrassed. Jasmine was utterly embarrassed. She wasn't angry at Sophie because she, herself, would have told the two girls anyway.

A couple of hours passed as the girls conversed and caught up with each other.

Until Ellie announced, "Me and Faith have lectures tomorrow so we are going to get some sleep. We will get somethings for you to sleep on."

Faith and Ellie got up and went into their rooms to get the girls something to sleep on as well as spare pyjamas.

Sophie was given stripy PJs and Jasmine was given a spotted pyjama top and bottoms by Faith, who had also had gotten the pastel-yellow blankets.

Ellie had gotten the earthy, green pillows. They had both worked as a team to make, make-shift beds on the couches, while their guests were getting changed and ready for bed in the bathroom.

They all said goodnight and proceeded to go to bed.

In the morning, Jasmine and Sophie got changed, packed away the makeshift beds as Ellie and Faith got up and made breakfast.

Sophie announced, "Jasmine and I need to go today. We probably need to change the locks after last night."

Jasmine added, "Or maybe the whole door!"

The four girls giggled. Faith said, "Let us pray that nothing bad happens to you."

"We hope you girls have a safe journey and call us when you get there," Ellie added.

Jasmine and Sophie nodded, taking their last bite of breakfast and brushing their teeth with spare toothbrushes given to them before leaving. Ellie and Faith hugged and waved them off as the car pulled away from the pavement.

Jasmine and Sophie had made it back to Cheltenham, back to their home. Only to find it looking like a police investigation.

Yellow tape, stopping all entry. The tape bordered in a semi-circle at the front of their door. Sophie had got out of the car first and saw one of their neighbours talking to the police. When Jasmine got out, she went straight to a police officer.

She asked, "What going on? Why is my home being closed off?"

Sophie had just come beside Jasmine to hear the policeman's response. Which was, "Well, one of your neighbours called, telling us that there was a break-in. He said that the person looked suspicious and had seen him days before, following you ladies."

Jasmine and Sophie looked at each other in shock and began telling the policeman what happened.

After a few hours, the girls were able to ward off the police. Not knowing the danger coming their way.

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