Letting Go Of Secrets

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A couple of days passed since the men arrived at Jasmine and Sophie's flat. They had been relaxing, laughing and nothing had happened throughout their stay. Both men had gone shopping for clothes to wear and essentials.

Sophie cooked dinner that day and Leon had helped cut up vegetables. Now claiming his leg was better even though Sophie had seen him limping a few times or hissing when his bandages needed changing. Jasmine and Nikolas had noticed Leon's attachment to Sophie but said nothing about it. Jasmine had thought, 'as long as she's not in harm's way then it is ok'.

Sophie put the soup into bowls and Leon handed the two bowls to Nikolas to give one to Jasmine, who was sitting on the couch watching The Umbrella Academy and had a blanket covering her legs.

Leon carried the last two bowls in his hand and waited for Sophie to sit down on the couch, before carefully handing it to her. Both men had chosen to sit on the floor and let the girls take the couch together they watched tv and ate until they had all finished.

Jasmine was washing the bowls and Nikolas was drying the partly soapy bowls when he had gotten a call and took it in Jasmine's room.

Sophie replaced him started to dry off the bowls.

Nikolas had come out of Jasmine's room and stood at the doorway of the corridor, fixing his gaze on Leon and flicking his head upwards, signalling for him to follow.

They headed back to Jasmine's bedroom and what Leon was about to hear would cause his day of happiness to end in misery.

Nikolas said in a strict tone, "One of the safehouses had been compromised and we need to get back to the rest of the mafia, ASAP."

Nikolas paced towards Jasmine's grey ottoman and sat down. His hands were on his head for a few moments, then they were clasped under his chin, all the while his foot was tapping.

He continued, "I don't understand. That safe house is well hidden is it not, how the fuck was it found?"

Leon breathed out, "I don't know, man but it's obvious the enemy is one step ahead of us. When do you want us to get back, boss?"

Nikolas decided, "We need to get there tomorrow, move all the families out of that place, take them somewhere else. Use the helicopters, planes, I don't care just as long as they are out of there. Understand?!"

Leon nodded, "Yes boss, I understand. I will call the third in command right now to tell him the plan."

Nikolas ended the conversation by muttering a small, 'good' and walked out of the room. Meanwhile, Leon got to work, figuring out their transport to the safe house as well as where they were going to house the different families in the mafia.

Nikolas had gotten rid of the anger and frustration built onto his face before setting foot in the living room, where he found both girls devoted to a different tv series on Netflix.

Jasmine noticed he had come into the living room and made space on the couch for him.

"Hey," she greeted, "Is everything okay?"

Nikolas contemplated whether or not to tell Jasmine of the present news. "Yeah, everything is good. I forgot to tell you but the men were able to escape the port, where Leon got shot."

Jasmine smiled widely at the good news. "I am glad."

Although the news was true, Nikolas didn't want to tell Jasmine about the bad news just yet. He didn't want to see her smile disappear when he told her he needed to go.

Changing the subject, Nikolas asked, "So, what are you watching now?"

Jasmine answered, "Anne with an e. It is so, so good. But I just want Anne and Gilbert to kiss already, like what are they waiting for, the world to end?"

Nikolas chuckled at her obsession. Sophie shushed her to hear what the characters are saying.

Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned into hours before Leon finally emerged into the living room and signalling (with a discreet nod) to Nikolas that the arrangements are done.

Nikolas knew what needed to be done. But procrastination persuaded him to hold off on telling Jasmine. Deep down, he knew what her reaction would be and he didn't want her to be worried or stressed about the situation.

Sophie had been taken into her room and was told by Leon that they need to go. She had acted like it was nothing and brushed it off, when deep inside she didn't want to Leon go. Although they had met each other a few days ago, it felt like they had known each other for years.

Leon, a little hurt by Sophie's reaction but thought 'it's normal we have only known each other for a few days.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jasmine had been famished, the soup not being enough, had finished cooking and eating a simple meal of fried red plantains and bean stew. Just as she was finishing washing up Nikolas came up from behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist and put his forehead on her shoulder.

His midnight brown hair draped down Jasmine's shoulder and his finger was spread widely across her stomach.

Jasmine laughed, drying her hands on a nearby kitchen cloth and putting them on top of his large ones, "Are you good?"

His head still on Jasmine's shoulder, Nikolas nodded a couple of times.

He breathed out, "I am going to miss you so much. I can't believe I found you only to leave again."

He resumed, "Most people in the mafia are at the same safe house, it was found and destroyed by another mafia."

Interrupting him Jasmine panicked, " Is everyone okay? What happened? Who is this 'other mafia'?

Nikolas carried on, "Don't worry too much about it. Everyone is safe, the alarms for the attack went off in time for everyone to get to underground bunkers. They kept everyone safe. But it means that I and Leon need to leave in the morning. I kept it away from you because I didn't want to worry you."

Jasmine was hurt because she wasn't told earlier but figured it was for a good reason. Beverley turned so her head laid on his chest and her hand gripped his muscled biceps.

Whispering she complained, "Next time just tell me what's happening, okay? No matter how you think I will react."

Nikolas answered quickly, "Yes of course. I am sorry, I kept it from you."

Jasmine took her head off of his chest to gaze up at him, her hand went from laying on his biceps to being in his soft, dark hair.

She muttered, "You're forgiven."

Jasmine's lips kissed Nikolas', he kissed her back straight away and sped up the pace they were going. Jasmine tugged on his hair to pull his head forward to deepen the kiss. After a while, they both released each other and their foreheads supported one another.

They held each other like this not wanting to let go of each other.

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