Bell of The Ball

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Entering the limousine on the apron, Jasmine, Nikolas and Orion made their way to the event. The heat was prominent and the evening winds stood still.

"Isn't it dangerous for us to go onto another mafia's territory or do you guys not have a thing about that?" Jasmine asked.

Nikolas glanced at her, turning away his brows creased in thought, "It's different for different mafias but the way I see it is if you don't cause trouble then there should be no problem with the other mafia entering the territory. In this case, you would have to think, why would another mafia invite other mafias to then not let them on the territory?"

"Well, when you put it like that..." Jasmine shrugged. Looked over at Orion, who was typing away on his phone. He had been paying attention to the short conversation and had smiled at Nikolas's last statement.

They finally arrived at their destination. Orion exited the car first and Nikolas followed behind adjusting his dark tuxedo and holding his hand out for Jasmine to grab.

As gracefully as possible Jasmine got out of the car, hand in hand with him they all walked towards the front door.

Before they could climb up the few stairs leading to the grand doors, they were all checked over for weapons. When the check was over the three began ascending the staircase, the handrail was full of intricate details and the warm tone colour matched the area the event was hosted in. This all led up to the door that gleamed as if it was cleaned every day, the swirls and patterns of the dark coloured door complimented the stairs with immense favorability.

Upon the grand doors, Nikolas knocked and gave his name.

They entered a hallway the size of a master bedroom, it was delicately decorated with the most beautiful eye. It was as if everything leading to the grand hall was there for a reason unknown to the guests.

At the end of the hallway, chatting and classical music arise from the very tall open doors. When they were upon the room, Jasmine gasped in amazement, chandeliers as colossal as the room itself hung on the ceiling, and waiters in long black and white suits were serving various items; some would serve small snacks and mini bits while others served drinks. To the left side was a bar where people conversed and ordered specific drinks. To the right were a few couches that some were sitting on, talking.

"Hola, Nikolas, how are you?" A tanned man approached the three and gave Nikolas a handshake. His accent was very thick.

"I'm good. How have you been?" Nikolas greeted.

"I've been good also." The man nodded to Orion in acknowledgement before Orion nodded back and walked away. "Who is this beauty?"

Jasmine had been looking around before having her attention drawn back to the conversation.

"She is my girlfriend, Jasmine." Nikolas turned to Jasmine and said, "This is Diego, we are business partners."

Jasmine's face turned from shock to a friendly smile as she held out her hand to shake but Diego had other plans. Taking hold of Jasmine's hand and turning it so the back was facing upwards and pecked it.

His touch lingered for a second too long and Nikolas took action by grabbing Jasmine's hand from Diego and saying, "That's enough."

Diego smirked knowing he had gotten under Nikolas's skin. "Possessive." Diego nodded, "Yep she's it for you."

Jasmine laughed a little looking at a slightly annoyed Nikolas.

"While you guys talk, I need to go to the ladies' room." Diego showed her where to go.

She started to feel as though she would throw up like she had felt earlier that day.

After emptying the contents of her stomach, Jasmine rinsed out her mouth and popped in some mints to get rid of the disgusting aftertaste. She touched up her makeup and looked herself over before leaving the bathroom.

She bumped into someone as she was strolling and putting something in her purse. "Sorry," Jasmine said, quickly without glancing at the stranger.

"What are you doing here?" The familiar voice spoke.

Jasmine recognised the voice and when she looked up at the face it only confirmed her suspicions.

"George! What are you doing here?!" Jasmine repeated unconsciously.

George crossed his arms. "I'm here representing the Russian mafia."

"Why?" Jasmine questioned knowingly.

George neared her before whispering, "I'm the leader of the Russian mafia. Why are you here?"

Jasmine blocked out everything George was saying, she thought back to all those times in England, the signs she didn't see:

"Running to Sophie's car, Sophie quickly got in to hide away from the cold winds of the night. However, just as Jasmine was about to open the door, her head turned only to see a figure in a dark jacket facing her, she couldn't see the face of the person because it was covered by the hood of the jacket, which was pulled down way too low for the figure to see anything."

"A shuffling and scraping outside the front door took away from the conversation.

Sophie switched off the tv and Jasmine looked at her signalling that they needed to go. She could feel something terrible about to occur.

The louder and louder the scraping got. Then, there was a loud bang at the door, which made the girls jump. The person outside was frustrated that they couldn't get in."

"Jasmine scanned for the men with the guns, who were on the opposite side to the girls. Ducking and jogging to the pillar she previously pointed to, she underestimated the distance between the pillars and the brightness of the men, she was seen and gunshots were fired.

She was the one they aimed at as Sophie went unnoticed. Sophie had her eyes closed and hands on her ears attempting to block out the horrendous racket and was sitting centre to the pillar (which hid her incredibly well).

Jasmine, giving up on the crouch and jog plan, sprinted to the pillar, she could feel the bullets close to the hills of her feet.

Just as she got behind the pillar, Jasmine stood diagonally as the bullets started to rain at her. She shook and would turn her head one side to the other every moment."

It was him all along, the one after her and Sophie, the one that designed and carried out all the attacks. Jasmine wanted to feel shocked but felt nothing.

Jasmine had worry marred her face as she was walking away from George, who had a permanent smirk as if to tease her that he knew something she didn't.

But what was it? What was George hiding?

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