Valid Justification

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Waking up from her nap, Sophie realised it was 10:00 at night. She saw the light in the bathroom glow at the bottom of the closed door and turned to see Jasmine's bed was empty.

Upon hearing the toilet flush, Jasmine stepped out, hunched over clutching her stomach.

"Are you good?" Sophie asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I am okay. Thanks for the hot water bottle, pads and paracetamol, I appreciate it." Jasmine responded.

Sophie nodded, "I am sure you would have done the same for me."

Sophie started after she paused, "I can make you another hot water bottle, I am sure standing up makes you feel nauseous. Have you taken the medicine yet?"

"Yeah I have but I guess they haven't kicked in yet or I could be immune to them." She chuckled slightly.

Sophie got out of bed to put the kettle on whilst Jasmine gingerly made it to her bed.

When she got to her bed, Jasmine made an effort to pull back the duvet and lay underneath instead of on top of it.

Scanning the room, Sophie found the remote for the tv that had been running for the duration of her nap.

Tranquillity filled the room as Sophie looked over to Jasmine and detected that she was watching a movie on her phone from the glow that Jasmine's phone emitted.

Sophie laid back in bed, then drifted off to sleep and eventually Jasmine followed after her.

Bright, luminous rays of the sun, made their arrival into the hotel room. Sophie had woken up first and stretched.

Glancing at the time, she had her breakfast and changed into clothes she had bought when she went shopping.

Jasmine's face was still squished against the pillow as soft, slow breathing still occurred and her face showing serenity.

Headed to her best friend, Sophie put the back of her hand on the hot water bottle only to be met with coldness. She proceeds to repeat the process of boiling water and filling the hot water bottle to give to her friend.

A couple of hours later, Jasmine awoke from her slumber and got ready for the day.

"Hey Soph, you good?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, what about you?" Sophie replied.

Jasmine nodded, "Yeah, I am good. Still have cramps though."

Sophie, concerned asked, "Do they hurt as much as it did last night?"

"They are not as bad as last night but it's still prominent."

Sophie informed, "I forgot to tell you but Leon called last night."

"Oh really, what did he say?" Jasmine asked, interested.

"That they should be coming soon but that was last night and now it's morning and they still aren't here," Sophie said, confusion laced in the last piece of information.

Jasmine had finally walked (barely) to her bed to sit at the edge. Her cramps were pulsing through her but she continued the conversation to distract her.

As Jasmine rubbed her abdomen she said, "Maybe they are with Orion or something. Should we check?"

Breathing out Sophie whispered, "Yeah, let's go." She switched off the tv she was watching previously before walking out of the room with her friend to the room beside theirs.

They knocked and Orion opened the door, welcoming them into the room. The tv was switched on and rambling, the purple curtains were drawn open and the layout was the same as the girls' but with only one bed.

Jasmine ambled to the bed and sat carefully on it, still in pain.

"How are you doing, Orion?" Jasmine spoke up.

"Yeah, I am doing good." He rubbed the back of his neck with the palm of his hand. "How are you ladies doing?"

Sophie nodded, "Yeah we are good."

Getting straight to the point Jasmine asked, "Have Nikolas or Leon called you? They said they were on their way but they aren't here yet."

"They had to sort a few 'business' things out but they should be here any moment," Orion said, gazing in confusion at a hunched over Jasmine as her arm wrapped around a hot water bottle.

Jasmine could see that it wasn't obvious to him what was going on with her and she kept it that way.

"Anyways so what were you up to?" Sophie changed the subjects and moved from her standing position and joined Jasmine on the bed.

"I was trying to find a movie to watch but then Nik called, he said he wanted me to do something so I am stuck doing that. I swear he thinks I am one of his flying monkeys." He chuckled, jokingly.

Jasmine and Sophie laughed with him.

"Well, maybe you should fly towards your master. As he commands so it is done, right?" Sophie added.

Jasmine giggled at Sophie's joke. "Aww Orion it's okay at least you're a paid slave, right. Better than nothing."

"Er, I think the phrase 'paid slave' contradicts each other, no?" He smiled. "Wow, and I thought I was dumb."

"Yeah, you're correct you are dumb." Sophie proclaimed.

Orion pouted and crossed his arms slowly in thought, "You're wrong. If I gave you a laptop to track someone down, you wouldn't be able to do it."

Jasmine gasped, sarcastically, "Orion,... that's why we have you." She turned back to the tv.

Laughter spread through the room and it was as if what happened the day before was just a simple memory.

After a few minutes of banter and laughing, Jasmine got up and returned to her allocated room. She told the two that she would be back in a few minutes.

The laughter left with Jasmine and the sound of the tv instead filled the space.

Sophie's mind was still clutching on the event that happened the day before and she couldn't contain the questions building within her.

"So you know yesterday, where were you?"

Orion looked at her confused and muttered out, "I told you, I went to the bathroom."

Sophie snapped her gaze to his and seriousness marred her face, "Where were you?" She emphasized 'really' to show to Orion that she knew that there was something that was not being said.

"I.." he shook his head. "I was answering a call, I am sorry."

"Ok, was it a call from Leon or something?" Sophie asked as curiosity sat on her shoulder pleading with her to find out who Orion was talking to.

"Um no actually...," Orion paused and his head bowed as he said, "It was the hospital, my brother is not doing too well and they called me saying that. I also have the hospital bill to still pay off. That's why I wanted to take the call privately."

"Orion, I am so sorry." Sophie put a hand on his shoulder to console him. "I didn't realise. I hope he gets better soon."

Just as the conversation ended, Beverley entered and they all continue to watch a movie on the tv.

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