Blast From The Past

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Warning: Sexual Content

Knock. Knock. Knock. Jasmine had arisen to the sound of knocking. Patting the space around her, in search of her phone; found, resting on the bedside table charging. She switches her phone on, which glared back at her half woken-half slept face, 1 am.

"Who the hell is..." more knocking interrupted her. She could hear footsteps against the carpeted floor in the corridor. Sophie, leaving her room to cure the question of 'who was at the door?'. Jasmine, herself threw her legs out of bed to run to her friend's aid, in case her safety was being tarnished.

The front door was opened while Jasmine quickly put her red kimono on to protect her from the winds of the morning that trespassed into the home, as she was coming out of the corridor into the front room.

Two men had pushed past Sophie. One of the men, injured and blood stained his jean trousers.

The other of the two men had his head down observing the other's leg and asked, "Can you lay something on the couch so my friend can sit on it?"

Jasmine sharply responded, " I don't know who you think you are. You just burst through the door and expect everything to be done for you. Get out of me and my friend's flat before I call the police!"

Sophie spoke timidly after closing the front door and walking up to her, "Um, I'm going to get something for the friend so that blood doesn't end up on the floors. We don't need our flat looking like a crime scene."

Jasmine nodded sharply to Sophie's suggestion when deep down she didn't want to help the strangers that stood on the threshold of her home and wanted to go back to her well-needed rest.

Words were about to spill out to the man again when Jasmine was interrupted by him.

"Wow, I didn't expect this to be the welcome I get for coming home. How have you been, baby?"

"I am not anyone's..." the man had finally looked up as if he was moving in slow motion. Recognition coated Jasmine's face.

It was Nikolas. His black hair was stained with brownish highlights, his ocean eyes shone with a cheeky glint. Jaw; defined and his skin was a subtle, olive tan. His broad shoulders protruding out of confidence and the black shirt he was wore was tight around his muscular body. He towered over everyone with his 6" 4 height.

Sophie had appeared with blankets and several towels to lay on the couch.

"Oh my gosh, Niko!" Jasmine exclaimed.

Nikolas' friend hopped and at times gingerly stepping on the wounded leg, to the couch with the help of Nikolas and now Jasmine who had rushed to help, Sophie held the towels in a sturdy position for Nikolas' friend to sit on.

"Damn Nik, if that was the reaction we were going to get, I wouldn't have, agreed to come here with you," Nikolas' friend laughed.

Jasmine had gotten the medical kit from a cupboard in the bathroom, only to hand it to Sophie. She had come back and noticed that both men's shoes were off and at the side of the wall near the front door.

Sophie asked shyly, "What's your name?"

The young man smirked, "Leon, but anyone as beautiful as you can call me whatever you like."

Leon had dark blonde hair, 6" 0 and was lean but muscular. He had a sharp jawline, pointed nose and forest green eyes.

Sophie giggled slightly to hide her cringing. Leon realised it and retaliated by chuckling.

Jasmine looked at the two conversings and then her attention was thrown to Nikolas speaking.

"Hey," he said harshly, "Do you have somewhere we can talk, privately?"

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