Expect The Unexpected

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Taking slow steps, Jasmine and Nikolas arrived in time for dinner to be served.

Orion was sat in the same place on the floor in front of the couch on the dark blue carpet, on it joined Leon and Sophie making a semi-circle around the couch. Jasmine and Nikolas sat on the couch.

In all of their hands, was the pasta bolognese that Sophie and Leon made. The homemade pasta, made by Leon, was inconsistent and some of them were crooked or weirdly shaped.

Everyone, sceptical to try it however Jasmine dug right in and the others waited for her verdict, "This isn't that bad." She looked up only to notice that everyone was staring at her. "What?" She said. "It isn't going to kill you, now eat." Proclaimed Jasmine.

Everyone tucked into their food, pleasantly surprised that Leon and Sophie's pasta tasted delicious.

They all chatted and laughed. Only joy was painted on everybody's faces, nothing could stop the atmosphere of happiness.

Orion finished his dinner and put his plate at the sink for washing up. He excused himself to go to the bathroom.

The two couples continued to talk and finish off their plates.

All of a sudden, a smash of the window was heard. Plates were put on the floor swiftly and Leon covered Sophie head, by tucking her into his chest.

A smoke bomb had entered the apartment, as it was located in the middle of freshly smashed window pieces that glimmered and glared in the living room light.

Smoke escaped from the small cylinder capsule. Leon carried Sophie bridal style and rushed out and Nikolas grabbed Jasmine's hand a ran outside behind Leon into the garden.

The smoke was spreading fast and Orion was still inside.

As soon as Nikolas was about to shout for Orion, Orion came out of the rising smoke coughing.

Everyone was now stood outside. Jasmine in shock, Sophie burying herself in Leon's comfort and Orion confused.

Orion broke the silence by whispering, "What the fuck happened?"

Leon replied, "Well it's obvious we were attacked."

Jasmine turned her head to Sophie and Sophie looked at her, both shaken by current events.

After waiting for a long time in the cold, getting whipped by the harsh winds, the smoke died down, it was as if it was never there in the first place. Nikolas said, "Don't follow me," as he went inside to check the damage in the apartment.

When Nikolas deemed it safe, he instructed the others to come in and to watch out for the broken pieces of window scattered on the floor.

Jasmine announced after a few minutes of glancing around the apartment, "We can't stay here. We are going to a hotel for the night guys and one of us needs to put cardboard or something where the window was. There is cardboard in the shed outside, I can go get it."

Nikolas sighed, "No, I will book the hotel," he turned to his two best friends, "Leon, Orion can you sort the window out." They both nodded and everyone got to work.

Nikolas's eyes lifted from his phone to see Jasmine, and Sophie still standing in the same place. He told them, "Jasmine, Sophie, why don't you go pack for the night? Take the things you think you're going to need. I and the boys have everything else covered."

Sophie headed to her room to do as Nikolas instructed, Jasmine stood momentarily to see that Nikolas' face was dead straight and in concentration at the same time. She turned and went into her room to start packing.

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