Perfect Mirage: Part 2

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Warning: Sexual Content

Hovering over the city, everything seems so minuscule as Jasmine gazed at the tops of buildings and down at the people walking below. After minutes of flying over the city, they were flying over blue seas.

"Where are we going?" Jasmine asked, confused because they reached the oceans. She was thinking 'what type of data needs us to go overseas?"

Nikolas smiled, continuing to fly the helicopter. "We are going to the beach, My love."

"Right, ok. Why would we need to take a helicopter to go to the beach?"

"Because Tesoro, why not." Nikolas laughed at the same moment Jasmine rolled her eyes.

He continued, "Also, I didn't want to be stuck in traffic." Nikolas shrugged.

Jasmine laughed loudly at Nikolas' nonchalant attitude.

An hour later, Nikolas was landing on a white sandy beach, he switched the engine off and climbed out. He opened Jasmine's door on the other side and helped her climb out.

"Welcome Tesoro," Nikolas said, his hand placed a firm hold on her lower back. He guided her to a specific place for the next surprise.

"Well, it's a nice beach, thank you for bringing me here," Jasmine spoke gazing into the sparkling sea.

"I mean if you only like the view then I should probably pack the picnic away."

Jasmine took what Nikolas said as a cue to turn around. She gasped as soon as she saw the wooden bench and table with an array of food. The vibrancy of the food colours complemented the bench.

They sat down to eat and talked about nothing in particular.

"So, Niko, how come no one else is on this beach?" Her curiosity took over her mind.

"I rented the island for the day. I didn't want anyone disturbing us." Nikolas said, taking a sip of his wine.

"Right." She laughed a little. She took a sip of her water before saying, "The sea looks nice, doesn't it?" She looked out onto the water.

"Yeah, I guess so but I'm not looking out at the ocean." Nikolas took another sip of wine.

"Of course you're not," she mumbled. "I think we should go for a swim." She swiftly got out of her seat and stood to take her jumpsuit off even before Nikolas could comprehend what Jasmine had said.

She had stripped down to her red lace lingerie and proceeded to meander to the sea. Nikolas was still sitting in shock at her confidence (and how amazing she looked) but was quick to join her in the idea, stripping down to his underwear and going into the sea.

On the way to the sea, Nikolas ran and picked Jasmine up over his shoulder continuing to run into the sea like a mischievous child.

They enjoyed themselves in the sea for hours and when the sun was slowly disappearing they watched it ooze out its tropical colours before going down for the day.

That then marked the end of the date. They got dressed and packed away their things, boarding the helicopter again and starting their flight back home.

Flying over the sea and the city, they finally made it home late into the night. Bodyguards could be seen guarding the territory.

The pitch-black darkness surrounded them like air as they practically ran into the house. Even though it was night, the weather was still very humid.

Nikolas and Jasmine were quiet when they made it to their room.

"Would you shower with me?" Nikolas pleaded.

"Yeah, sure." Jasmine started undressing again and Nikolas couldn't help but take in the intricate details of how the lingerie hugged her figure. It took almost everything in him to turn away and undress.

He tried to calm himself because his member stood to attention, unwilling to follow Nikolas' mental instructions.

Concentrated, Nikolas got the shower and shower gels ready for the late-night shower. Nikolas stood under the cold stream of the shower. Soon, he heard her stepping into the shower behind him.

"I enjoyed our date Niko. Thank you for this day." She smiled, sincerely grateful that he planned this day for her, grateful that he was willing to protect her, grateful that he loved her as much as he did.

Nikolas put the warm water on so that the stream would be cold no longer and shifted to put Beverley under the stream.

"Why is this warm?" She complained, turning the shower handle to cold, "It is hot as hell here and you want us to take a warm shower?"

"I didn't know, you wanted a cold shower," Nikolas said unconsciously as he looked longingly at the goddess in front of him. He bit his lip for a quick second before reaching for the shower gel.

Jasmine turned to face him and Nikolas could no longer control himself. He put down the shower gel to fulfil the urge to kiss her delectable lips.

Feeling his arm Jasmine was reminded of the tattoo he had there. She asked softly, "What does this mean?"

Nikolas spoke, "It's Omertà. It just means code of silence and code of honour. Everyone has this tattoo in the mafia."

Jasmine nodded as she focused on the other tattoo on the left pectoral, "What about this one?"

Nikolas glanced down at the tattoo and then at her. "That one is Mì Amore. It means my love. When I got that tattoo, it was you that I was thinking about, you that my heart needed. For too long I felt empty and when we reunited I felt whole again. You, Jasmine, are my everything, I put you on my heart because you're the only person it beats for. I love you."

Jasmine whispered, "I love you, Nikolas. More than you could ever imagine." Beverley stood on the balls of her feet to kiss his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck.

The kiss fastened and every built up urge Nikolas was feeling, now surfaced. In one swift movement, Nikolas was able to carry Jasmine hold her against the tiled wall while she opened her legs and encased them around Nikolas's waist.

Her core leaked with need, simultaneously, Nikolas' dick invaded her pussy. The rapid pounding was made by Nikolas and high pitched moans escaped her lips. Her right hand scratched his back, hard while the left tugged on his dark hair.

Nikolas' dick was quick to go in and out of her, nearing his finishing point. He quickened his pace and several groans and moans later they both came. When Nikolas came, he had already pulled out.

They both enjoyed the cool shower after their activities and climbed naked into bed.

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