A Little Visit

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The next morning, Jasmine woke up to a cold, empty bed. Her head laid next to a paper note, upon which it said: "I had to go to the office for an emergency, as soon as you wake up please meet me there and bring Sophie, Love you, Tesoro."

Jasmine sat up, leaning against the headboard as she read the letter. She sighed and got out of bed to have a shower. After her shower, she moisturized and opened the curtains to the floor-length windows only to see the tropical sun drying up all the rain that had fallen yesterday.

On her way to Sophie's room, Jasmine texted her to get ready because they were going up to the office building (that she only knew of since reading the letter, she thought to herself that it made sense because he was running a business after all but it would have been nice if he told her that earlier).

Sophie opened her door just as Jasmine was about to knock to make her presence known.

"Oh, hello. You ready?" Jasmine asked, adjusting her blue-tinted sunglasses on her head and putting her phone into her royal blue clutch.

Sophie took a glance at what Jasmine was wearing, "Don't you clean up well!"

Jasmine wore royal blue suit trousers with a white bodysuit and a royal blue blazer but of course, the golden accessories and her white heeled stilettos bought the outfit together.

Smiling Jasmine graciously took the compliment, "Thank you, Soph. You need to get ready as well so get to it." Jasmine encouraged Sophie. Flicking her hair, which was down, out of her face, she texted Nikolas quickly before entering the room.

After half an hour, the girls were ready to go.

"Leon left me the same note as well, I was about to text you but you texted first so." Sophie shrugged.

About to reply to Sophie's statement, Jasmine was interrupted by a guard.


"Yes?" Jasmine expressed, confused.

"Sir said to give the code to the garage, Maam. He also told me to give you this." A note was passed to Beverley, in it had the place Nikolas would be and the code as promised.

"Oh thank you ...?" Jasmine waited for the guard to say his name.

"Enzo, Maam."

"Thank you, Enzo. Which way is the garage?" Jasmine implored.

"That way and sir says to keep safe." The guard pointed left to an elevator at the end of the corridor.

The girls got into the elevator and pressed the button to the garage.

The doors opened when they finally got to their destination. Presented to them was lots of cars, all of the different models, colours and brands. Even Jasmine's car from England was in the mix.

Jasmine and Sophie wandered through the garage deciding which car to choose from. They chose the Audi R8, which was pure white.

Jasmine took the car keys that were hanging on the wall in front of the car and sauntered her way to the driver's seat and Sophie into the passenger's seat. She typed in the address and started the engine.

Soon automatic doors to the outside opened and Jasmine sped out of the garage onto the busy roads of Peru.

A few hours later, the girls got to the office building; it stood like a skyscraper, reaching the clouds, the building was sleek black and shone reflecting the rays of the sun.

The girls parked the car and paced out of the car. With every step, they took transmitted confidence. Boss ladies confidence.

Jasmine locked the car while sauntering away and put her sunglasses over her eyes. Next to her was Sophie, who was wearing grey high waisted office shorts, a white spaghetti strap top and a matching grey blazer. To add to the look she wore silver jewellery, white pumps and had a wide grey clutch.

Sophie's hair was up and her long brown hair bounced with each step she took.

They strolled into the building and all eyes were on them, those of disgust, admiration, jealousy and lust.

Making their way up to the front desk, Jasmine removed her sunglasses before saying, "Hi," the receptionist ignored her. "Can you tell Nikolas Gallo that I have arrived please?"

The receptionist chewed her gum and kept typing and ignoring the two ladies. When she finished in her own time she looked up.

"How may I help you, Ma'am?" The receptionist spoke as a plastic smile made its way onto her face.

Jasmine illiterate not wanting to start anything, "Can you tell Nikolas that I am here please? He is expecting me."

While this was happening Sophie had texted Leon that they were in the lobby of the office and what was currently happening.

"Yeah, I just checked, he's busy. Come back later." The receptionist chewed her gum loudly and glanced at Jasmine and Sophie up and down.

"Have we met?" Jasmine asked with a neutral face.


"Have we met before?" Jasmine repeated in a deadly tone.

The receptionist was confused when she answered, "No, I don't think so."

"Great." Jasmine laughed and turned to Sophie, who was still texting Leon updates of the current situation, "Isn't that great, Sophie?"

Sophie perked up, smirked at her dramatic best friend and nodded her head. She looked back at her phone and told Leon to come and get them because otherwise, someone was about to get into a fight.

Jasmine turned back to the receptionist and spoke so softly that it was almost fatal, "I am sick of people like you thinking they can have some attitude with me just because they can so let me tell you something..." Jasmine made sure to connect eyes with the receptionist, "When my friend and I walk in here, I want you to treat us with nothing but the same respect I give to you. Spit out your gum into the bin!" The receptionist obeyed and did what Jasmine said. Jasmine continued, "If I ever walk in here and I see you chewing and looking me up and down like you just did a minute ago, you will be fired. You need the money don't you?" The receptionist nodded "Well start working like you do."

When Jasmine finished a hand landed on her shoulder, she made eye contact with Nikolas. He inquired, "What's wrong, Tesoro? What happened?" He glanced from her to the receptionist.

Jasmine smiled and turned to him, "Oh nothing. Just a misunderstanding but I think it has been cleared up now." She turned to the wide-eyed receptionist and said, "Right?"

The receptionist nodded as she turned back to her screen to type away.

Nikolas and Leon guided the girls up and into their offices.

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