Calm Before The Storm

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A couple of days after the call, Jasmine was quick to forget it. She and Sophie had focused on their studies so time was minimal to be thinking about the mysterious phone call.

In Jasmine's car, sat both girls going up the familiar route. The sky was a clear, aqua colour and the sun made its emergence. The road that afternoon was clear and fields of green grass gleamed like mini icicles.

They had finally got to their destination. Jasmine waited patiently for Sophie to step foot on the pavement. When Sophie said her goodbyes, she started walking to the entrance of the university while Jasmine drove to her part of the university, got out and entered the building.

Jasmine made it to her classroom, which was half empty, a few students scattered the lecture room either typing or observing their notes. She climbed up the stairs to sit in the middle row and waited for the lecturer.

While she waited, a young man came up to her, his name, George.

"What do you want, George?" Jasmine sighed.

George had always had an interest in Jasmine. He was handsome but was not Jasmine's ideal man. His blonde hair lied flat on his head and draped over one of his eyes, which he constantly brushed with his fingertips to see clearly but would end up in the same position. It fit his face shape which was round and athletic. His body was quite muscular but not too muscular for his 5"8 height.

George shrugged, "Why? Can't I sit here?"

Rolling her eyes, Jasmine replied, "Yeah, you can but I'd rather you didn't."

George was hurt but of course, he wouldn't let it show. He had never been rejected by anyone but Jasmine, and he knew he had to get her. The beauty that emanated from her was too powerful for him to pass to the next guy.

George replied, "Well unless it is reserved for someone then I guess I will be sitting here for the lecture!"

Jasmine exaggerated a groan to show her annoyance but said nothing and turned away from the nuisance.

During the lecture, George would try to throw flirty comments towards Jasmine, the problem was she wasn't catching, she threw it back in his face. In the end, George was washed over with embarrassment but didn't want to give up he still had hope and thought he had a breakthrough with her.

Excited that the lecture had ended earlier than usual, Jasmine quickly zipped through the lecture room getting out of an awkward situation with George.

Jasmine picked up Sophie so they could make their way home.

Sophie started, "How was your day?"

All that Jasmine said, "Urgh, George."

Immediately Sophie knew what Jasmine was talking about and laughter broke out between them.

As soon as the girls got home, they took their shoes and coats off only to go into their bedrooms and change into their uniforms for work.

They both had gotten ready in a couple of minutes, putting their shoes and coats back on and on their way out, each grabbed a snack.

Running to Sophie's car, Sophie quickly got in to hide away from the cold winds of the night. However, just as Jasmine was about to open the door, her head turned only to see a figure in a dark jacket facing towards her, she couldn't see the face of the person because it was covered by the hood of the jacket, which was pulled down way too low for the figure to see anything.

Swiftly, Jasmine opened the car door and sat in. Sophie was completely oblivious to the situation. Jasmine turned a little to strap herself in the seat, when she lifted her head she had realised something strange. The figure was completely gone from the pavement it stood on.

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