No Disrespect

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Meeting up with Sophie, Jasmine made her way to the kitchen. The kitchen was very different to the ones at the Italian safehouse, the walls were tanned tiles in rows and the table that had a range of different breakfast foods was a little smaller than that in the Italian safehouse. The flooring was similar, white tiles with black accents creating a marble look.

When Jasmine and Sophie entered the kitchen they were greeted by the staff, who would say 'hello' and bow their head slightly, they replied to as many people as they were able.

They both fixed themselves a plate and sat at the island, talking about nothing in particular.

"I heard from Sarah, in my course, that George wasn't attending university anymore," Jasmine said with a shrug. "I just wish he left when I was able to attend the course lectures." Jasmine took a sip of her green tea and Sophie took a bit of her toast.

"Maybe it's a coincidence." Sophie changed the subject, "How was your date with Nikolas?"

"It was amazing." Jasmine gushed. "We took a helicopter to the beach and had food and stuff."

The moment Jasmine told Sophie the details, Agnella had been outside the door listening in on the conversation. Her hate like water being stopped by a dam and more water is added, the dam on the verge of collapsing.

"Aww, so cute. I am glad you had a nice time." Sophie smiled. She finished her food and started to put her plate away.

Jasmine reminisced about the day she had yesterday before she finished her tea and put it near the sink for washing.

Agnella decided it was time to saunter her way into the kitchen.

As soon as Jasmine turned from the kitchen sink, her gaze met Agnella and immediately knew that trouble was about to arise.

"So, I heard you went on a date with Nik." Agnella started.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and said genuinely, "Ok and what about it? Don't start anything petty, Agnella, I am not in the mood."

"Oh please, you're the one that carries so much tension anyway. All I said was that I heard you went on a date with Nik!" Agnella said with animosity.

"Yeah, I know what you said, I am not deaf. I-"

Agnella interrupted Jasmine, "Well, you sure act it."

Sophie interjected, "Don't speak to my friend like that, just because you're jealous doesn't mean you need to attack her. You don't know her and you don't know her and Nikolas's relationship so leave her alone and if you have a problem with that, go talk to your BOSS." She emphasized the word 'boss' to show Agnella that she needed to stay in her lane.

Jasmine nodded, "Exactly."

"I'm sorry, who are you? Another irrelevant person that Nik decided to bring along." Agnella aimed at Sophie.

Offended, Sophie started to walk slowly towards Agnella, as if she was a tiger about to pounce on prey.

Jasmine stopped her even though her action went unseen by Agnella.

Agnella continued, "I am not jealous of you. You don't even have anything that I would want. So don't have an attitude with me, Cagna. You are the help, this mafia is helping you, Nik is helping you. I could get you sent away with the click of my fingers. So don't underestimate me. I-"

"No, YOU don't underestimate ME." Jasmine now intercepted, "I don't know who the hell you think you are. Don't come here starting something and insulting us as if you're a greater being. Take your petty, jealous arse somewhere else and go away Agnella because nobody called you in here!"

Jasmine and Sophie left the kitchen.

"I need to do my essay for English. I will see you later, ok?" Sophie informed Jasmine.

Jasmine nodded, "Yeah we can talk later."

Both girls went their separate ways. Jasmine aimed for Nikolas' office annoyed about the conversation she, Sophie and Agnella had.

Knocked at the door, she was told to come in.

Stepping into the office, Nikolas said while working, "The same goes for my office in Italy, you don't have to knock when you want to come in."

Nikolas seemed busy and Jasmine felt as though she was intruding, "You look busy, I will come back later."

"No, no, no, come here Tesoro. I was just typing one last thing." Nikolas voiced, "I am having a break anyway, come sit."

Jasmine sighed thinking she was bothering him with her presence. She sat down on his lap and he pulled her in closer by the waist.

He took a good at Jasmine's features making sure to ingrain every blemish and every crease into his mind because it reminded him of how much he loved her. Nikolas unconsciously kissed her shoulder and let his lips linger before asking, " What's wrong love?"

"You know that I said that I had Agnella 'under control' or whatever but some of the things she says just gets to me and I don't even know why. I am just tired of her coming up with new ways to attack me." Jasmine spoke depleted.

"I am so sorry, Tesoro. Please try not to think too much about it. A mind as beautiful as yours shouldn't be thinking about discouraging words." Nikolas kissed her cheek and brought her head inwards to rest on his chest.

While Nikolas rocked his office chair side to side using his feet, stroking Jasmine's soft cheek as she closed her eyes, relaxed, he was planning on a way to stop Agnella. The words he had spoken to her last time was not enough to scare her into submission.

Nikolas's thought ran wild with different means of warning Agnella.

"Hey, Jasmine, I forgot, I needed to do something," Nikolas announced after minutes of soothing silence.

Jasmine nodded, "That's ok, I have an assignment anyway so I should probably get to it."

She got up and kissed Nikolas before leaving.

Nikolas left his office on a mission, usually, he would send someone else to do the job but this one he needed to do himself.

He made it to the west wing of the house and on his way there he saw the person he needed to see. Conveniently for him, no one else was in the corridor.

"What did you say to my girlfriend?" Nikolas got straight to the point.

Agnella acted as innocent as possible, "I don't know what you mean."

Nikolas was offended that she thought him to be unintelligent, "Do not test me, Agnella. Since you don't want to admit it, I will just tell you. Leave her the fuck alone. Don't touch her, don't breathe the same air as her, just stay the fuck away from her, understand?"

"No, I don't understand. You're supposed to be with me, You're supposed to love me. You loved me before you reunited with her. She changed you." Agnella spoke with sincerity.

"I never loved you, even when I tried for my father's approval. My heart never belonged to you, I am sorry that you feel hurt by this." Once that was said, Nikolas changed his tune, "The minute I find you bother Jasmine again, you will be stripped of any power you hold in his mafia or even I'll put a bullet between your eyes."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Agnella shook slightly at the threat and started to breathe in panic.

"It means if you want to be disrespectful then you can go back to Italy and become homeless. Remember Agnella, you need me, I don't need you." Nikolas spoke so softly that the words came from his tongue as deadly as a python.

Nikolas was about to turn away but Agnella uttered, "Your father won't approve. Just-"

Ringing, Nikolas picked up his phone and turned away from Agnella to deal with the business call and made his way back to his office.

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