Goodbyes And Bad Luck

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The morning after, it was time for the two men to go. Nikolas tried to prolong his stay but soon time caught up to him and Leon reminded, "Come on Nik we need to go."

Nikolas had been sitting on the couch with Jasmine watching an episode of Anne with an e. His arm was around Jasmine's shoulder with a blanket covering their legs.

Nikolas pleaded, "Just a little longer." This was muffled as he buried his head into Jasmine's neck.

Jasmine smiled, "Niko, as much as I want you here, you need to get back to the rest of the mafia."

Nikolas sighed and still held on to Jasmine a little longer, "Fine, let's go, Leon."

Jasmine and Sophie walked the men to the door. Sophie hugged Leon and told him, "Be safe, okay?"

Leon nodded into Sophie's shoulder.

Jasmine hugged and kissed Nikolas on his cheek, then went to hug Leon.

Waiting for them was two black SUVs, the windows were backed out. They were parked one in front of the other and both men walked towards the one behind, Nikolas' SUV, the other full of bodyguards.

Both girls waved goodbye as the cars drove off into the distance.

Sophie closed the door to the flat and said, "I am going into my room to do an assignment and then at 2:00 in the afternoon we need to go to the university."

Jasmine replied, "Yeah, okay. Do you want to eat before we go or should we come back and eat?"

Sophie declared, "We should eat after, I don't feel hungry right now."

Jasmine said, "Yeah that's fine. I am going to go into my room too. Set an alarm for when we need to get ready to go to the university. "

Sophie murmured an 'okay' and Jasmine left the living room.
Both girls had gone into their rooms to prepare for university and do assignments.

When it was time to go Sophie and Jasmine got dressed and got into Jasmine's car, to then drive off.

They had arrived at the university and Jasmine already dropped Sophie off at the part of the university she was taking English.

Meandering into class, Jasmine sat in the same middle row she had always sat in and waited for the lecture to start. The room was half empty as the class didn't start until 15 minutes.

As always George was there to annoy Jasmine.

"Hey," George greeted.

Jasmine rolled her eyes discreetly and muttered, "Hi."

"So, how have you been?" He asked.

"I have been good, what about you?" Jasmine was looking down at her phone and texting Nikolas.

George awkwardly replied, "Yeah I am good. So listen, I would like to take you out on a date...?"

Jasmine laughed at a message Nikolas had texted and mumbled, "Ok?"

George asked again, "So would you like to go on a date with me?"

Jasmine amused by Nikolas' texts that she didn't comprehend what George had said.

George snatched the phone from Jasmine's hand and held it above his head, Jasmine was shocked by George's change in mood.

George said in a low, threatening voice, "You didn't answer my question. "

Upon his face, a deadly frown was born and the anger in his eye told Jasmine to say yes.

But instead, Jasmine retorted a resounding, "No, sorry my boyfriend wouldn't like that!"

She took her phone back and George snarled, "Boyfriend?" He was hurt more than he liked to admit, he had missed his chance.

The class was about to start and Jasmine had turned to the front of the classroom, ready to write down notes.

A solemn George stared at her in disbelief for the whole lecture.

When class was over he practically ran out of the lecture room.

Jasmine had picked up Sophie and they both drove home.

For dinner, Sophie made shepherd's pie. They enjoyed the meal in front of the tv and talked about their day.

"He was so sure that, that was the right answer," Sophie laughed, "after that, he started turning red. He was so embarrassed and to be honest I was embarrassed for him. But serves him right for being a know it."

Jasmine chuckled, "Be careful, Sophie, just because Harrison said the wrong answer doesn't mean that karma won't come to bite you in the bum."

Sophie stopped laughing and then looked at Jasmine for a moment. "Nah, I am ready for karma because laughing at him is so worth it." She laughed and Jasmine joined her.

After Sophie had calmed down she asked, "How was your day? I am sure George had something to say?"

Jasmine sighed and pouted her lips a little, "He had a few things to say actually. He asked me if we could go on a date but I am not going to lie I was rude to him because I practically ignored him by texting Niko. I didn't answer him the first time and he asked me again and when I still didn't answer he got angry, like, to the point where he took the phone from my hand. He held the phone over his head and said I didn't answer his question." She paused.

"I told him no, my boyfriend would like that and he gritted his teeth. It was so weird because I have never seen that side of George. Ever."

Sophie whispered, "Woah, that's an experience. Some friendly advice, you should stay away from him."

Jasmine replied, "Yeah definitely. Wouldn't want him to..."

A shuffling and scraping outside the front door took away from the conversation.

Sophie switched off the tv and Jasmine looked at her signalling that they needed to go. She could feel something terrible about to occur.

Louder and louder the scraping got. Then, there was a loud bang at the door, which made the girls jump. The person outside was frustrated that they couldn't get in.

Jasmine and Sophie put their shoes on quickly, took their coats and headed for the sliding doors. As soon as they were in the back garden, they rushed out of the gate and sneaked from there to Jasmine's car, which was parked away from their flat.

The girls ran to the car, Jasmine had gotten the keys out of her coat pocket, which she had always kept there due to laziness of taking them out and putting them in the bowl on the counter, and opened the door swiftly.

When both girls were in they drove off. There was a beeping noise telling Jasmine to put her seat belt on and she did so while one hand was on the steering wheel.

Both girls could finally breathe. Jasmine had parked outside of a Mcdonald's and was set on calling Nikolas. While Sophie was trying to find a place for them to stay.

Jasmine had tried and tried calling Nikolas but the answerphone said that the number was incorrect and that she should try again later.

He had changed his number for whatever reason and hadn't told her. Jasmine was annoyed at this but said to Sophie, "He's not answering. Have you found a place for us to stay?"

Sophie replied, "Yeah, Faith and Ellie said they wouldn't mind that we stayed around theirs for the night."

Jasmine was shocked, "I haven't talked to them in forever. Guess we should start making our way to Southampton then."

With that, they started their 2 hours and 45-minute journey to Southampton.

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