Rule 20&21

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Chapter 11
Oct 12,2018

"So how are you holding up?" I asked Mila as she sighed and sat on the edge of my bed.

"To be honest I'm counting down and hoping dont nothing fall through with them coming home," she said and looked at me.

I bit my lip and sat next to her.

"I know how you feel a little," I said as I watched her bend down and place this black ankle sock on.

She had went to her crib and grabbed some clothes before she came over. Not like it was far it was literally a couple houses down from us.

"What did you do?" She asked me.

I sighed.

"You mean what do I do?" I said and chuckled.

I looked at Mila and smiled.

"I know she will always come back. I don't know in what shape. But she always comes back and comes back breathing," I said and smirked.

"I know it's nothing I can do. I just gotta pray that this is the last thing she needs to be at peace... or the next one ,"  I said and looked down at my hands.

"It's something we can't help them work out and can't understand why they do what they feel they need to," I said and looked at up at Mila.

I watched as she smiled and her dimples deepened.

"It's not meant for us to understand right away. It's meant for us to support. Understanding can come later," she said.

I laughed she sounded like Raines ass. Wise ass old man.  She chuckled and nudge me lightly. I relaxed at her scent of lavender and the freshness of whatever body wash this was take over my body.

"Rule 20 and 21," she said and bit her bottom lip.

I raised my eyebrow.

"I need a damn rule book," I said and laughed.

"I gotchu," she said as she stood up.

"Imma hold you too it. I need some rules for DJ," I said.

"I'll show you how to tame that. She ain't that bad," she said.

I watched as she placed this beanie on her still semi damped curls. She looked at me and winked as she stretched out her hand.

"Come on Sin. I'll give you a few tips real quick," she said as I grabbed her.

I looked at her and blushed as I thought about the softness of her lips during such and aggressive kiss. I felt my clit jump just remembering how that kiss sent me over the edge. I wanted another one but I doubt it would happen. I actually wanted to taste her. I chuckled as I stood up.

"What you laughing at?" She asked me as we made our way out the room.

"Mmm just remembered that kiss you gave me," I said as she chuckled.

I watched as she bit her lip.

"I can't lie it was nice. You got some nice ass lips," she said and giggled.

"I think they liked it too," I said and laughed as I nudged her.

"Can I tell you something," she said as we reached the basement door.

"What is that?" I asked her as my eyes locked onto her hazel green ones.

She was so damn gorgeous but has no idea how much so. Which made her even sexier.

"If me and Stormie were still engaged. I definitely would of like to taste you," she said and winked at me.

I groaned and let out a sigh. She laughed and nodded towards the door. Rainie got her a real proper freak. Much better then those other ones. She was actually a good person too so that made her even sexier.

"I guess we just gonna have to try again next time," I said.

She laughed and shrugged her shoulders. I ain't for sharing but I'm willing to risk it.

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