Turned 9: Postpartum

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"Audrey, her name will be Audrey." I whispered to the doctor who delivered my baby. I passed out for a good five hours after giving birth to my daughter. Philip being Philip, he went out hunting boar to distract himself from the fact that he's going to be a father today. He hasn't returned yet since I went on labor.

I woke up feeling awful as hell. My tummy feels empty yet it still looks a bit loaded. My womanhood has been ripped and sewed. I know all mothers who've undergone labor know how it feels to give birth. It felt more like I'm pooping out a baby but through my vagina. Painful yet the gift overwrites it so I was basically laughing while giving birth to my daughter. It's not funny at all.

It took a while for me to fully recover. Days and months have passed me by. Empty... I was empty... Philip has grown wary of my behavior towards everyone. I've given the task to my maidens to take care of my baby.

In the same room where Maleficent used to sleep, staring at the sky where we fell. I'm lost in my own thoughts most of the time. It came to a point that I almost jumped from the tower, thinking Maleficent would come and save me.

I forgot that I've rebuilt the palace to protect Maleficent from being taken away. I forgot that I've asked my engineer to install a safety net around the building anywhere with a high window. So I didn't die. Fuck my luck.

The thought of going to the moors to see her keep coming around in my head. Even walking felt so heavy. I wasn't really thinking about anything but her. My resolve to move on from Maleficent before has gone to that same void she left in my heart, all the words of dismissing her from my heart, gone.

I searched to her old palace and she was not there. I gathered the animals to help search for Mal. Talking to these creatures is one of the gift that I really didn't need but I'm thankful that I can use it to my advantage today. Pretty bird could really help me out in here but I believe his loyalty belongs to her.

Little blue bird came to tug my cloak to a dangerous direction of the moors. I remember this was the cliff that I fell upon when fairy godmother saved me with the branches.

"No, no!" I protested, "There's a cliff right next this—ahhhhh!!" Fucking deer pushed me to the cliff.

Hmm... I was gonna die alone and yet I don't feel any remorse.

I had an idea that maybe things will be the same. It was déjà vu. The branches came to magically wrap around me and put me down to a cave right below the cliff. It was that same magic, same warmth of Maleficent's curse.

My heart squeaked when I saw Maleficent slowly look up at me holding a baby in her arms.

The baby looked pale but she didn't have horns like Maleficent's. I didn't care whose baby it is. I came here to see her.

"Why are you here?" she said.

"I—I came by to see how you were doing..."

She looked at me with disbelief, which I couldn't figure if it was hatred or anger. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure that you're—" I didn't know what to say.

"You didn't come here to see how I am." She paused, "You came here to see how you are. Because you know what you did, you want to make sure you're okay."

"I kept you safe for three years, Fairy godmother."

"Don't use rational thought as a defense with me, not after all you and I have seen. Aurora, you and I live and breathe madness every day on this crazy world. There is no rational thought. I can't pretend to have a conversation about anything else with you. What it comes down to is faith. What I was hoping you'd say was, "I gave up on us, I lost faith." But what you came here for was closure, and there is not a chance you are getting that from me. I'm not gonna say I understand. I'm not gonna sympathize with you, and tell you how hard this must be for you. But you wanna know how I am? I am horrible! Beastie, I am ripped apart." She took a deep breath.

"And not because I lost you... But because if it had been me..." She looked at me. "I would've waited. I would've found the cure. I wouldn't have given up on you. And now I realize what an absolute waste that would've been."

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